Friday, July 20, 2018

Liberals and the Law

With the recent escalating run of events in the news about liberals passing laws which have been, or are being, challenged in the courts it's obvious to me that these people's ideology cares nothing about legal precedent or rule of law.

Here's a perfect case in point; one among hundreds over the past several years.

How anyone on the left, or center, of the political spectrum can argue that this is not what they're doing is apparently devoid of any sensible reason, or logic. Having watched Tucker Carlson's nightly show, for instance, ever since it began a few years ago, has made it clear to me that the left's M.O. is to not answer the question asked, but to use counter points, emotion, and count on the ignorance of the audience about the topic to combat the counter point.

The concept of freedom is bastardized into meaning "I can do whatever I want, with no one telling me I can't, regardless of the action." in their world. In other words, forget any kind of morality in society. The concept of citizenship in our country is one of globalism and a border that does not exist because that would be racist. The idea of law and order are out the window because it is counter to their ideology that nationalism is a positive one that protects the citizens of a country.

Consider the following video of an interview of the Polish Prime Minister answering questions from a European news show about immigration as a comparison:

As Hannity keeps pointing out on his show, the liberal/socialists don't want to propose anything that will improve all citizen's situation. Instead, they want to:
  • Rescind the tax cuts
  • Impeach President Trump
  • Keep Obamacare
  • Block Supreme Court Nominees
  • Have Open Borders

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Major Cities of the U.S.

Finally, someone has pointed out concisely what has been obvious to me and many others for years now.

What do you think the common thread is among the prominent cities in the U.S.?

It's been pointed out using the more obvious city of Detroit in the past; comparing it to the reverse circumstance of Hiroshima, Japan. While Hiroshima was bombed out with the first ever nuclear detonation in 1945 to help end WWII, Detroit was the shining jewel of the mid-west that same year.

Now, Detroit more recently has parts which look as though it was hit with a nuclear detonation of its own, while Hiroshima is the shining jewel.

Nick Kangadis, of MRCTV, explains the common thread between the major cities in the U.S. today and their deplorable condition. I know... I've had to deal with the homeless just getting to work & at where I work downtown; tents, RVs, lean-tos, stench, filth, needles, alcohol, vomit, pan-handling, etc.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Your Tax Dollars Are Paying For THIS!

If this type of advertising by Planned Parenthood, which is funded by our tax dollars, doesn't illustrate the level of depravity our culture has stooped to, then please, show me what is.

Pundit Gateway has posted a video of the ad at this link of their site. Watch - you must scroll down the page to find it - and see if you don't agree that this is outrageous and despicable.

Is the FCC going to allow such a vulgar ad to air in New York?

What's even more infuriating to me is that, as the article points out, Congress fully funded P.P. in its 2018 budget!

Is Trey Gowdy A "Mole"?

This news, especially for me as someone who's considered Rep. Trey Gowdy as A.G. material, is very disturbing because of the points made in this article from Need To Know.

There are two pieces of information on this page which are a video from a recent interview of Gowdy on Face the Nation, and an audio clip from Mark Levin's radio show about him. I urge you to watch the first, then listen to the second of these pieces of information about Gowdy.

After watching and listening to them myself - and I must provide full disclosure here, I am a big fan of "The Great One" as Sean Hannity likes to call him - I'm seeing Gowdy in a different light now because I find it difficult to argue against the points Levin makes about him.

How about you?
= = = = = = = =
Here's what one friend replied with directly to me:

I think Gowdy is "controlled oppostion".  He makes a lot of noise, and people cheer, but nothing ever gets done (Benghazi).The last straw was just recently when he came out AGAINST impeaching Rod Rosenstein, despite lots of GOP wanting to do so.  IMHO, he exists to lead conservative anger and energy away from the targets.
Also, as a "people reader", I think that Gowdy has a very flat affect to his face.  He seems to have only one expression, total.  Also, his eyes seem lifeless, with no spark behind them.
Interesting that after a lifetime of clawing his way up the political ladder, with his party firmly in charge of everything, he suddenly decides to resign and "pursue his legal career".

The Facts Our MSM Refuses to Report

This post Helsinki, Finland madness by both the MSM and our nation's obviously corrupt Intel community is, to say the least, amusing for us who know the truth they refuse to report about and admit exists.

Take Sean Hannity's Opening Monologue for yesterday, July 17th.

If you watched it, you already know what I'm referring to here. For those who've not had the chance to, I provide a link to it here so that you can, and decide for yourself whether the MSM and the Intel community have gone totally berserk. It's well worth the time - 17+ minutes. And... there's also the not so well known truth about former CIA Director, John Brenan who's been saying pretty astounding things about Pres. Trump after the summit in Helsinki.

For a different perspective on this topic, I suggest checking out this video blurb from Lt. Col. Allen West's commentary as well.Then there's Tucker Carlson's opening commentary on his show just yesterday speaking about the direction our democracy is headed if the MSM and the "Deep State" has its way.

Footnote: I highly recommend seeing my previous post on what Putin mentioned in the presser in Helsinki about the $400K in funds sent to the Hillary campaign; it's a real eye opener on why the Intel community is going nuts about Trumps remarks and behavior in Finland.

Putin Reveals Who's Behind Meme of Russian Collusion

Well, it seems that, once this is validated, the "cat is out of the bag" to coin a phrase. This revelation tells us the Intel community/Deep State has been behind this whole "Russian collusion" meme as a way to shift blame to Trump because they are afraid of what he - being unexpectedly elected instead of Hillary - intends to do; dismantle the long standing control of the national policy apparatus on foreign policy... especially with Russia.

Read the details here

However, according to Dick Morris, there's more to this story than what Putin has disclosed in Helsinki. It seems there a lot of corruption being disclosed in this story.

America's Hunters

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion: There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin...
Allow me to restate that number: 600,000!            
         Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the 8th largest army in the world.            
(That's more men under arms than in Iran. More than France and Germany combined.)          

These men, deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, And NO ONE WAS KILLED.
                That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania's and Michigan's 700,000 hunters,    

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia, and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.  And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states. It's millions more.

              ________  The point?  ________                             America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower!    
Hunting... it's not just a way to fill the freezer.    
    It's also a matter of national security.
That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.   Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.  Overall it's true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don't possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain...

What army of 2 million would want to face 30 million, 40 million, or 50 million armed citizens???   
For the sake of our freedom, don't ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.     
I feel good that I have an army of millions who would protect our land, and I sure don't want the government taking control of the possession of firearms.     

AMERICA!    Designed by geniuses.  Now run by idiots.
Armed legal citizens are not the problem!