Here's a perfect case in point; one among hundreds over the past several years.
How anyone on the left, or center, of the political spectrum can argue that this is not what they're doing is apparently devoid of any sensible reason, or logic. Having watched Tucker Carlson's nightly show, for instance, ever since it began a few years ago, has made it clear to me that the left's M.O. is to not answer the question asked, but to use counter points, emotion, and count on the ignorance of the audience about the topic to combat the counter point.
The concept of freedom is bastardized into meaning "I can do whatever I want, with no one telling me I can't, regardless of the action." in their world. In other words, forget any kind of morality in society. The concept of citizenship in our country is one of globalism and a border that does not exist because that would be racist. The idea of law and order are out the window because it is counter to their ideology that nationalism is a positive one that protects the citizens of a country.
Consider the following video of an interview of the Polish Prime Minister answering questions from a European news show about immigration as a comparison:
As Hannity keeps pointing out on his show, the liberal/socialists don't want to propose anything that will improve all citizen's situation. Instead, they want to:
- Rescind the tax cuts
- Impeach President Trump
- Keep Obamacare
- Block Supreme Court Nominees
- Have Open Borders