Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Understanding President Trump's Recent U.N. Appearance

by Robert Steele


President Donald Trump’s speech and press conference at 
the United Nations are a permanent record and valuable 
when analyzed with an American populist lens. It is not 
possible to responsibly analyze his appearance without 
appreciating two facts: first, President Trump was not 
speaking to those present, he was speaking to America; 
second, all those present are servants to the Cabal, 
committed to globalism and the end of individual and local 
rights, and President Trump knows that.
Stated most clearly: Donald Trump’s speech was the death 
notice for the Cabal, and his press conference a masterful 
display of intelligence with integrity – indeed, the word 
“finesse,” not normally associated with this President, has 
been used in some circles.  Why finesse? He is finessing the 
Zionists – the last Cabal domino that must fall after the 
Rothschilds (done) and the Vatican (almost done).
For those who value brevity, here is the “executive briefing” 
on the speech and the press conference. Obviously the 
interpretations are speculative but observers should 
understand that there is no going back from the Trump era – 
he has stopped the Deep State and he is taking down the 
Shadow Government.[1] Whether he fulfills all his promises 
or not, America’s path is now toward a restoration of the 
Constitution and a restoration of public power that will 
displacing banking power, reliant on bribery, blackmail, and 
legalized lies including false flag operations, as the 
foundation for Cabal power. Whoever follows Trump will 
continue in this vein.[2]
The Speech[3]
INTRODUCTION: The derisive laughter of those assembled 
when President Donald Trump spoke of his economic 
triumphs can be explained in three ways: first, the 
Administration has not done a good job explaining all that he 
has done (including the recovery of tens of  trillions of dollars 
from the Cabal, and reassertion – virtual nationalization – of 
the Federal Reserve), and much of what has been in 
preparation has not yet emerged, such as the gold-backed 
dollar, the debt jubilee, and plans to pump $1.5 trillion dollars 
into the economy through 6,000 “bottom up” agents of the 
President; second, the Mainstream Media (MSM) and 
#GoogleGestapo (notably Facebook, Google, Twitter, and 
YouTube) have been actively censoring and digitally 
assassinating those seeking to articulate the 
accomplishments of the Administration; and third, everyone 
in the room is facing personal ruin if and when President 
Donald Trump’s full vision is realized. Below are thirteen 
extracts with interpretations quite contrary to the subversive 
nonsense being offered up by the MSM and 
The Marshall Plan was built on the noble idea that the 
whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent, 
and free.   . . .   we do expect all nations to uphold these two 
core sovereign duties:  to respect the interests of their own 
people and the rights of every other sovereign nation.”  
INTERPRETATION: Globalism, and the role of the UN as a 
“steward” for “managing” the world as whole without respect 
for local and national needs and rights, is OVER.
We are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our beloved 
Constitution — the oldest constitution still in use in the world 
today.   . . .   The greatest in the United States Constitution is 
its first three beautiful words.  They are:  “We the people.” 
Generations of Americans have sacrificed to maintain the 
promise of those words, the promise of our country, and of 
our great history.  In America, the people govern, the people 
rule, and the people are sovereign.  I was elected not to take 
power, but to give power to the American people, where it 
INTERPRETATION: The arrests and military tribunals are 
about to begin. Plans for the gold-backed (or precious 
metals backed) US dollar are ready; the Federal Reserve is 
now under control; the looting of the US Treasury by the 
Cabal is no longer tolerated.
As President of the United States, I will always put America 
first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will 
always, and should always, put your countries first.
INTERPRETATION: America First means NOT Zionism 
First. The President is “playing” Benjamin Netanyahu and the 
Zionist government of Israel that recently declared itself at 
apartheid state and all Jews everywhere to be citizens of 
Israel (meaning they are inherently traitors to their home 
counties). President Hassan Rouhani, who speaks fluent 
English, made a serious mistake in not accepting President 
Trump at his word and taking a short meeting with no 
witnesses; not only would this have allowed the two 
Presidents to connect at a personal level and exchange 
private fax numbers, but it would have driven the Zionists 
mad. President Rouhani might also have gained some 
priceless strategic insight.
The United States will forever be a great friend to the world, 
and especially to its allies.  But we can no longer be taken 
advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the 
United States gets nothing in return.  As long as I hold this 
office, I will defend America’s interests above all else.”
INTERPRETATION: Mindful that the USA has been the 
Great Satan for many, as the military and secret intelligence 
“tool” of the Cabal, wreaking great havoc across the 
developing world,[4] that era, partly rooted in the American 
capture of Chinese gold stolen by Japan and hidden in the 
Philippines (the Black Lily Fund),[5] is over.
We want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife.  
We are guided by outcomes, not ideology.  We have a policy 
of principled realism, rooted in shared goals, interests, and 
INTERPRETATION: The President has read, and intends to 
pursue, a foreign policy of freedom – peace, commerce, and 
honest friendship, as championed by Ron and Rand 
Paul.[6] The President intends to withdraw from the Middle 
East and Central Asia, from the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization (NATO), to redirect US arms productions from 
swords to plowshares; and perhaps to close all US bases 
overseas and expel the UN from New York. America’s focus 
will be on peace and prosperity for the 99%, not on war as a 
profit center for the 1%.
The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue 
regimes that violate every principle on which the United 
Nations is based.  They respect neither their own citizens 
nor the sovereign rights of their countries.”
INTERPRETATION: While he talks about North Korea and 
Iran in the passages that follow, retired military and 
intelligence circles believe he is talking about Israel and 
Saudi Arabia. He did not act on his promise with respect to 
9/11 truth because it was one election cycle too soon. When 
9/11 truth inevitably comes out (as elite pedophilia and elite 
banking fraud truths will also inevitably come out), both 
Israel and Saudi Arabia will be expelled from the USA and 
the Cabal will be over: the Rothschilds, the Vatican, and the 
Chabad Supremacist Cult along with their Freemason, 
Knights of Malta, and central banking servants will be 
All of the statement pertaining to North Korea and Iran are 
for the American audience and part of finessing the Zionists 
in the short term – after the denuclearization of the Koreas 
the denuclearization of the Middle East, starting with the 
200+ nuclear weapons held by Israel and funded by the US 
taxpayer, is certain. In our lifetime.
Last month, I announced a new strategy for victory in the 
fight against this evil in Afghanistan.  From now on, our 
security interests will dictate the length and scope of military 
operations, not arbitrary benchmarks and timetables set up 
by politicians.”
INTERPRETATION: After the mid-terms we will announce 
our departure from Afghanistan. The Pashtun Taliban will be 
encouraged to close down the opium crops that were re-
started by Bush-Cheney to provide cash flow liquidity for the 
Cabal. Pakistan’s military, the primary converters of opium 
into top grade heroin, will suffer a financial crisis.
We seek the de-escalation of the Syrian conflict, and a 
political solution that honors the will of the Syrian people.  
The actions of the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, 
including the use of chemical weapons against his own 
citizens — even innocent children — shock the conscience 
of every decent person.  No society can be safe if banned 
chemical weapons are allowed to spread.  That is why the 
United States carried out a missile strike on the airbase that 
launched the attack.”
INTERPRETATION: We will leave Syria and insist that Israel 
leave Syria, to include (eventually) the return of the Golan 
Heights (and the oil beneath the Golan Heights) to Syria.  
China (which now runs both Israeli ports) and Russia will be 
the main arbiters of Middle East peace going forward.
The United States is a compassionate nation and has spent 
billions and billions of dollars in helping to support this effort.  
We seek an approach to refugee resettlement that is 
designed to help these horribly treated people, and which 
enables their eventual return to their home countries, to be 
part of the rebuilding process. For the cost of resettling one 
refugee in the United States, we can assist more than 10 in 
their home region.”
INTERPRETATION: The USA is going to encourage all 
nationalist movements in Europe that are rejecting the influx 
of unemployed Muslims as made possible by the Barcelona 
Agreement where European leaders were bribed by the 
Saudis and others to accept the human sacrifices from 
dictatorial repression and mis-management. The economics 
are sound – ending US taxpayer support for dictators and 
their ceremonial armies that cannot fight, and demanding 
that other countries cease to export their poor to the West, is 
going to be a major policy plank going forward.
Too often the focus of this organization [the UN] has not 
been on results, but on bureaucracy and process. In some 
cases, states that seek to subvert this institution’s noble 
aims have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to 
advance them.   . . .  The United States is one out of 193 
countries in the United Nations, and yet we pay 22 percent 
of the entire budget and more.“
INTERPRETATION: The UN is on notice. In his second term 
President Trump can be expected to begin cutting the size of 
the federal government by at least 25%, and will impose 
similar demands on the UN. Eventually US support to the 
UN should come down to 10% of its budget, and most US 
foreign aid will be delivered directly to the village level via 
electronic micro-cash, as recommended by Ashraf Ghani 
and Claire Lockhart. Put another way: the UN is not too big 
to fail, we are going to cut it down severely.
For too long, the American people were told that mammoth 
multinational trade deals, unaccountable international 
tribunals, and powerful global bureaucracies were the best 
way to promote their success.  But as those promises 
flowed, millions of jobs vanished and thousands of factories 
disappeared.  Others gamed the system and broke the 
rules.  And our great middle class, once the bedrock of 
American prosperity, was forgotten and left behind, but they 
are forgotten no more and they will never be forgotten again.
While America will pursue cooperation and commerce with 
other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first 
duty of every government:  the duty of our citizens.  This 
bond is the source of America’s strength and that of every 
responsible nation represented here today.”
INTERPRETATION: This is the meat. The Cabal – and the 
banks and corporations used by the Cabal to loot the nations 
of the world – has been put into foreclosure.
Patriotism led the Poles to die to save Poland, the French to 
fight for a free France, and the Brits to stand strong for 
INTERPRETATION: This is a very subtle slam on Israel and 
a nod to the Palestinians.  President Rouhani made a huge 
error in not meeting President Trump (unless of course he 
met him secretly). As Gandhi has said, “Palestine is to the 
Palestinians as France is to the French.” No one thought the 
Berlin Wall would come down.  No one thought the Koreas 
would unite. As God is my witness, Palestine will be restored 
in our lifetime.
Are we still patriots?  Do we love our nations enough to 
protect their sovereignty and to take ownership of their 
futures?   . . .   From its very first moments, the American 
story is the story of what is possible when people take 
ownership of their future.”
INTERPRETATION: He is speaking to the American people. 
He is setting the stage for what I and Cynthia McKinney call 
“people not parties.” The Great Awakening is at root an 
awakening of all those who have been looted by the Cabal 
and not represented by the two-party tyranny. While the 
President has not taken official action on #UNRIG (Election 
Reform Act) he is acutely aware of it – he KNOWS that he 
cannot win re-election in 2020 unless he broadens the base 
and offers free and equal ballot access to Independents and 
the small parties and the 47% who chose not to vote in 2016 
because the systems is “rigged,” in the President’s own word.
 The Press Conference[7]
The key points that emerged from this unscripted event 
    • The USA will no longer tolerate grotesque trade tariff 
      asymmetries – we are charging nothing to single digit 
      tariffs while China and EU are charging double-digit 
      tariffs. That era is OVER.
    • Favors a two-state solution but open to a one-state 
      solution, Palestinians must be happy.
    • Condemns President Obama giving Iran $1.8 billion 
    • Praises Russia, Iran, Syria in relation to the fight 
      against the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) but 
      avoids pointing out that Saudi Arabia and Israel 
      created ISIS.
    • Greenlights continued Kurdish and other third-party 
      hostilities against ISIS.
    • Prodded by repeated questions, keeps coming back 
      to how false accusations are so common, labeling 
      the Democratic attacks on Judge Kavanagh a “con 
Related Events
In a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe President 
Trump showed a letter from Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un 
that he termed historic and beautiful, and confirmed another 
personal meeting is planned between him and the North 
Korean leader.[8]
On television South Korean President Moon Jae-in gave 
President Donald Trump full credit for the progress toward 
unification and denuclearization between the Koreas, and 
said it could not have happened without him – we are all 
aware that General Secretary Xi Jinping is the primary force 
making the unification and denuclearization possible, the 
intent is to credit President Donald Trump with being the 
While this article has endeavored to provide a uniquely 
American populist interpretation of President Trump’s 
appearance at the United Nations, it is important to 
emphasize that the MSM and #GoogleGestapo have turned 
the USA into a “denied area” much as the Soviet Union was 
once – and perhaps still is – a “denied area” in terms of 
being able to access reliable information about all aspects of 
the national life – political-military, socio-economic, ideo-
cultural,  techno-demographic, and natural-geographic.
The overt media and social media reporting on the USA is 
shallow garbage. The good news is being censored.  Tens of 
thousands of voices, not only conservative but also 
progressive, are being censored and thousands of channels 
digitally assassinated. It is not possible to over-state the 
economic and financial progress that has been made under 
President Trump. What is lacking to date – he has a terrible 
communications team and no truth channel of his own – is a 
personal connection to the 73% that did not vote him into 
office (47% did not vote at all, 27% voted for him, 26% voted 
against him).
Look for a few major announcements in the month of 
October.  There will be an October surprise (or two).
[1] I have decided to not repeat endnotes provided in any of 
my many earlier publications.  All of my articles, including 
those discussing the Deep State and the end of Zionism, 
can be viewed free online here.   
[2] What is happening in the USA is the end of the 
Republican and Democratic parties as we know them. 
Together with the public outrage over how the social media 
is censoring information favorable to President Donald 
Trump and digitally assassinating tens of thousands of 
conservative and progressive voices and the calls for a new 
Internet (perhaps managed by the US Post Office as a 
service of common concern), the means by which the Deep 
State manages the Shadow Government and deceives the 
Session of the United Nations General Assembly,” The 
White House, 19 September 2018.
Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, 
Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and 
Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame 
Something on the Russians?” American Herald Tribune, 10 
March 2018.
[5] Sterling and Peggy Seagraves, GOLD WARRIORS: 
America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold (Verso, 
2003), summary review free online. The successor fund, the 
Black Eagle Trust, was laundered as part of the 9/11 false 
flag event overseen by then Vice President Dick Cheney.
The President has received – and we now believe he has 
read – 
the two memoranda on the laundering of $240 billion in 
offshore gold-based covert funds and Twin Towers 
commercial insurance fraud that are included in the 
collection (third citation below): Fred Burks, “Memorandum 
for the President: Evidence 9/11 Used to Launder $240 
Billion in Covert Securities in a Covert Economic War (Gold 
War) Against Russia,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, 
9 July 2018; Tom-Scott Gordon, “Memorandum for the 
President: 9/11 WTC Towers Condemned Before 9/11, Cost 
to Dismantle $2B+, 2007 Deadline, Known to Rudy Giuliani 
(Mayor of NYC from 1994 – December 2001),” Phi Beta Iota 
Public Intelligence Blog, 21 July 2018; Robert Steele 
(Contributing Editor), Memoranda for the President, 9/11 
Truth: From Campaign Promise to a Presidential Speech on 
9/11 2018?, Earth Intelligence Network, 8 August 2018, also 
available as an Amazon Kindle or Amazon Paperback, both 
in color.
Commerce, and Honest Friendship (Foundation for Rational 
Economics and Education, 2007); summary review free 
During an 81-Minute Press Conference About Cavanaugh, 
Rosenstein and More,” TIME.com, 26 September 2018 and 
Conference,” InfoWars.com, 26 September 2018.
he relaxes nuclear weapons demands,” Telegraph, 27 
September 2018.
[9] Stephen Collinson, “Trump deserves credit for Korean 
thaw,” CNN.com, 30 April 2018.