The partisan rancor being displayed today from both wings of the Democrat Party of our nation - Pelosi/Schumer/Schiff/Watters/et al, and the Media - reveals that our culture has lost any modicum of social courtesy or decency.
Seventy odd years ago this nation went through a similar situation, only from another nation across the "pond". Everyone did their part to support the massive effort it took for our nation to completely shift its massive industrial and human resources to win the battle against not only Japan, but only a week later, Germany in Europe.
Today, it would be questionable at best whether we would be able to take on two nations threatening our sovereignty and freedom; never mind the idea of a possible alien invasion.
The thought of such a circumstance begs the question, is it possible for our nation to turn itself around and recover the social and cultural situation we enjoyed and thought would continue 70 or 80 years ago?
As I've stated a few times in past posts here, I tend to believe that our development of mass media has become the tool by which our nation's social and cultural climate has been manipulated and gradually taken over by insidious and destructive elements which have morphed our younger generations into being ignorant about what their country was, to one obsessively focusing on constant dissatisfaction; demanding change while throwing out the "baby with the bathwater", or the freedoms and liberty we now enjoy.
Disagree? Consider the fact that we are now seeing a movement among the youth which is focusing on race as qualifying factor for most everything. Are they even aware of what M.L.K. Jr. stood for in his fight for racial equality? And then there's the trend towards completely erasing the 2nd amendment of our Constitution!
Today we have the establishment of media - powerful conglomerate corporations - who are doing their best to distract and mesmerize its viewers by entertaining them with predominantly adolescent level shows which persistently belittle the elders of its society and give only the information about events both nationally and globally that they see fit to share.
On the other hand, we have one or two media outlets who are doing their best to inform those who are cognizant of what the massive media conglomerates are putting out, of what is not being told to the masses.
How does the nation's amnesia factor into this? Here's one glaring example regarding the current immigration crisis from the Heritage Foundation:
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In 2008, as Speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said, “we certainly don’t want anymore [illegal immigrants] coming in." |
In 2009, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said, “illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.” |
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) said we must “stop the inflood of illegal immigrants into this country,” in 2005:
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To anyone who is actually thinking clearly, it's obvious that the politicians -- both liberal and conservative - are counting on American Amnesia to stay in power with the help of the Media (D).