Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How WA Government Is Ripping Us Off

The following message was posted by Tim Eyman - undeniably the one individual in WA who has fought for the "little guy" against the state government for over 20 years now - just this morning:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Back in 1999, the ivory tower elites -- the wine and brie crowd -- were dismissive and condescending toward us peasants as we fought to lower license tabs on cars, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, and other vehicles to $30 per year.

But one of them broke ranks -- and what he wrote 20 years ago resonates today: 


By James Vesely, Seattle Times Editorial Page Editor

"MORE than five years ago on these pages, a terrific newspaperman was blowing the whistle on the state's car-tab tax. Columnist Don Hannula, who kept his pulse on the average guy as much as anyone I ever knew, understood the fee the state took on car and truck licensing was a powder keg. It is still a powder keg, not because people are stingy or greedy or just looking out for themselves, but because it's unfair. That sense of unfairness, of being taken for granted, of being played as a sucker, is at the heart of the vote in favor of I-695. 

"What's nagging me about the arguments against I-695 is that all the opposition has been built on the serious impacts coming when the high tab fees end. You'll be sorry, goes the argument, when you don't have the government services you need. The other argument is that a vote in favor of I-695 is greedy, the familiar guilt stanza that accompanies any vote on tax reduction.

"As everyone knows, the state places a value on your car or truck that's a book value, even if you paid less. And as every driver knows, you pull out of the lot and the value drops like a stone. But the state still keeps the book value up to squeeze the most out of the fee structure. This is tax policy the Sheriff of Nottingham would understand.

"The pleas -- and they are pleading -- from leaders of government, the media, etc is that the system can't go on without the infusion of dollars from the car tax.

"But we can't defend an unfair tax on the basis that it is a cash cow. Dissatisfaction with the hog-ugly unfairness of the tab fees was as easy to hear coming as a bowling ball and yet no one in authority was willing to get it fixed.

"Push away the cobwebs and no matter how you look at the car-tab fees, the way they are collected is out of kilter with people's intuitive understanding of household economics.  As it stands, out of fear of the future, we are asked to defend a tax intentionally miscalculated.

"Don't tell me how bad it's going to be without car-tab revenues; explain how you defend the current tax.  If a tax is unfair at its core, a free people have the right to repeal it."

-- END --

That resonates just as much now as it did in then!

And so in 1999 with the state sitting on a $1 billion tax surplus, the voters knew they were getting ripped off, they knew politicians were never going to stop ripping us off, and so they passed I-695.  And the exclamation point was a few months later when the Democrat-dominated Legislature passed $30 tabs into law (the vote was 84-13 in the House and 39-9 in the Senate) and Gov. Gary Locke promised: "It's clear the voters didn't like, they hated, high car tab taxes. We have no intention of returning to the old system of high license tab fees. $30 license tabs are here to stay." 

And so, thanks to that, and the voters re-approval of $30 tabs in 2002 with I-776, charges on vehicles stayed relatively low for a long time.

But in recent years, state and local governments have conspired to resurrect high taxes and charges on vehicles. And so, as Vesely argued 20 years ago, "a free people have the right to repeal it."

And that's why we're bringing back our $30 tabs.

ut this time around, the adjustment will be much, much easier because the state's tax surplus is 3 times larger than it was in 1999 ('re sitting on a whopping $3.23 billion tax surplus!!  That means that any government agency or program currently paid for with vehicle charges negated by I-976 can plead its case to the Legislature and get its funding reestablished with the surplus if it can re-justify itself.  
So not only will voter approval of I-976 stop dishonest car tab taxes and provide meaningful tax relief to everyone, it ensures enhanced public oversight and legislative scrutiny -- essentially a performance audit -- on all government programs currently funded by dishonest car tab taxes.

So I-976 isn't just good for taxpayers, it's good government too.

And that's why, we believe, the voters embrace it so overwhelmingly:


We still need your help.

Karen and I sold off our family's retirement fund and loaned $500,000 to get this signature drive started.  We need your help to get it over the finish line - make a secure donation online: by PayPal, VISA, or M/C. Or you can print this form, fill it out, and mail in your contribution.

The Sec of State's deadline is this Friday (again, we're doing our turn-in on Thurs, Jan 3 but they will accept petitions all the way until 5 pm, Fri, Jan 4). 

So when mailing in your $30 Tabs Initiative petitions, DON'T SEND THEM TO SPOKANE ANYMORE.  Mail them directly to the Secretary of State's office:

$30 Tabs Initiative c/o SOS, 520 Union Ave SE, Olympia, WA, 98501

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Tale of Two Ideologies

It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times...

While this well known opening line from "A Tale of Two Cities" describes a different period, it applies aptly to what the people are going through in America politically today.

On the left, the liberals are irate that they didn't get their choice for president into the Oval Office and weren't able to advance their agenda of socialism, climate change taxes imposed on a public they view as inept and easily snookered by their schemes, along with a plethora of other things to further degrade the social fabric of the freest most stable culture going.

Investigations over the past two years have begun to reveal that even during the campaign of 2016, subversive moves to counter any possibility of their losing were undertaken to make that unlikely outcome a constant state of social upheaval, or chaos, using unverified and fake accusations against their opponent.

With the Media (D) in the left's pocket, the meme was persistently pushed on the consuming viewer to propagandize the story which, in essence, was "an emperor with no clothes" investigation by the very man chosen to be the prosecutor who was the head of the FBI in the first decade of the 2000s - and a close friend of James Comey, the former Director of the FBI - when all kinds of questionable and illegal activities by the left were going on.

On the right, the candidate nominated to become president during the 2016 campaign was promising the things frustrated tax payers were resonating with. Voters, many who'd gotten to know the man through his highly popular "Apprentice" show, realized that perhaps, if he did get elected, some actual moves back towards giving them what they desperately needed - jobs, opportunity, tax relief, etc. - supported him, and he won!

Immediately, despite the constant and relentless bad mouthing of President-elect, then President Trump, he began enacting changes and has accomplished more than any former president in the nation's history. As the two years has passed, more and more evidence that Trump was acting on his words and not just being the typical politician of empty promises were being accomplished. Globally, deep tremors have been rumbling on the financial and markets scenes. Trump's nationalism has been made out by the Media (D) as Naziistic; playing on the millennial's ignorance of Hitler's WWII machinations.

The glaring double standard which the Media (D) has perpetuated when comparing the Obama Administration and the Trump Administration has been so obvious that one would have to be in a comma to not notice.

As a result, the nation has further divided when it comes to the direction our nation should be going and now with the mid-terms in the rear view mirror this new year predicts even more frustration with the Democrats on a rampage to mete out their anger about losing two years ago, trying to oust Trump from office on accusations that he allegedly colluded to rig the 2016 election based on false and erroneous information paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

But President Trump is now playing the Democrat Leaders in Congress like a Stradivarius with the stand on the government partial shutdown. It will certainly be interesting to see how this situation unfolds in the next few weeks, or maybe even months.

And then, there's the revelations that the House Investigative Committee is awaiting email documents which may be the "smoking gun" the FBI knew that the whole Steele Dossier was completely bogus and false.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Viadoom Is Coming Soon!

Here's a snippet from ShiftWA's New Year's Eve edition...

“It’s going to be horrible for pretty much everyone unless we can figure out some small changes we can all make,” Seattle councilmember Mike O’Brien said about the upcoming viaduct closure. In roughly two weeks the Alaskan Way Viaduct will permanently close. “Obviously if you’re someone who uses 99 now you’re going to have to think directly what you do differently, but a lot of those vehicles will go to I-5,” O’Brien said. (My Northwest)

Nearly everywhere in the region, from Olympia at the south end to Marysville north of Everette, the traffic through this narrow section of land between the Puget Sound to the west and Lake Washington on the east, has been intolerable for decades with the influx of new families moving in to take jobs available because of the stable, diverse and strong employment opportunity here.

Now, after years of delays in getting "Bertha" to dig the underground tunnel along the Seattle waterfront right next to Elliot Bay (~30 ft.), the scene is set for traffic bedlam. (Good luck to those using the tunnel when the expected major earthquake hits sometime in the future.)

Use either link above to read the full article for details, but as someone who's commuted for ten years to Seattle from Federal Way, I can honestly say that this looming problem is going to blow up in the face of not only the city council, but the state's DOT because the suggestions made in this article as to how one can adjust to this change are a joke!

Shifting one's meeting starts by a half-hour won't even be close to sufficient for those stuck the traffic gridlock trying to get to the later meeting.

For the years when I was commuting into Seattle via I-5 and the SODO district surface streets, the traffic was absolutely horrendous! 

95% of the time the traffic near the north section of I-5 along Boeing Field would be at a crawl because of the four lanes three miles ahead would reduce down to two lanes at the Seneca exit just north of I-90. A 30 mile drive took me 45 minutes when traffic was half-way reasonable!

If I took the West Seattle bridge exit onto the surface streets of the SODO district the port trucks and buses would clog up the streets; not to mention the construction going on on 4th Ave. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it was learned in the future that the actual purpose behind creating such an unbearable situation for downtown Seattle workers - like my older daughter - was to cause such a crisis that it would provide liberals in the state's legislature to say, "See? Here's proof that we need more taxes to fix this problem."

Yea? Well, explain to me why they've spent so much of our tax dollars on HOV lanes that are a joke, and mass transit is an even bigger joke due to their unreliable schedules and light rail construction  overruns!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Get Ready, 'Cause Here They Come... Again!

George Soro's "Open Society" which funds efforts around the world to destabilize governments and country's monetary systems, has been fingered with supporting with his own funds - along with a branch of the United Nations - the "Caravan" which now sits in Tijuana. (Yes, Tucker, it's pronounced "Tee-whana", not Tee-uh-wanna.)

Yet, minority leader of the Senate in Congress, Charles Schumer - a.k.a. "Chuckee Shoomer" - seems to be behind, or at least blamed for, another larger assembly of Central Americans now gathering for a migration north into Mexico. 

It's clear that Democrats, at least the elected types, are more interested in doing whatever they can to bolster their voter base, rather than protect the very people who elected them from the untold number of criminal illegal aliens who've managed to cross the border into our country.

With the Media (D) backing them, it's even more frustrating to learn from multiple examples in the news, that the illegal aliens in our country seem to have favored status - Kate Steinle's being the first notable one of many - over the law abiding citizens who pay taxes and have no criminal record!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Why Do We Need A Wall Anyway?

Both of these elected representatives are quoted for being in favor of funding a wall before Trump was elected!

I've written about this topic many times over this past year.

My remarks have pointed out the many things which frustrate most of the tax paying citizens of this "shinning city on a hill", as Pres. Reagan referred to our nation.

And there've been a lot of great arguments made pointing out why maintaining a legal process - which the leftist-socialists are doing their best to encourage - is critical to our nation's survival.

But Gov. Mike Hukabee's points made in this video encapsulate them all so very well, that I had to share it with you.

Watch and see if it doesn't get a "five star rating" from you as well.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"I felt like I was a complete sucker..."

Here's the intro. to an article about a trio who scammed people out of over $400K on a GoFundMe page using the premise of helping a homeless veteran:
Kate McClure, Mark D’Amico, and drug-addicted homeless veteran, Johnny Bobbitt, were charged with theft by deception in November after they concocted a story that Bobbitt had given McClure his last $20 after her car ran out of fuel, which left her stranded on the side of I-95 in a dangerous Philadelphia neighborhood. McClure’s boyfriend set up a GoFundMe donation page based on that lie, and they got $402,000 in donations to help Bobbitt. The couple pilfered most of the money, which prompted the homeless man to sue them. It was only then that the lie unraveled, and the three were arrested. -GEG
 Be sure to watch the video of the news report on this on the linked page.
When values of morality are ignored, it has the potential to  turn on you, and often does.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Sad Note on This Holy Day

While this news is sad to hear, I think most of us who know anything about the Holy Bible know that this news is really not a surprise since this was prophesied in the last book of that volume.

Here's an article on The Hill site which gives us this sad news which, I'm sure, many of us are donating to various organizations that are doing their best to provide these Christians support and comfort during their time of distress.

P.S. There is a nice video at the top of the page of both the President and First Lady telling us about what's being done to help.