Monday, January 7, 2019

Diversity: The Cudgle of Social Justice

The policies and changes implemented by the Obama Administration of the recent past are only now beginning to reveal just how they are impacting our future potential when it comes to production and innovation in both industry and science.

As a multitude of earlier reports have pointed out that the White Christian Male is the target of these policies, PragerU's latest video with Heather McDonald reveals how it is using those same policies at our businesses, centers of research and institutions of what have traditionally been "higher learning."

In other words, if the social justice warriors have managed to infiltrate all facets of society and are determined to use ridiculous policies which take out their frustrations on those they feel are the reason they've not been able to compete on a par with others.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Showing Their Hand

When the incoming Speaker of the House takes her Christmas Vacation in Hawaii after the government shutdown begins and the President and V.P. announce their decision to Congressional members that they will stay at the White House over that same vacation period to be available for discussions about the funding of the "wall", you know they're showing their hand.

When the incoming Speaker of the House answers "No!" multiples times to both the President and the Media (D) when asked about a compromise on funding the "wall", you know they're showing their hand.

When both the former Speaker of the House, who's now the incoming one, and the current leader of the Senate in 2009 spoke of the need to build a "wall" on the southern border and curb illegal immigration from Mexico, they're showing their hand.

When the incoming Speaker of the House has said several times that the "wall" is "immoral", but does not explain why it is so, then you know they're showing their hand.

When the incoming Speaker of the House lives in an estate which is surrounded by a "wall" and a gate to keep unwanted strangers off of her property and out of her own house, you know that they're showing their hand and being hyper-hypocrites to boot.

In a game of poker one "shows their hand" when they give signals - directly or indirectly - as to what their hand truly contains, or is, in the game of politics. In this case of funding the wall the issue is NOT whether they're against actually having a border "wall", obstructing the inflow of illegals from Mexico, or even reforming existing immigration laws with all of its loopholes.

No, their hand which they are revealing to everyone is their "dog in the manger" attitude about who's going to get political credit for enacting a government program which would actually solve the threat to the nation it would remedy.

It means that they recognize that they must, at all costs and by all means, deny ANY Republican, whether it's Trump, Bush, Reagan, or any future Republican President, that THEY are in control of the game and will dictate the terms with the help of the Media (D) pushing the propaganda narrative to the public to persuade their mind-numbed "non-thinkers" to put pressure on those who just read the headlines and love the vitriol of conflict, anger, frustration, and crisis on a constant basis.

That is their modus operandi

And I believe much of the public is beginning to see through their charade when it comes to this issue. l also believe that the public is getting very tired of this crap and the liberal/ socialists are unwittingly cutting their political throats.

Don't be fooled, snookered, scammed, hoodwinked, or bamboozled - as former Pres. Obama would say - into believing that the liberal/socialist are going into this new 116th Congressional session for any other reason.They're scared to desperation of their impending doom and this explains why they're becoming so radical in their policies.

It's that simple!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Do You Love Your Country?

I woke up this morning, grabbed my cup of coffee, and went to my study to sip away while reading emails; what's become my morning ritual in semi-retirement.

The first email I opened of any significance - not junk mail wanting me to buy something - was from Eric Metaxis, author of a book titled "If You Can Keep It" which I read a few years ago and enjoyed so much I subscribed to his occasional newsletter. A link to the book is at the bottom of this post.

The title of this blog, which I've borrowed from his email, seemed to me somewhat ridiculous to ask; at least for me. However, upon reading the opening sentence, I was intrigued to learn why it was posed.

So, I've decided to share it here for my few followers who may find it edifying too:
Just after the 2016 election, the Wall Street Journal asked me and several others to comment on our hopes for the Trump presidency, and here is what I wrote:

My earnest hope is that most Americans will learn again to love their country, and will understand that not to do so is like refusing to love oneself or one’s children—peevish and wrong. To love something is not merely to approve of it, but to call it upward to its best self, to call it to a purpose that goes far beyond itself. Most who have truly loved America have done so with a conviction that we are, to use Lincoln’s phrase, God’s “almost chosen people.” We have been abundantly blessed not for ourselves, but so that we could be a beacon of hope and freedom to the world, not least for people like my parents, who sailed to these shores from war-torn Europe in the 1950s and who, when they passed the Statue of Liberty, were enraptured and emotional, knowing that the liberty it represented was not just a word but could be a way of life, one they hoped to embrace and pass on to their children, and now have, by God’s grace.

Lincoln also called America “the last best hope of earth.” As he was not known to be a prideful, chest-thumping buffoon, we must wonder what he meant by that sobering expression of American exceptionalism. May we, in the next few months and years, learn again to see what he—and all of the Founders, and Tocqueville— saw so clearly: that the greatness of America lies in our goodness, and that we can never be great without being good.

My hope is that we would remember that our freedoms are extraordinarily rare and fragile. If we don’t understand what inestimable sacrifices were made so that we could have them, we will certainly lose them. My hope is that we would remember our heroes and celebrate them. For starters we could exhort our children to memorize Longfellow’s “Paul Revere’s Ride” and the Gettysburg Address, because they are beautiful and ennobling and true. My hope is that we would restore to our national vocabulary the words “honor” and “sacrifice” and “dignity” and “sanctity”—and that “this nation conceived in liberty” would become a glorious and irrevocable blessing to the whole world beyond our shores forever and ever.

If you’d like to read more, I write at length about these ideas in my book, If You Can Keep It. I recommend it highly, even if I did write it!
Being that it was asked of Eric by the Wall Street Journal two years ago, I wondered if his words were ever published. Sure enough, not only WSJ, but the NYT also published it here. I suspect Eric's shared it again in today's email because of the current bitterness dominant in the Media (D) over the wall funding.

And now, for the cartoon of the day from The WSJ

Friday, January 4, 2019

What Speaker Pelosi Hopes You'll Never See

Right now the big attention getting issue in the news is the government shutdown over funding for the border wall.

What the Media (D) is NOT telling, or showing, their consumers is that the Border Patrol Union members are supporting President Trump's using the wall funding as leverage against the Liberal/Leftists in the House who are doing everything they can to keep from funding it.

Today the Border Patrol Union leaders met with the president in the White House today and gave a press announcement with him which most likely the Media (D) is doing their best to NOT air on their coverage of the issue.

What makes this press announcement all the more interesting is what the last question in this video piece asks. To those who want to use the "racist", "bigot", or emotional "bleeding heart" angle about it don't want you to think about when it comes to this issue.

I urge you to watch it!

And now, for today's cartoon from the Daily Signal:


The Nation's Biggest Threat From The Democrat Party House

If the newly seated House of Democrats have any success at getting their way with their agenda of retaliating against the country for electing Donald J. Trump into the presidency, eliminating the Electoral College will be the biggest threat.
... the last place any free person wants to live is in a country where 51 percent of the population can strip the rights away from the 49 percent.
John Nolte's article on Breitbart News this morning hits the nail on the head when it comes to this threat.

This how vindictive and blinded by their rage is over seeing their ideas of how to govern dissolved by someone they consider to be inexperienced in governmental affairs.

What Nolte's article seems to ignore is the reality of our bicameral Congress in that our Republican led Senate will most likely halt any successful move to get it passed barring any "Never Trumpers" remaining after the mid-terms.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Silent Takeover From Within

The headline for this post will most likely have many readers thinking it's referring to the liberals turning our nation socialist. But they'd be wrong.

The following pasted information is only a truncated version of the full array of voting results of our most recent mid-term election. Note that for the whole page of data, there is a link at the very end to use for the rest. I urge you to find the line which gives the percentage of Muslims in America who voted this mid-term election; it may shock you and most definitely puts other groups of the electorate to shame.

I hope you realize just what we're up against, and you'll share this with others. If we remain ignorant and indifferent, what will we tell our children and grandchildren?

And for those who think I'm anti-Muslim, you'd be wrong. I get along with Muslims who wish to assimilate into our culture, however, I'm anti-Sharia Law, which Muslims do NOT willingly admit is their hidden agenda for taking over this country of freedoms and liberties. They're just smart enough to understand that going about the takeover gradually and quietly doesn't alarm the average citizen who's preoccupied with being entertained by the affluence and freebees more and more are getting these days compared to decades ago.

= = = = = = = = = = =

This should scare the hell out of you!
How Many Muslims Won Political Office
The Numbers May Surprise You!...................WAKE-UP AMERICA!! 

Rashida Tlaib (D)
MI 13th Congressional District
Keith Ellison (D)
MN Attorney General
Ilhan Omar (D)
MN 5th Congressional District
Andre Carson (D)
IN  7th Congressional District

Sheikh Rahman (D)
GA State Senate District 5
Safiya Wazir (D)
NH State House Merrimack 17 District
Robert Jackson (D)
NY State Senate District 31
Nasif Majeed (D)
NC State House District 99
Mujtaba Mohammed (D)
NC State Senate District 38
Mohamud Noor (D)
MN State House District 60B
Jason Dawkins (D)
PA State House District 179
Hodan Hassan (D)
MN State House District 62A
Charles Fall (D)
NY State House District 61

This message has been truncated due to size limitations. Show entire message