Monday, January 21, 2019

What It Takes To Become A Millionaire

Okay, it's time to explode one of the biggest myths that drive socialists, the misguided notion that those rich 1% don't deserve the riches they have. You know, these people.

What’s the difference between America’s millionaires and the rest of us? Chris Hogan, author of Everyday Millionaires, and his research team interviewed over 10,000 millionaires to find out, and what they discovered exploded a number of common myths.

This is the kind of information that too many public schools ignore, or refuse to teach, because too many teachers among the ranks of public schools are too busy focused on social justice agendas. 

That agenda only fosters an attitude of resentment and hate by those who buy into the "social justice" meme. To illustrate the difference, be sure to first watch the linked video above. Then, watch this video here below.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Obsession of the Anti-Trump Democratic Party

Although long, this excellent article by Prof. Jonathan Turley of the George Washington University Law School, is well worth the time to read. (Thanks, Doug, for sharing this.)
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The Anti-Trump Party: How The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Defining Values In The Obsession With Trump

Below is my column in The Hill newspaper on the evolution of the Democratic Party under the Trump Administration.
Here is the column:
Washington has long been a stranger to principle other than the principle of self advancement. Yet, something new seems to be emerging across the country. Politicians have long felt the need to disguise raw political agendas in the pretense of principle. That pretense has disappeared.
In this age of rage, voters seem to have no patience, let alone need, for leaders speaking of abstract principles. They want immediate unequivocal action in supporting or opposing President Trump. For Democrats, that all consuming purpose has led to the abandonment of core unifying values, including many that first drew me to the Democratic Party. While they would vehemently deny it, Trump is remaking the party in his inverse image. This past month shows how far that transformation has gone.
The remaking of the Democratic Party was evident last week with the reaction to the decision to withdraw troops from Syria. There was a time when a sizable number of Democrats opposed undeclared wars and unending military campaigns. Now, they are appalled that Trump would not continue a war in one of the myriad countries with American troops engaged in combat operations. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called the withdrawal a “Christmas gift to Vladimir Putin,” while Tim KaineDavid Cicilline, and other Democrats called it “irresponsible” or “hasty.”
Of course, this “hasty” move is after seven years of intervention in the civil war, including personnel on the ground since 2012. Our military also has been in Iraq since 2003 and in Afghanistan since 2001. One study estimated the costs of the wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan at $5.6 trillion. More importantly, thousands of military personnel have been killed and tens of thousands have been wounded. Yet, Democrats now espouse the same lines denounced during the Bush administration.
Popular cable programs with Democratic and liberal viewers are equally full of recriminations over withdrawing from these wars. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow criticized the plan to withdraw troops as merely an effort to distract the public, despite Trump campaigning in 2016 on promises to withdraw from such wars. “Morning Joe” host and former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough denounced the president as a “quivering coward” who failed to understand that we must fight “enemies like ISIS abroad, so we do not have to fight them in our own schools, churches and airports.” Liberals once rejected the premise that we should engage in continual wars in other countries or face terrorism on our streets at home.*
Democrats are now defined by Trump the way that antimatter is defined by matter, with each particle of matter corresponding to an antiparticle. Take the secrecy. Democrats once were the party that fought against the misuse of secret classification laws by the FBI and other agencies. They demanded greater transparency from the executive branch, which is a position that I have readily supported. Yet, when oversight committees sought documents related to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act investigation of Trump associates, Democrats denounced the very thought that Republicans would question the judgment of the FBI that any such disclosures would be tantamount to jeopardizing national security.
Democratic Party leaders including Pelosi declared that the oversight committees had moved beyond “dangerous irresponsibility and disregard for our national security” and “disregarded the warnings of the Justice Department and the FBI.” Likewise, House Intelligence Committee ranking minority member Adam Schiff expressed shock that the FBI was not given deference in withholding the information in the surveillance investigation.
Yet, when the information was finally forced out of the FBI, including the disclosure of previously redacted material, it was clear that the FBI had engaged in overclassification to shield not national security but to shield the bureau itself from criticism. It included discussion of the roles of high ranking FBI officials and their reliance on such sources as the Christopher Steele dossier, which were already publicly known. Democratic House members like Schiff presumably knew what was in the redactions and, nevertheless, wanted deference to the classification decisions of the FBI.
In supporting the investigation of Trump, Democrats have embraced expanding definitions of crimes like obstruction, conspiracy, and the like. Historically, Democrats have resisted such efforts to stretch the criminal code to criminalize broader and broader areas of conduct. During the Trump administration, Democrats sound like legal hawks in demanding criminal charges for conduct long treated as civil matters, such as campaign finance violations and foreign agent registration violations.
In pursuing Trump, Democrats have also adopted a type of “red scare” mindset. While Republicans long pumped up the Russian menace as a political Cold War narrative, Democrats are now adopting the same type of rhetoric over the Russian attempt to interfere with the 2016 president election. 

Democrats for the past two years speak about how Russians “stole” the election or destroyed the legitimacy of the results, with little empirical data to support such irresponsible and unfounded claims.
While many of us support the Mueller investigation and the need for sanctions against Russia for its interference, Democrats now routinely refer to Russia as our “enemy” and accuse any people with alleged connections to Russians as “traitors.” Special counsel Robert Mueller may have more to reveal on Russian hacking, but there is little evidence that either the trolling operation or leaked emails of the Hillary Clinton campaign had a material impact on the 2016 presidential election.
In building up the Russian menace, Democrats ignore that we have not only hacked the emails of our enemies but of our allies as well for years. Moreover, we have routinely intervened in or influenced foreign elections. Likewise, other nations from Israel to Mexico to China and many more, have long tried to influence our elections. Still, Democrats are escalating their calls for greater action against Russia, including criticism of being too dovish in not confronting Russian military elements around the world.
A party requires more than hatred for an individual. A party has to stand for something that transcends the immediate or the visceral. Yet, in the age of Trump, the public is not interested in nuance or niceties. The watchword is “resist” and that means to push back at all costs, even against our core values. So the question is not what the Democratic Party will do but what it will be after Donald Trump eventually leaves office.
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at  George Washington University. You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanTurley.
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* Prof. Turley’s paragraph I’ve changed into italicized font in the above article reveals accurately just how irrational the Media (D) has become with Trump as president. I recall that 12 years ago, Glenn Beck was telling us that soon things would turn inside out and upside down. And it certainly has! The argument which Prof. Have we forgotten the multitude of terrorist incidences we’ve had over the last ten years? The Army base massacre in Texas, the Boston Marathon bombing, the night club in Florida… need I go on?

As I’ve long maintained in prior posts, these liberal/socialists early on were the ones defending, if not encouraging, Muslims coming into the country and claiming that they were not a threat to the security of our country. However, what they were not admitting to as part of their agenda was that they were looking long-term at taking over total control of the country through sheer numbers. If it is to take decades, then so be it. 

Haven’t they denied past “lone wolf” terrorist acts having connection with the Jihadis of Islam? Why? Because they know they need to assuage the fears and concerns of the general public about the multiple and repeated incidences. They know that if they’re patient long enough, they’d eventually have sufficient numbers to implement Sharia Law in a majority of urban centers across the land. They aren’t called “progressives” for nothing!

The Tax Burden of the Middle Class

The Heritage Foundation recently sent me the following information on taxes and the middle-class  regarding taxes in a mailing:

  1. President Donald Trump and members of Congress campaigned and won in 2016 on a platform of lowering taxes for the American people.
  2. The federal government continues to face massive deficits year after year, despite taking more and more of the taxpayer's money - and the national debt has surged to $21 trillion.
  3. With debt and deficits mounting, politicians in Washington [on the east coast] blame taxpayers for not paying enough in taxes. [Okay, so it's also true for our deep blue state here in the Northwest.]
  4. President Trump has stated that "our tax code is a giant, self-inflicted economic wound," and started the process to simplify the tax code with his 2017 tax cuts - but there is still much work to be done to eliminate special interest tax breaks and make tax day easier for all Americans.
  5. Liberals stopped Congress from fully repealing the Death Tax, which deprives children of their parents' hard -earned wealth, kills jobs and imposes a severe burden on businesses. [I can related personally to this, as my mother-in-law who passed away recently has revealed to us in handling the estate that the government takes its share.]
  6. The middle-class tax cuts of 2017 are temporary and will eventually expire, which will revert taxes back to sky-high levels.
  7. Taxpayers in Washington [D.C.] are seeing an average tax cut of $1,393 - a 11.0% decrease in taxes - after the 2017 Trump tax cuts, with  an average increase in take-home pay of $23,855 over the next ten years. Tax plans proposed by liberal politicians who control the U.S. House of Representatives would undo these tax cuts and add new taxes on people in your area. [Great! On top of what our own state legislature and governor are proposing in the current legislative session that started just last week.] 
Update: Here's what's come out on MLK Jr.'s day from the Kitsap News.
“This governor campaigned twice on not raising taxes, yet every budget he’s ever proposed has raised taxes,” said Rep. Drew MacEwen, (R-Union). “It’s time to start reining in spending.” That’s what Republicans are saying about Inslee and Democrats pushing an income tax. Last week, the Legislature began evaluating the first of the laundry list of Inslee’s tax proposals. (Kitsap Daily News)
The irony to me, and most others who understand basic economics, is that while we have record surplus revenue - thanks to the president's tax cuts - the liberals in the state's legislature (new majority as of November's election) and our liberal governor - who's spending more time running for president in 2020 than taking care of a number of problems in his home state - are wanting to "ding" the middle-class out of more of their hard earned income despite this unprecedented circumstance.

Get Over It!

Apparently there are a few Nigels in Great Britain who understand. Nigel Farage of the UKIP party is one, while Nigel Evans is another. The latter apparently told off many of the liberals in his cabinet well enough to have it go around the web. Here it is:

Upon watching this video, I was inspired to look up on YouTube this song w/ lyrics of Don Henley's song of the same title as this blog post's. So, here it is for those who may not recall it off the bat. However, for those of you who would enjoy seeing them perform the same song, Enjoy!

Friday, January 18, 2019

It's Starting to Unravel

The truth about what Bruce Ohr told the Congressional hearing committee last August is only now beginning to come out as to what really went on behind the Obama administration's DOJ looking into presidential candidate, and later president-elect Donald Trump.

Here's the link to the site's page, but below is the full text if you don't already have an account with the Wall Street Journal, or don't want to get one.

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What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

The Justice Department official’s testimony raises new doubts about the bureau’s honesty.

Jan. 17, 2019 7:22 p.m. ET
Justice Department official Bruce Ohr arrives for a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C., Aug. 28, 2018.Justice Department official Bruce Ohr arrives for a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C., Aug. 28, 2018.  PHOTO: PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/ASSOCIATED PREss
Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources. 
Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok, the bureau’s lead investigator. In the same month, Mr. Ohr believes, he briefed senior personnel in the Justice Department’s criminal division: Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Swartz, lawyer Zainab Ahmad and fraud unit head Andrew Weissman. The last two now work for special counsel Robert Mueller.
More important, Mr. Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven. “When I provided [the Steele information] to the FBI, I tried to be clear that this is source information,” he testified. “I don’t know how reliable it is. You’re going to have to check it out and be aware. These guys were hired by somebody relating to—who’s related to the Clinton campaign, and be aware.”

He said he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page. We broke some of this in August, though the transcript provides new detail. 
The FBI and Justice Department have gone to extraordinary lengths to muddy these details, with cover from Democrats and friendly journalists. A January 2017 memo from Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat, flatly (and incorrectly) insisted “the FBI’s closely-held investigative team only received Steele’s reporting in mid-September.” A May 2018 New York Times report repeated that claim, saying Mr. Steele’s reports didn’t reach the “Crossfire Hurricane team,” which ran the counterintelligence investigation, until “mid-September.”

This line was essential for upholding the claim that the dossier played no role in the unprecedented July 31, 2016, decision to investigate a presidential campaign. Former officials have insisted they rushed to take this dramatic step on the basis of a conversation involving a low-level campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, which took place in May, before the dossier officially came into the picture. And maybe that is the case. Yet now Mr. Ohr has testified that top personnel had dossier details around the time they opened the probe.

The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

Speculates? Likely? Mr. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

This testimony has two other implications. First, it further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS. The testimony also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election. 
Second, the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. Critics have noted Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders. It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal. The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start.

Write to

Appeared in the January 18, 2019, print edition.


Why Liberals and Non-Gun Owners Don't Get It

For about the fourth or fifth time in as many years I've been sent a message from one of my e-friends about the "Lazy Glock". In reading it for the fourth or fifth time, it suddenly dawned on me why it might be that liberals and non-gun owners focus on the defense tool, and not the operator of the tool. There must be a disconnect somewhere; that's obvious to most of us.

In today's mass use of cell phones to communicate so easily, we continuously hear about some dim-wit who gets in trouble on Twitter, SnapChat or whichever social media app they're using because they've not thought about how it's going out on the web to the world. And, boom, hyper-reaction ensues. In other words, they believe they're anonymous and can say things which they later regret.

And, the more I've been experiencing interaction - both in my classroom and in doing business - with millennials who've never learned that they must be accountable and responsible for their actions, the more I've come to realize that they fall back on shucking their responsibility off onto others, or the device, or tool they use, as the reason why they've gotten in "hot water" for having done something stupid which got them in trouble, or worse, like a conviction of some type.

So, my thinking is that they also pass off blame on the defense tool people use, and why they're so focused on doing everything they can to limit law abiding gun owners from using their weapons to protect themselves. 

Then too, liberals NEVER will blame their own kind for having the highest murder rate in the urban centers they control politically. Then too, the greater majority of those shootings are gang related and have no connection to defending one's life from a criminal. But then, that seems to go with the liberal mindset these days.

Perhaps my logic is faulty, but read the "Lazy Glock" first and think about where I coming from on this idea. 

You know, this one:

Today, I placed my Glock pistol on the table right next to my front door. I left its clip beside it, then left it alone and went about my business.
While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor's son across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the "stop" sign near the front of my house.
After about an hour, I checked on the gun and it was quietly sitting there, right where I had left it.  It had not moved itself outside.  It had not killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities it had been presented to do that.  In fact, it had not even loaded itself.
Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the hype by the Left and the media, about how dangerous guns are and "How They" kill people. Either the media is wrong, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.
The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. But if you take out just 5 'left-wing' cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, St Louis and New Orleans -- the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE world, for murders.
These 5 cities are controlled by Democrats. They also have the toughest gun control laws in the USA. It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data, right?
Well, I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Grand Deception

We've all learned of the story from ancient Greece of the Trojan Horse. 

In the guise of gift giving, a sufficiently large wooden horse is constructed for an adequate squad of soldiers to be hidden inside, and, once it is taken inside the city walls, the soldiers inside wait until everyone has gone home to sleep and those on watch are off guard. Then, the slaughter commences after they lower themselves down from inside, and victory is achieved.

This, in my opinion, is essentially what our own elected leaders are currently doing unwittingly to our country. Of course, there are those among us who view such a notion as being ridiculous, or alarmist, and their promotion of those from outside our country to enter as loving and benevolent to those who are poor and in need. At the same time they deliberately and deceptively deny these same people are any threat to the country in any way. After all, they claim, they make America "stronger". Sadly, while they come across as caring for those less fortunate than American citizens, but what they have no concept of is the underlying threat they pose to the bigger issue; liberties and freedoms of us citizens.

It is crystal clear to me, and others who've carefully monitored the developing dynamics of our country's circumstances and events, that this is a very slow, persistent, and deliberate move on the part of those two groups I cite in this post in concert with the liberal/socialists who ultimately want to take this country over.

In their interest of looking magnanimous and inclusive, too many politicians have allowed those who have no real allegiance to the values of our representative republic (no, it's not a democracy in the strict sense) to come into our country over decades. Muslims who have clearly written and said they want to eliminate the "Great Satan" (the United States) and Jews (Israel) through Jihad, and immigrants from the Central American countries to the south, who today have no intention of assimilating into the American culture by sheer numbers which are overwhelming, are those two groups.

I've recently pointed out the latter issue cited above, but have not mentioned the former for several months on this blog because of the distraction created by the immigrants taking center stage more recently. Fortunately, there are a few patriots in our Congress who are intelligently seeking solutions to this dire circumstance. While hopeful, given the control of the House by Democrats where funding originates, the chances are slim to none that it will be rejected.

But what is it that has allowed this situation to develop? As I've pointed out in previous posts on this topic, I believe it is the effect of a combination of factors in our modern culture; affluence, indifference, brainwashing by the complicit news media, distractions by those things which have no real significance, and the gradual elimination of accurate learning in the public schools, from K - 12 as well as college, of history, economics, and morality in any form.