Yes, only a summary letter has become public from A.G. Barr until legal requirements -redactions - are met for releasing the full report to the public for scrutiny. However, in just a few days since the essence of the report has been known that Mueller's over two year investigation into "Trump Collusion" has found no collusion, the liberal/leftists - Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, et al - are taking their conspiracy paranoia to a new level by refusing to accept the verdict of Muller's findings.
So, I have a few questions:
- Since the Obama Administration admitted that it knew of the Russian meddling prior to the 2016 election, what did the intelligence agencies do to try and deal with it?
- Since Pres. Obama admitted on camera that the election system was so diverse and designed to make it impossible to meddle to any serious degree, why did CIA Director John Brennan later claim that the Russians had impacted the outcome of the election?
- Why did the Clinton Campaign and the DNC pay Fusion GPS to concoct the dossier and have Christopher Steele be the "author", which was full of garbage; unverifiable claims which Director Comey admitted was so?
- Why did the FBI send agents covertly into the Trump Campaign Team, and not the Clinton Campaign?
- Why did A.G. Sessions recuse himself of the whole Russian investigation only a week or so after being confirmed?
- Why did Nellie Ohr at Fusion GPS work to cook up the dossier, then have her husband, Bruce Ohr, be a go-between from the DOJ to the FBI?
- Why did top level FBI administrators - Comey, McCabe, Stroke, and Page - get involved with what was known by the agency as an unverified dossier?
- Why did the late Senator McCain's office assistant take the dossier and pass it off to the media?
- Why did FBI Director Comey share the dossier with his good friend the "professor" who also passed it around to the media; WaPo and N.Y. Times?
- Why did Stroke write Hillary Clinton's report when they investigated her email scandal and exonerate her BEFORE ever interviewing her?
- Why did Asst. Director Andrew McCabe chose to use "extreme negligence" instead of the legal language which would have convicted her?
- Why did the FBI Director also act as though he was judge, jury and sentencer, by holding a press conference to announce Hillary Clinton's exoneration on her email scandal on July 6, 2016?
- Why did Rod Rosentein appoint Mueller who was a former FBI Director in the early 2000s, and who was a good friend of Comey?
They were desperate to deliver to Hillary the White House at any cost, for I believe that was the agreement they'd struck when Barrack and Hillary met privately in June of 2008. And when they were caught with their expectations not being realized, quickly went into cover up mode to distract the nation and impede the man they despised by throwing every possible wrench in the "tool box" into his administrative gears; judge rulings and all.
Just think of what Pres. Trump could have accomplished by now, had this not happened! But, more importantly, will we, the people who've lost faith in our judicial and intel community ever see any of these players brought to justice? No, probably not, for we now know for certain that a two-tiered system of justice is in place.
Listening to Bill O'Reilly's commentary regarding the aftermath of the Mueller investigation should prove interesting.