Thursday, April 25, 2019

Isn't It Strange?

If women are upset with Trump’s naughty words, then who bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?

James Comey replied, “I don’t remember,” “I don’t recall,” and “I don’t know” 236 times under oath when being questioned, but remembered, recalled, and knew enough to write his book. Funny thing!

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if they’re liberals.

No border walls, no voter ID laws, and liberals think we’re too stupid to figure it out.

Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 a year. Yet, her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege.

If walls and guns don’t work, then please explain to me why celebrities and politicians are surrounded by them.

SOCIALISM: An idea that’s so good it has to be mandatory.

Liberals say: “Don’t let unvaccinated kids into our schools!” Yet, the same liberals say, “Let thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrant kids into our schools!”

Bernie Sanders walks into a bar and shouts out, “Free drinks for everyone!”, then immediately looks around and yells, “Who’s buying?”

“You know that you live in a great country when even the people who absolutely detest it refuse to leave.” Candice Owens

The law which allows for the separation of children from their parents who’ve crossed the border illegally was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1997. So, why is it a problem for liberals now?

68 people were killed in mass shootings in 2018. But, did you also know that around 2,000 people were killed by illegal aliens?

… and just like that, they went from being extremely concerned about foreign interference in our elections to being for non-citizens from foreign countries voting in our elections.

MAGA – Make Alexandria Go Away

President Trump’s wall would cost less than the Obamacare website that didn’t work did. Let that sink in!

14 Million kids are living in poverty in America, and who knows how many homeless are on the streets, yet liberals fight to allow for more illegal aliens into the country.
Pennsylvania officials admit to finding 11,198 non-citizens registered to vote on their state rolls, yet liberals claim there’s no voter fraud.
Our FBI sent more armament and troops to arrest Roger Stone than the Obama Administration and S.O.S. Clinton sent to defend Ambassador Stevens in the Benghazi attack.
60 years ago Venezuela was 4th on the world economic index. Today, it is 179th and its citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 short years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.
Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145, 600, 000 to the Clinton Foundation. Yet, it was Trump who was investigated for over two years at a cost $36,000,000 of taxpayers money.
Nany Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union address, while President Trump invited victims of illegal aliens. Let that sink in!
A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens… yet!
VOTE REPULICAN… They may not be perfect, but unlike the other party, they’re not trying to destroy our country’s language, borders and culture.
Liberals feel the same way about firearms and wealth. It’s okay for them, but not for you.
A party that support abortion over life, illegal aliens over its own citizens, and refugees over its veterans thinks its going to lecture me on morality? I don’t think so!
Sweden is the rape capital of Europe, thanks to its immigration policies. Keep that in mind when socialists say that America should be like Sweden.
Please explain how one walks 3,000 miles across Mexico without food or support, and show up at the border of the U.S. 100 lbs. overweight, and with a cell phone!
If liberals think capitalism is the problem in America, there are 195 other countries where they can get a whole lot less of it. That they don’t move there should tell you what their true agenda is.
“We spend $18 Billion a year on healthcare for illegal aliens, and the Democrats can’t find $5 Billion for border security?” Laura Ingraham
Alexandria Occasio-Cortez wants to ban cars, airplane travel, and provide universal income for doing no work, and thinks socialism works. Yet, she declares that Donald Trump is crazy!
Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones to get her to go away. I don’t recall the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office, do you?
A.O.C’s annual salary is $174,000. She’s demanding a 70% tax rate. So, if 70% of $174,000 equals $121,800 in taxes, then it’s time for her to pay her fair share.
Bernie Sanders owns three houses and has a net worth of over $3,000,000. Yet, he hasn’t taken in a single refugee to live in those other two houses. Fancy that!
I have something to wake up to and be grateful for every day… that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States.
To all anti-Trumpers… Thank you for showing everyone just how idiotic liberals really are and giving us Trump supporters a daily reason to laugh and smile.
The same media that told us that Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning the 2016 election thinks I’m going to believe them when they tell us that Trump’s approval ratings are low?
The electoral college worked just fine when Hillary Clinton ran, but lost in 2016. Yet now, the Democrats are telling us it needs to be eliminated? Think about that for a moment.
The U.S. Supreme Court has had nine justices since 1868, but now the Democrats are claiming it needs to be expanded so the conservative vote can be nullified?
It’s now clear… Robert Mueller quit digging when all the tunnels kept leading back to Hillary Clinton and Pres. Obama!
Congresswoman Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws, but requires attendees to her town hall meetings to show photo IDs to enter.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Post Mueller Report Hoopla

You may be "up to speed" on what's going on in the political scene, but check this out. You may be surprised...

First, watch this video to get a clearer understanding of what the report is all about.

Second, watch this video to get a different perspective of what the report is all about.

Third, watch this video to get a great argument by Mark Levin on Fox & Friends.

Fourth, watch this video of Rush Limbaugh on Hannity's show explaining what's going on. (March 29, 2019)

Fifth, watch this video of Mark Levin joining Sean Hannity discussing the radical liberals floating the abolishing of the Electoral College in our elections. (March 21, 2019)

Death By A Thousand Cuts?

Most Americans are unaware of the fact that over two hundred years ago the United States had declared war on Islam, and Thomas Jefferson led the charge! 

At the height of the 18th century, Muslim pirates (the "Barbary Pirates") were the terror of the Mediterranean and a large area of the North Atlantic. 

They attacked every ship in sight and held the crews for exorbitant ransoms. Those taken hostage were subjected to barbaric treatment and wrote heart-breaking letters home, begging their governments and families to pay whatever their Mohammedan captors demanded. 

These extortionists of the high seas represented the North African Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers - collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast - and presented a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American Republic. 

Before the Revolutionary War, U.S. merchant ships had been under the protection of Great Britain. When the U.S. declared its independence and entered into war, the ships of the United States were protected by France. 

However, once the war was won, America had to protect its own fleets. 

Thus, the birth of the U.S. Navy. Beginning in 1784, 17 years before he would become president, Thomas Jefferson became America's Minister to France. That same year, the U.S. Congress sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in the footsteps of European nations who paid bribes to the Barbary States rather than engaging them in war. 

In July of 1785, Algerian pirates captured American ships, and the Dye of Algiers demanded an unheard-of ransom of $60,000. It was a plain and simple case of extortion, and Thomas Jefferson was vehemently opposed to any further payments. 

Instead, he proposed to Congress the formation of a coalition of allied nations who together could force the Islamic states into peace. A disinterested Congress decided to pay the ransom. 

In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli's ambassador to Great Britain to ask by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved American citizens, and why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts. 

The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran that all nations who would not acknowledge their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise." 

Despite this stunning admission of premeditated violence on non-Muslim nations, as well as the objections of many notable American leaders, including George Washington, who warned that caving in was both wrong and would only further embolden the enemy, for the following fifteen years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. 

The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to over 20 percent of the United States government annual revenues in 1800. 

Jefferson was disgusted. Shortly after his being sworn in as the third President of the United States in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli sent him a note demanding the immediate payment of $225,000 plus $25,000 a year for every year forthcoming. 

That changed everything. 

Jefferson let the Pasha know, in no uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand. The Pasha responded by cutting down the flagpole at the American consulate and declared war on the United States. 

Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers immediately followed suit. 

Jefferson, until now, had been against America raising a naval force for anything beyond coastal defense, but, having watched his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery for long enough, decided that it was finally time to meet force with force. 

He dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean and taught the Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast a lesson he hoped they would never forget. Congress authorized Jefferson to empower U.S. ships to seize all vessels and goods of the Pasha of Tripoli and to "cause to be done all other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war would justify". 

When Algiers and Tunis, who were both accustomed to American cowardice and acquiescence, saw the newly independent United States had both the will and the right to strike back, they quickly abandoned their allegiance to Tripoli. 

The war with Tripoli lasted for four more years and raged up again in 1815. The bravery of the U.S. Marine Corps in these wars led to the line "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine Hymn, and they would forever be known as "leathernecks" for the leather collars of their uniforms, designed to prevent their heads from being cut off by the Muslim scimitars when boarding enemy ships. 

Islam, and what its Barbary followers justified doing in the name of their prophet and their god, disturbed Jefferson quite deeply. 

America had a tradition of religious tolerance. In fact, Jefferson, himself, had co-authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, but fundamentalist Islam was like no other religion the world had ever seen. 

A religion based on supremacy, whose holy book not only condoned but mandated violence against unbelievers, was unacceptable to him. 

His greatest fear was that someday this brand of Islam would return and pose an even greater threat to the United States. 

This should concern every American. That Muslims have brought about women-only classes and swimming times in America at taxpayer-funded universities and public pools; that Christians, Jews, and Hindus have been banned from serving on juries where Muslim defendants are being judged; Piggy banks and Porky Pig tissue dispensers have been banned from workplaces because they offend Islamist sensibilities; ice cream has been discontinued at certain Burger King locations because the picture on the wrapper looks similar to the Arabic script for Allah; public schools are pulling pork from their menus; on and on and on and on. 

It's death by a thousand cuts, or inch-by-inch as some refer to it, and most Americans have no idea that this battle is being waged every day across America. By not fighting back, by allowing groups to obfuscate what is really happening, and not insisting that the Islamists adapt to our culture, the United States is cutting its own throat with a politically correct knife and helping to further the Islamists' agenda. 


Sadly, it appears that today America's leaders would rather be politically correct than victorious!

Here's a related piece which points out more recent events...

Muslims have been at war with the world since the 7th century and it has lasted through the 18th century. However, some will contend it never stopped. This is why many of us who know the truth about this issue choke when we hear someone say we will defeat or contain these Islamic Terrorists in a few years, or even, as Leon Panetta stated during Pres. Obama's administration, "30 years."

The facts below are historically correct.


The sad thing is that more than half of all politicians do not even know any of this. If these battles had not been won, we would most likely be speaking Arabic, and Christianity could be non-existent. Judaism certainly would NOT exist! Just consider what the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, and similar organizations have attempted to do to Israel.

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

The following events are true historical facts. It has been many years since 1968, but history keeps repeating itself.
6. During the 1980’s, a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim Males.
12. In 1998, the United States embassies in Kenya, and Tanzania, were bombed by Muslim Males.
13. On 09/11/01, four airliners were hijacked. Two of the planes were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers.  One plane crashed into the United States Pentagon, and the other plane was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of People were Killed by Muslim Males.
14. In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim Males.
15. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was Kidnapped and beheaded by you guessed it - a Muslim Male. (Plus two other American journalists who had just recently been beheaded.)

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone - particularly fanatics intent on killing us - Airport Security Screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people.

Have Americans completely lost their minds or just their "Power of Reason?"
As the writer of the Award Winning story "Forrest Gump" so aptly put it, "Stupid is, as stupid does."


Friday, April 19, 2019

Are Unions Helping, or Hurting Its Members?

When I was a full-time teacher and forced to be a member of my local, state and national teacher's union, I highly resented it.

Not only were they taking monthly dues out of my paycheck, but when it came to presidential campaign season, the only union postings in the teacher's lounge were for Democrats. If any conservative teachers complained, they told us to quit whining and pound sand.

In the first third of my 30 year career in the classroom, my state legislature announced that because of the disparity of pay between the western region versus the eastern region of our state, the legislature in their infinite wisdom would take all school districts off of the levy system that individual districts imposed on taxpayers' property and put all teachers in the state on the allocation model set by them. Teachers across the state would get the same pay whether they lived in Ritzville on the east side and paid only $500/month rent for their crash pad, while teachers on the west side of the Cascade mountains paid $950/month for the same.

I made a prediction based on what I analyzed about the situation back in the mid-80s. Eventually, this statewide allocation model would revert back to the levy system. Sure enough, this is precisely where we've arrived at today. In doing so, the union has created its own financial problem.

Not too long ago a U.S. Supreme Court ruling went in favor of those who didn't want to be forced to pay union dues; the Janus decision. However, as a response to this ruling the unions are now getting laws in state legislatures to make it next to impossible to get out of unions, and have contributed to essentially erasing the gains made by the McClary decison in WA state Supreme Court only last year.

While teachers may have gained a massive percentage increase in their salaries, they may find themselves resenting getting it in the future.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

No Collusion Or Obstruction

That's right! Read it and weep, liberals. Despite your obsession with revisiting your mid-70s victory, you gambled and LOST! As Don Henley sang, "Get Over It!"

I'm not going to waste any time, after 2.5 years and 35 million of our taxpayer dollars wasted on what we knew then when it started and all through this ridiculous journey, going into any details on it. We're fed up to our eyeballs with it and on the stupid power play these jerks in Congress have claimed - Trump is a TRAITOR!!! - and most likely, as with most of what goes on there, will get away without any consequences for saying so. It's perfectly clear that Congress is not about looking out for the good of the country, but for their own good and enrichment!

The biggest missing item in Mueller's Report is all the evidence which is there for who's to blame for concocting this whole hoax; Hillary! With pending indictments and investigations going on about this side of all of this, there will be some fast and unbelievable news coming out. But, you'll only hear it on the conservative news outlets.

Done! Over! End of story! Good - bye!