Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Relationship Between Gun Control and Crime

The following article below was shared with me by a friend. I post it here so that anyone who reads it may be more informed about the reality of the facts on this topic.
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In 1996 a man killed 15 kindergarteners and a teacher at a school in Dunblane, Scotland. As a response, the British government totally banned handguns of any sort, rifles of any sort, and in theory limited shotguns to farmers who need to protect their livestock, and to protect themselves from livestock that turned violent toward humans.
The chart below shows the results of that gun ban, both as guns were turned in and as the risk of armed resistance fell.

In 21 years, the U.K. violent crime rate has from 5 per thousand to 27 per thousand, or as the U.S. measures violent crime, from 500 per 100,000 population to 2,700 per 100,000 population.
Over the same time period, the United States violent crime rate has fallen from 586.4 per 100,000 population to to 394.4 per 100,000.
Click here for the FBI Uniform Crime Report numbers to verify that statement.
Clearly, England is not the gun free, crime free paradise our Adversaries paint it. In fact, London has reported more murders so far this year than New York City, even though Gotham itself’s crime raters are elevated by restrictive gun laws.
Clearly, then, the gun control industry is out to pull the wool over our eyes. Which means it is time for us to become the best informed people on Earth about gun controls.
Posted on by  Stranger

Saturday, May 11, 2019

How Long Will It Be Before We Lose Our Freedom?

How long will it be before the fascist/statists get a confiscation bill passed into law? Not while President Trump's in office which won't be until 2024. Then, it's anyone's guess. However, we all would do well to consider the advice of Bob Livingston's newsletter on the topic just posted this past week.

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"Hey dad... hey dad. Do we have a gun?"

"What's that?"

"Do we have a gun?"

We see the innocent face of a small child and then the advertisement fades to black. Whereupon the Ad Council and the Brady Campaign to Take All the Guns display in stark white letters a new code word they invented: "Family fire."

After all, taking away guns has always been about the children. That's what they want you to believe. And looking at the faces of the children taken from us, it's emotionally easy to agree with them. After all, who can understand such a heinous act as taking a rifle into a school and gunning down a bunch of six-year-olds? Who wants children accidentally shooting each other in their homes?

But who are the folks at the Brady Center, Michal Bloomberg, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and Corey Booker? They are statist totalitarians. They're playing on emotions — the emotions of a grieving populace — to advance their agenda. They don't care about children. They're disingenuous.

How do I know? If they cared about children, they'd be weeping over the thousands of children that America has killed with drone strikes and air raids in Pakistan, Libya, Syria and Africa. If they cared about children, they'd be outraged that 2,000 babies are aborted every day in America, many on the verge of being born. If they cared about children, there would not have been 232 synthetic chemicals found in umbilical cord blood samples from babies. If they cared about children, they wouldn't be doing everything they can to wrench children away from their fathers and the authority of their parents "for their health" and put them under the aegis of the state at every opportunity.

Taking away our ability to protect ourselves began under the altruistic sounding words "gun control." Now it's "family fire." As always in such chicanery, these words are totally misleading. But they have worked their charm on lukewarm church-going Americans.

Not one in 10,000, when they hear the words "assisted suicide" and "planned parenthood" think of them as murder. Nor do many more think of "gun control" as unreasonable or unconstitutional any longer. Now the attempt is being made through the propaganda of advertisement to put gun ownership into violent military terms so as to make it as distasteful and politically incorrect as possible for anyone to have a gun in their home, lest a child should be injured.

But do not confuse the matter at hand. Politicians don't care about children. They do what politicians do best: Use a tragedy to push their freedom-stealing agenda. If a few children die along the way, well... never let a crisis go to waste. Remember, U.N. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright told 60 Minutes that the deaths of half-a-million Iraqi children from the sanctions were "worth it." 

Death is the purview of the military-industrial complex. So first they want to take away your "assault weapons" and now they want to take the rest of your weapons so there will be no friendly family fire in the home. Charming.

But if the prevalence of weapons in private possession is the problem, how is it that people aren't constantly shot to death at gun shows and competitions? Why are there millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammunition in the hands of so-called "right wing nuts" — that's you and me, to the lamestream media — that are stored safely without incident? Why have the competitors on the History Channel's "Top Shot" not shot one another on national television? And how is it that gun crime rates are lower in areas with fewer restrictions on gun ownership?

No, dear reader, guns are not the problem. You and I are the problem, for the statists in government. In An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, Noah Webster wrote:
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be,…

The 2nd Amendment was not put in place for hunters or only for self-defense. It was put in place to protect Americans from totalitarians in government like New York's Rep. Jerrold Nadler. He once told CNS News: "One of the definitions of a nation state is that the state has a monopoly on legitimate violence. And the state ought to have a monopoly on legitimate violence. If the premise of your question is that people are going to resist a tyrannical government by shooting machine guns at American troops, that's insane."

Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, must have been insane, then, when he wrote, "The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."

Our Constitution has been shredded and it seems there are few willing to acknowledge it, and fewer still trying to do something about.

For those willing to study our country's history, the oppressive nature of government is no surprise. We were warned by the founders, who broke away from an oppressive government and formed one that guaranteed certain rights. We were warned again regarding the military-industrial complex by President Eisenhower in his farewell speech.

Unfortunately, those elected to represent us seem to either have no knowledge of these warnings, our history or our Constitution — or are blatantly disregarding it to consolidate their power. Concerned citizens need to hold accountable those they elected, for tyranny rests at your doorstep.

What to look for

I wrote to you last year that you would be well served by keeping an eagle eye open for any attempt to establish national gun registration. Cory Booker has now proposed it, as a presidential candidate. This is a prelude to confiscation of guns of every kind.

Also, keep an eye out for the end-around gun control with ammunition control. All they have to do is make ammo in short supply by buying it up. The thought police can bankrupt every ammunition maker by making guns perfectly legal but ammunition illegal, or impossible to get without — you guessed it — registering your purchase.

I remember in years gone by that many people reloaded spent ammunition. This would be a great opportunity for you men out there who would like to learn a secondary trade for a post-collapse society.

Also, buy a gun, get trained in its use and practice, practice, practice. Don't be a helpless victim, and I am not talking about crime. Gun laws are not about crime. They are for disarming the populace in order to give more power to the State. The Founders understood this concept. Cory Booker, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg and their gun-grabbing ilk know it, too. They just aren't saying it.

We can't afford to let the elected elites and the corporate media use tragedies to erase the 1st and 2nd Amendments that were carefully crafted for a reason. The Founding Fathers understood the necessity of an armed populace if a society was to remain free.

There is a growing sense of fear from many in our society over the usurpation and the arbitrary power of rulers. But more importantly, if a person is to remain secure in his home, he has to have the ability to defend himself.

I believe that is called life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

— The school shooting in Denver will mean even more calls for "gun control," even though one of the suspects is mentally ill and almost certainly taking pharmaceuticals. Where is the outrage over that? And where are the calls for more preparedness and for better self-defense? That's exactly how an off-duty border patrol agent saved lives during the recent synagogue shooting in California... by being armed. This is why, for your protection, I have quickly arranged for you to get a free concealed ankle holster by going here right now. The only way to prevent these types of incidents from harming you is to be even better prepared, not disarmed.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Why Contempt of Congress Against A.G. Barr Is Completely Absurd

As U.S. Federal Prosecutor from New York Andrew McCarthy points out, you've got to be stupid to be a liberal Democrat in Congress.


Well, you see, there's information which most of the public is not provided because of the practice by the Media (D) called selective omission which is coupled with cognitive dissonance to perpetuate their fantasy that they are determined to use in ousting a sitting president. (I suspect there are millions of Americans who've already tuned much of this out because of their day-to-day busy lives at work and home.)

Have I peaked your interest on what that information might be? I hope so, as it makes all the difference in understanding why I've titled this post as I have.

In McCarthy's latest FOX piece, he provides the facts regarding why the contempt of Congress meted out by Chairman Nadler is utterly ridiculous. So, go here and read it to understand how this is so.

Should you have liberal friends who think they'll be able to win the discussion on what's going on, you'll be glad you are up to speed on this information.

Disinfranchising 63 Million Americans

That is precisely what the Democrats in the House and the Media (sorry, I repeat myself) are doing in attempting to uphold their claims that President Trump should be impeached, which have no basis in fact.

Investigating the investigators is revealing more and more details on just exactly what really happened back during the 2016 presidential campaign and for the past two years via the media wing of the liberals who are unwilling to accept their loss by continuing to mislead the public.

The following two links provide us with just released news that the proves the FISA court was lied to and how it was carried out even after the F.B.I. had advanced information that none of the dossier was reliable and the Clinton Campaign had paid for it as opposition research. (Be sure to let a follow-up video  of Cong. Devin Nunes come on after Cong. Jim Jordan's interview, to hear what he shares. It's very short.)

If you've not listened, or watched the two links in my previous post - "Russian Hoax a Cover?" for May 8th - of the Dan Bongino Show which explains how John Brennan, former C.I.A. Director under the Obama Administration was the "key" coordinator behind all of this, then I would highly recommend checking it out.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Russian Hoax A Cover?

Here's Dan Bongino holding the limo door for Pres. Obama.

Since I've been sharing, on occasion, information we come across about the battle between the liberals and Trump's W.H., I thought I'd share the two links below from a subscription I have for the Dan Bongino Show. If you don't already know who this guy is, he's a former Secret Service Agent who served during the Obama Admin. that got out around the time of the 2016 campaign and has not only become a regular guest on many FOX News shows - Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity & Laura Ingraham to name a few - but has also launched his own podcast show for the purpose of informing the public what's going on through sources within the "Beltway of D.C." on developing events on the hill.

I highly recommend you use these two links from yesterday & today's podcasts from his show - there's an option of audio or video of each show - and follow what he's uncovered and explains about ties between the F.B.I. and D.O.J.'s involvement in the Russian Collusion Hoax. It has more specific information than most other conservative sources and I believe you'll recognize that Dan is not only articulate in what he explains, but does a great job of connecting "dots" others don't. Check it out!

Caution: Listening/watching these two episodes will blow your mind and bring you "up to speed" on what really happened in 2016. You may want to share them with your friends.

Trump's White House Prepares for Battle

As more and more evidence is revealed by those investigating the "investigators", it is becoming clear that the 2016 presidential campaign was messed with in an unprecedented manner, not by the Russians as the media is leading the public to believe, but by the Obama Administration itself.

How can I say this? Well, based on the various facts I've been able to assemble, I believe the following is basically accurate. (I believe future investigative findings will support this theory.)

In the 2008 campaign Hillary held a secret meeting with Democrat candidate Sen. Obama. I believe he made a deal with her to allow him to take the nomination then, in exchange for her being given the position of Secretary of State after being Senator of New York which Obama aided her in getting during his first term. This would allow Hillary time in the first term to establish her cadre of followers/ supporters/collaborators in Congress she gathered. It would allow her to use the Clinton Foundation Initiative to establish her "war chest" for her future campaign for the presidency.

Then, after being re-elected, Obama would appoint her as S.O.S., after establishing her credibility as someone more than just the First Lady, where she could expand her contacts around the world for more broad support and contributions to her "war chest." However, due to some unexpected outcomes during her term as S.O.S. - ie: Libya & Benghazi - Obama was more reluctant to provide public support to her during her bid for the White House in 2016; especially after news got out about her email server and her "right-hand aide" Humma Abedin's spouse - Cong. Weiner - and the Hillary emails on his laptop. Of course, it didn't help her campaign either when John Podesta allowed his computer to be hacked which revealed how the Hillary campaign was being run, and then there was how it was revealed that then DNC Chair Cong. Wasserman-Shultz rigged the nomination against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In the process, and in order to control the narrative for her, Obama had his intelligence cronies - Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al - engage in spying on Trump's campaign after Hillary and Obama agreed she would provide the meme of Russian collusion as an "insurance policy" in an effort to eliminate any possibility of Trump winning.

After the shock of election night, Hillary's operatives within her network she'd established, opened the floodgates to put into motion the impeachment process. In essence, it was a psyops campaign, with the help of the media, to convince the public he was a Russian collaborator; Putin's puppet. Their next step in the plan was to strategically target seats in the House to take back control to implement the impeachment process led by Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

Another twist in the game was the outcome of the Mueller report which frustrated the Dems to the point of losing it, is Chariman Nadler demands the fully unredacted report, as well as Trump's tax returns and all other docs which could indict him as a crook of any kind. With the appointment of A.G. Barr, they knew their plan was falling apart. So, Congress and the media (D) go after Barr!

This article from The Morning Call now provides us with the legal defense the White House is now mounting against this unprecedented attack on a sitting president who's been framed by the Hillary political machine; the chief of which is still on tour touting that the election was stolen from her.

How typical! Just like that "vast right-wing conspiracy" against her husband back in the '90s! No wonder she didn't win the election.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Cause Behind Crime?

A lack of a father figure. He, he, he, he, he... that's all, folks!

Is that why this story is of no surprise to me?