Here's an article from The Horn News a good friend of mine sent me. It's both such good, and horrifying, news about this out-of-control socialist/leftist who's established quite a reputation as a "dunderhead" that I had to share it here.
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by Frank Holmes, reporter
The walls are closing in on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The media tried to make the freshman congresswoman a star, but her popularity has hit new lows.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues want nothing to do with her.
And Cortez represents one of the safest blue districts in the country, but her re-election is in doubt.
Now, she’s lashing out by promising to use the government to punish her personal enemies.
been getting pushback for a plank in her unpopular “Green New Deal”
that promises to hike tax rates on “the rich” up to an astronomical 70%.
But she doesn’t mean rich people like Bernie Sanders, her fellow “Democratic Socialist” who just confessed he’s a millionaire.
AOC says she’s going to handpick a tiny group of people she hates—“like 10 people”—and walk away with everything they own!
She went on a rant of all the people she wants to bankrupt.
“When we say ‘tax the rich,’ we mean nesting-doll yacht rich,” she tweeted.
“For-profit prison rich. Betsy DeVos, student-loan-shark rich. Trick-the-country-into-war rich,” she rambled.
Forget the fact that it’s totally un-American to pass a bill aimed at a few, specific individuals–that’s called a “bill of attainder,” and it’s unconstitutional. The Constitution means nothing to the Democrats, anyway.
publicly broadcasting that you’re going to use your power to get your
political foes, no matter what? That kind of chutzpah is breathtaking.
This isn’t even the first time AOC admitted she wanted to abuse her power to settle personal scores.
Even though she hadn’t been sworn into Congress yet, Cortez threatened to throw him in the slammer!
She ended by telling him to “have fun!”—dealing with all the charges she’d hit him with once she took office.
Make the bubble-headed congresswoman look stupid on social media? See you in court!
If AOC thinks she can jail the commander-in-chief’s first-born son, who couldn’t she destroy?
These businessmen didn’t break a single law, but Democrats hate gun owners, so off with their heads!
has gotten more aggressive—some people would say unhinged—as her
popularity has tanked, and there are signs she could even be a one-term
fellow Democrats are distancing themselves from her as fast as
possible. Five congresswomen from pro-Trump districts in Virginia,
Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New Jersey went on a national tour dissing
Cortez’s far-Left policies.
AOC has decided that voters might kick her out of office in 2020, so she wants to do as much damage as possible first.
Until now, Republicans just worried about the ex-bartender’s slow wit.
“She’s a dunderhead!” said Fox News host Mark Levi. “She doesn’t know a damn thing. She hasn’t done a damn thing.”
But now they say her plan to use the government to target her enemies has crossed a dangerous line.
First, socialists take you money. Then they take your freedom. And in the end, they take your life.
At least AOC has admitted what’s really driving her lust for power!
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News.
He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks
about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”