Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Apples & Oranges!

With the announcement by Pres. Trump on Friday that he was giving A.G. Barr authority to declassify all documents pertaining to the investigation of the investigators the liberal/leftists and Media (D) are screaming that this will disclose sources and jeopardize them; NOT SO!

Apples = Declassification

Oranges = Disclosure

Why? Easy, it's very simple... the two - declassifying and disclosure are NOT something that are the same, or going to happen under A.G. Barr. Barr's not going to allow disclosure of his active agent abroad. 

The only reason the liberal/leftists and Media (D) are saying this is because they not only are trying to use a false excuse for not declassifying the docs, but because they all know it will result in completely and utterly expose and embarrass them as complicit in conducting a soft coup of taking out our duly elected president and for breaking multiple laws.

In other words, eventually the nation will be seeing coverage - mostly on FOX - of news stories about the growing conga line of indicted liberals & leftists involved.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Paragraph One

For those who listen to, or watch the video version of the Dan Bongino Show on a regular basis, you may already know what the title of this post is about. So, for those who don't, for various reasons which are understandable, I will briefly explain it to you.

As a former Secret Service Agent in the Obama Administration, and before that a N.Y. policeman, Dan knows lots of the law enforcement parlance involved in the profession. When a law officer is submitting paperwork for an investigation on criminal activities, the opening paragraph of the body contains information which lays out the who, what, when, where, how and why of facts.

Through this long, drawn out investigation by the Deep State and Media (D) of "Russian Collusion" of Trump, we have gradually learned a lot, but not all, the details of those facts... except the how of it's actual beginnings.  We have speculative ideas of the how, but now, with the declassification by Pres. Trump to A.G. Barr to declassify those pertinent documents gathered on the whole collection of memorandum (FISA warrants, FBI 302s, DOJ records, State Dept. notes, etc.), there's an expectation that we will now, finally, learn the truth behind the how of it all.

Of course, with this move by Pres. Trump, we have over this Memorial Day weekend, seen Brennan, Clapper, and others in the Media (D) either give dire warnings, or totally freak out that the president is exercising his Constitutional powers to clear up what he's been found by Mueller's report to be cleared of any of their claims over the past 2.5 years. There's also the claims made, which have been said many times before, that should any intel is declassified, our national security will be at stake. B.S., because what they actually know, is that those who participated in this biggest political scam in our nation's history, will be exposed and many will be indicted for going before the FISA Court and obtained a warrant based on unverified sources. The real question is, could their sources have been "disinformation" from Glen Simpson at Fusion GPS, and Surkov/Tribnikov, the Russian agents working with Stefan Halper to feed Christopher Steel?

By the way, if you've not already watched a couple of the recent broadcasts on FOX of Life, Liberty and Levin, then I highly recommend doing so for the purpose of informing yourself about the background of this whole investigation which is discussed in the John Eastman and Pete Hegseth as guests shows. You'll be glad you did if you want to more clearly understand what's going on.

If this teaser has peaked your curiosity about what's really going down with all this, I highly recommend watching Bongino's Memorial Day podcast where he goes into explaining the details behind the latest news on it all. It gets MUCH more interesting with every passing day.

Remembering Those Who Sacrificed For Our Freedom

Fortunately for me, my dad who served in the Navy during WWII, served as a Yeoman (secretary) to an Admiral in England and didn't have to see the battlefield on a ship. Had this not been the case, I and my next two older brothers of three would not have come into the world had he perished in battle. Here's a short video explaining the circumstances which those men faced in storming the beaches of Normandy.

I suppose someone's estimated what the quantity of Americans might have been born, had we not lost all those young men in both the European and Pacific Theaters of the war, but it makes one wonder just how different our nation may have become had WWII never happened.

I pray that we never experience a WWIII, for there very well might not be any nation to rebuild afterwards.
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by Patrick Kilchermann

A man who was not so young anymore walked through the woods, lost in thought. It was a heavy day and he preferred to observe it alone... for being surrounded by people who didn't understand was the only thing worse than loneliness.

His feet carried him absentmindedly around each turn and his mind wrestled, as it always had, with one question. "Why."

After a while he awoke from his walking-dream and realized he was now standing still. Something pulled his eyes upward and there, standing on top of a hill and against the shining sun was a man.

The man. His man.

Squinting against the light, unable yet to make out the man's face, his heart jumped to his throat; adrenaline shot to his veins. He didn't need to see his face: he knew who it was by his silhouette.

The man on the hill was American. He was Japanese. German. Korean. Vietnamese. Italian. French. British. He was white and yellow and black and brown. He seemed to stand proudly, firmly planted, arms on his hips. To his body clung an untold number of packs and straps and gear and supplies that made him look as if he weighed 250 pounds.

In the mind of our man, this figure was perpetually twenty years older than he, and it was therefore like a punch to the gut to see instead after all these years how truly young he actually was. And yet, the man on the hill radiated a certain wisdom and confidence that our man had still never managed to obtain.

This was the man who had shown ours the ropes. He had taught him how to walk. How to think. How to scrounge. How to improvise. How to listen. How to set up an ambush. How to kill. And on one particularly terrible night that still haunted our man's nightmares... he had taught them all how to die.

From this man on the hill had come venom and anger and rage and unfathomable tenderness. He was often the last to sleep, the last to eat, the first to cross. He was at once both a mother hen and a vicious badger.

Our man caught his breath and wanted to call out to the one on the hill -- but something stopped him... and in squinting tighter he realized what it was. The man on the hill was wearing one thing that our man, in all their time together, had never seen him wear before: it was the most peaceful and happy smile you've ever seen.

Our man wiped his eyes, and the man on the hill was gone. He exhaled... He relaxed back and deep into his civilian shoes. From that smile our man won his liberation. He straightened up his old bones, feeling younger himself.

And he said aloud: "This walk was beautiful. But I think I'm ready to go home now."

Patrick Kilchermann
founder, Concealed Carry University

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Italian Connection?

If half of this information provided through this source is accurate, then it will eventually be divulged in the A.G.'s findings on investigating the investigators.

Warning/Caution: Before attempting to read the material divulged from this source, one needs a sufficient quantity of time, prior knowledge regarding the "bigger picture" of what's actually been revealed on this matter, and patience in reading some of the information provided in this piece which was machine translated from Italian to English.

The real issue for me is... will it result in justice for those key players involved, ie: Clinton and Obama?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

AOC is Digging Her Own Political Grave

Here's an article from The Horn News a good friend of mine sent me. It's both such good, and horrifying, news about this out-of-control socialist/leftist who's established quite a reputation as a "dunderhead" that I had to share it here.
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by Frank Holmes, reporter
The walls are closing in on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The media tried to make the freshman congresswoman a star, but her popularity has hit new lows.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues want nothing to do with her.
And Cortez represents one of the safest blue districts in the country, but her re-election is in doubt.
Now, she’s lashing out by promising to use the government to punish her personal enemies.
She’s been getting pushback for a plank in her unpopular “Green New Deal” that promises to hike tax rates on “the rich” up to an astronomical 70%.
But she doesn’t mean rich people like Bernie Sanders, her fellow “Democratic Socialist” who just confessed he’s a millionaire.
AOC says she’s going to handpick a tiny group of people she hates—“like 10 people”—and walk away with everything they own!
She went on a rant of all the people she wants to bankrupt.
“When we say ‘tax the rich,’ we mean nesting-doll yacht rich,” she tweeted.
“For-profit prison rich. Betsy DeVos, student-loan-shark rich. Trick-the-country-into-war rich,” she rambled.
AOC said she had a right to clean out her enemies’ bank accounts, because “THAT kind of rich is simply not good for society, & it’s like 10 people.”
Forget the fact that it’s totally un-American to pass a bill aimed at a few, specific individuals–that’s called a “bill of attainder,” and it’s unconstitutional. The Constitution means nothing to the Democrats, anyway.
But publicly broadcasting that you’re going to use your power to get your political foes, no matter what? That kind of chutzpah is breathtaking.
This isn’t even the first time AOC admitted she wanted to abuse her power to settle personal scores.
Last December, Donald Trump Jr. trolled AOC with a devastating Instagram post showing President Trump telling Cortez he’s against socialism, “Because Americans want to walk their dogs, not eat them.”
Even though she hadn’t been sworn into Congress yet, Cortez threatened to throw him in the slammer!
She ended by telling him to “have fun!”—dealing with all the charges she’d hit him with once she took office.
Make the bubble-headed congresswoman look stupid on social media? See you in court!
If AOC thinks she can jail the commander-in-chief’s first-born son, who couldn’t she destroy?
She’s already put the crosshairs on some of the most powerful people in the country. She’s trying to use her seat on the House committee that oversees banking laws to punish banks that do business with pro-Second Amendment groups. She’s singled out, harassed, and shamed financial execs on national television.
These businessmen didn’t break a single law, but Democrats hate gun owners, so off with their heads!
AOC has gotten more aggressive—some people would say unhinged—as her popularity has tanked, and there are signs she could even be a one-term congressman.
Her fellow Democrats are distancing themselves from her as fast as possible. Five congresswomen from pro-Trump districts in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New Jersey went on a national tour dissing  Cortez’s far-Left policies.
Things are so bad that Cortez may not even win her ultra-Democrat seat in the Bronx.  Her approval rating has skydived by 26 points since she was elected, mostly over her chasing thousands of good-paying jobs out of her district.
AOC has decided that voters might kick her out of office in 2020, so she wants to do as much damage as possible first.
Until now, Republicans just worried about the ex-bartender’s slow wit.
“She’s a dunderhead!” said  Fox News host Mark Levi. “She doesn’t know a damn thing. She hasn’t done a damn thing.”
But now they say her plan to use the government to target her enemies has crossed a dangerous line.
“This is why socialism turns into authoritarianism,” said Ari Fleischer, who was press secretary for President George W. Bush. “This is very Venezuela of her.”
First, socialists take you money. Then they take your freedom. And in the end, they take your life.
At least AOC has admitted what’s really driving her lust for power!
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

This is How Much D.S.H.S. Cares

I'm without words! And to realize that our tax dollars are paying for such incompetence!

I'll link to the story here, and let the article do the explaining.

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And... this is how delusional and clueless Seattle Mayor Durkan is regarding the condition of neighborhoods in her city. As if that's not enough evidence, there's this site about the growing garbage in Seattle.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Success & Freedom's Key Component

One would assume that a teacher's job is to not only instill knowledge into the youth they're in charge of, but that they would also impart those bits of wisdom from experience to prepare them for life ahead. This is what makes for a great movie about an outstanding teacher, such as we've seen, or heard about in past years. But is there any of that happening anymore in our public schools today? I wonder.

After four years of serving my country in the military, I decided to to serve future generations by going into the education profession. It was a difficult experience, for the difference between the two experiences was like water and oil. Even though the first was only four years, the second was a little more than seven times that.  There was a general shift of philosophy in education over that longer period as well.

When I first entered the classroom those who had served in the military were considered a positive influence on the children they would educate. Discipline was considered a critical factor for young, developing minds, to be successful in life ahead. However, by the time I retired, the social climate was one which either despised that factor, or did its best to neutralize its impact.

Early on, discipline was mostly under the determination and application of the teacher when being applied. We understood each child directly over the school year and applied what we knew was appropriate for them. Our military experience had taught us that discipline is the key to personal freedom, and we wanted to impart those concepts to our students. However, over the years, I experienced the gradual withdraw of that individual control of applying discipline in our classrooms and a shift to the administrative level.

Then, there was the third element in the equation; the parent who fought our attempts to impart lessons about life. This was at a time when many parents were believing that teachers were, for some strange reason, attempting to undermine their parenting skills. As an example of a low level attempt to deal with advising a student who was unruly, I decided to request that the student's parent come in for a teacher/parent/student conference to discuss the problem. In the process of discussing the problem, the student expressed her frustration that it wasn't fair that there seemed to be a difference for the issue being discussed. In my attempt to explain why this view of the student's was misguided, I began to explain by pointing out that "Life isn't fair." But, before I could further explain why I was saying this, and give an illustrative example, the parent blew up at me for saying such a thing and declared that they were doing their best to teach their child that everything should be fair in life. Naturally, this situation made it even more difficult to impart a concept for the student, when the parent had a completely opposite understanding and wouldn't even allow me to finish up a "life lesson".

It was my assessment that this shift of discipline from teacher to administrator was due to a combination of three things. First the district's growing fear of litigation - parents were becoming more "sue happy" when they disagreed with how their child's consequences were meted out for inappropriate behavior - second, corporal punishment, that is any physical contact - even taking a student by the arm to remove them - was becoming a big "No, no!", (that was considered abuse) and third, there was a growing trend to allow only the school counselor, or administrator in the building, to decide what the student's punishment would be when they weren't even present to witness their behavior and the student often became highly adept at spinning the story to their favor.

Over the years, it became obvious to me that the student who was unwilling to comply with my initial verbal directives to put their behavior in check became bolder once they were aware, and had determined that this new arrangement of secondary consequences usually resulted in less severe outcomes. Now, as I've substituted over the last ten years, I've witnessed many incidences where students are bold to the point of physical violence against their classmates right in front of the substitute. 

Most of the time, these instances are repeated time and time again, with a record by the principal being kept and suspension, or expulsion, is only applied when the particular student has accumulated a sufficient quantity of infractions to warrant it. Meanwhile, other students are the target of unnecessary repeat violence because the teacher is not to interfere for potentially doing something in the process of breaking it up that could get them disciplined as well.

Consequently, we now have youth in public schools who are not learning logical consequences of their actions, but the empowerment they now realize they have by just confronting their teacher and claiming falsehoods about their teacher to get their way. (I will not go into detail here, but when I was told some of the things which were asserted by students from an administrator about me, it was utterly shocking.)

Now, you're probably thinking, well, this is just one teacher's sour grapes, or, this isn't that widespread. Then, I invite you to watch an eight minute video of an N.Y.U. professor who was drummed out of his position because he dared to go against the institution's directive. If his more recent story isn't adequate cause for alarm about what's happening in our schools of higher learning now, then nothing will. Oh, I forgot to mention that he was an avowed leftist/communist! (The Red Pill Expo is put on by the Freedom Force International.)