Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Cannibalism of Identity Politics

Before I get to today's topic, I can't resist saying that I'm convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Joe Biden is totally and completely "dead in the water" when it comes to his campaign, and getting nominated... especially when he said at a recent AARP sponsored campaign pitch when talking about health care, "If you like you healthcare plan, you can keep it!" (No, I'm not kidding! He repeated the biggest political lie by B.H.O. - 20 some odd times - when promoting Obamacare.) Now, I ask you, if "W" had used his Dad's line, "Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" in his campaign, how well would that have worked? Unbelievable!
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For those of us who pay attention to our world today, we know just how epic of a failure the Congressional "Squad's" presser was in their attempt to strike back at Pres. Trump's tweet about taking on his challenge to show us how it's done in improving the country they themselves came from.

These four women attempted to defend themselves for their obvious and blatant racist and antisemitic rhetoric by using the tactic of calling anyone and everyone a racist. In fact, we've already heard them calling other Democrats - Nancy Pelosi for one - these labels, revealing that it only leads to self-destruction. This is the liberal's only political weapon; virtue signaling their superiority of their sensitivity to the community of color, or minority oppressed. Anyone who doesn't see the world in their way are simply disgusting, ignorant and phobic or some type of 'ist'; take you pick!

Remember the reaction which occurred during the last campaign when Hillary called all Trump supporters "Deplorables" and how well that went over for her? Now, only two years later, they've taken this weapon to a whole new level compared to Hillary's campaign remark that, I believe was the "trigger" which caused a lot of voters to say, "That's it, I've had enough of this crap!".

Well, I highly suspect that this is precisely what Pres. Trump is utilizing in his daily tweets;  a strategy of revealing just how self-destructive their weapon of identity politics is - not only for the country - but for themselves, by provoking them into eating each other alive and imploding the party by exposing it all. To me, he's clearly setting the ground for the coming campaign next summer for whoever gets the nomination for the DNC. It looks as though we're in for quite a "circus" in our next presidential election!

Should a reader need more examples of what I'm getting at, I highly recommend watching this episode of Dan Bongino's podcast on the topic. For those who didn't hear Mark Levin's remarks on these women, here's his remarks.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Standing Up Against Hatred and Slander

JULY 11, 2019 01:24 PM

The recent opinion piece by New York Times columnist Timothy Egan, (“The founders would gag at today’s GOP,” TNT, 7/7), was a slanderous insult to thousands of Pierce County voters, and it is time we exercised our civil right to stand against hatred and bigotry based on our political affiliation and beliefs.

We Republicans not only helped elect President Trump, but also our county executive, a majority of the Pierce County Council and a dozen state legislators representing districts throughout our county.

Egan states, “I’m terrified of the Republicans,” calling us “explicitly anti-American.” With no sound evidence, he claims Republicans oppose both freedom of speech and freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Allow me to set the record straight: Freedom of speech isn’t just for the New York Times. It includes the right of citizens to criticize the media’s obvious and endless hostility toward our president, whom Egan referenced as “the despot” in the White House.

As for freedom of religion, Republicans welcomed the Supreme Court’s recent decision that my home state, Maryland, was not required to remove a World War I memorial in the shape of a cross. What a breath of fresh air when Justice Alito said: “A government that roams the land, tearing down monuments with religious symbolism and scrubbing away any reference to the divine will strikes many as aggressively hostile to religion.”

I will at least acknowledge Egan for not hiding his contempt for our elected president. He extended his contemptuous name-calling to anyone who supports Trump, dismissing them as “pink-faced mobs calling for a wall at Trump rallies.”

I’m one of a growing number of Republicans who are far from ‘pink-faced” and who and recognize the need to apply existing law to stem illegal immigration.

Egan wraps up his hate-filled piece with bizarre criticism of the president’s Fourth of July celebration. He misses the point, ignoring many reasons given to be proud of America, and he offered an oddly rewritten version of our nation’s first century, claiming “Trump rolls out weapons of war to celebrate the birth of a nation that never even had much of a standing army until the 20th century...”

Ever heard of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and Civil War? They were in all the newspapers.

There is a powerful irony in a journalist cramming so much divisive venom into an essay alleging the president and his party are hateful and divisive. Those who listened to his Independence Day speech heard a stirring message of pride in America and respect for all its people.

The News Tribune’s editorial page has been a forum for thoughtful comment from differing viewpoints. I don’t expect to agree with every contributor, but you erred in providing a platform for nasty and inaccurate characterization of Republican readers who, like me, care deeply about our faith, flag and family.

Thanks for granting an opportunity to set the record straight.

Paula Wallace Lonergan is vice chair of the Pierce County Republican Party and a disabled Vietnam-Era veteran.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

I've Always Wondered About AOC

From the get-go I've always had a nagging suspicion in the back of my mind about Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez; AOC.  How was it that she won against a 20 year incumbent.  How is it that she's become, in just a few months since her election, the darling of the Media (D)?  Why are they so focused on her?  Why is she so bold as a freshman congresswoman to take on the Speaker of the House, Pelosi, as she has after only a few month in Congress?

It just didn't add up until I read this article and watched the video on the bottom of it that it all fell into place.

If you've been following the political news at all lately, you most likely heard how AOC's "Chief of Staff" from her office recently unintentionally told Gov. Jay Inslee, (D)-WA, who's currently still running for President, the true intentions of the Green New Deal.  Well, what this guy in the video in this article explains is why it makes sense and all falls into place.

We can only hope that this dude gets prosecuted by the Feds soon for his illegal mishandling of campaign funds, or these Justice Democrats are going to have their "actor/actress" in the White House sooner than we think.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Was Jesus a Socialist?

In today's shifting trends, thanks to the ability of instant communication with social media, many who haven't spent the time to study the Bible, learned logic, or have been persuaded by someone who is admired, the idea has been perpetuated, as it has in the past by some, that Jesus was a socialist.

The reasons given to support this claim as legitimate are legion. However, those reasons given don't hold water, or support the obvious facts... as this latest PragerU video adeptly points out.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Ridiculousness of Today's Social Media

Since the advent of social media a few decades ago it hasn't taken long to see just how absurd the younger generation is when it comes to issues that don't matter.

Take the most recent example of Nike pulling the sale of the Betsy Ross Flag on the heel because their new marketing "poster boy" (otherwise known in corporate parlance as their P.R. guy) Colin Kaepernick expressed his feelings about it by saying that it was a symbol of oppression of a nation that had slaves. Paaaaleeeeze! What can't these people get over it? (The introductory statements by Don Henley are so appropriate regarding this phenom of the younger genearations. And, note the date!)

This tactic is a prime example of how liberals use social media to promote a meme that takes something - whatever it is - and treats it as though it suddenly matters. Such a tactic is how the liberals change the rules in the middle of a game to both confuse and retain control of the narrative for changing the culture to their own utopian perspective.

To illustrate just how absurd such a claim is, for those who've not seen this, you will laugh when viewing it. This link provides a January 2013 inaugural photo of the flags hung on the Congressional building for Pres. Obama's second term. Question: Why wasn't this offensive then? If it was offensive as a symbol, why didn't Obama's sycophants call it out? Better yet, why wasn't it taken down?

Comparing this with Nike's recalling the sale of their shoe that Colin found offensive illustrates just how absurd and petty our social mindset today has become... mainly because of how instantly a single individual can make a claim that is what amounts to a cultural "sucker punch", and how the liberals who are always looking for a way to bad mouth the country that's given them the best opportunity - which they don't even have the intelligence to realize is so - they could ever want out of all other countries of the world.

For another perspective on this issue - if you're not already up to your eyeballs on this idiotic topic - is found at Real Clear Politics.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Nigel Farage Interviewed by Candice Owens

If you like Nigel Farage of the U.K. as much as I do for his optimistic conservatism, then you want to watch this most recent interview on the Candice Owens Show on PragerU.

He has a great last minute statement for the audience. Talk about uplifting!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Best of Bongino - Last Week of June

For those who want the facts - something liberals manipulate for their own purposes - you'll want to see this 12 minute video of the highlights from Dan Bongino's podcasts; very informative!