Monday, October 14, 2019

What Today's H.S. Students Aren't Taught

While today's high school student may be taught about Fredrick Douglas, they are most likely taught that he was a revolutionary leader against the tyranny of white oppression, but will most likely not be taught that he was also a target of those whites who, in that day, were Democrats who, formed the K.K.K. as its military arm to lynch blacks, and imposed Jim Crow laws in the south, in reaction to their slavery being ended via abolitionists, the formation of the Republican party, and the civil war.

The Propaganda War Rages On

Our nation is at a very critical and dangerous point.

Evil is waging war on a nation God's hand has brought forth to be a light unto the world.

For those of us who understand this, and know what the truth is behind the lies and fictitious assertions which have been made and repeatedly failed against a president those across the nation recognized in the 2016 campaign as such, now must stand firm in doing whatever we can to get him re-elected and carry on the purging of those engaged in this evil plot to take our nation in to darkness; socialism, tyranny, and despare.

I just returned from vacationing on the east coast for a week. Just sitting in the airport, waiting to board our plane to head home, I was astounded at what I was hearing, repeatedly, on the radio news being broadcasted in the seating area; lie, after lie, after misstatement and twisting of motives and of facts about all the issues being thrown out to the uninformed public in an effort to brainwash those who, over time, just want to get it over with in this world of 24/7 news cycles. The propaganda machine is in full swing to implement a "soft coup" over the people's vote of three years ago!

How is this a "soft coup"? On top of the repeated failed attempts based on false claims to establish any credible crime against the president, the proceedings in the Democrat run House of Representatives is being conducted by a woman - I needn't mention her name - in a way which is unprecedented in our nation's history of impeachment of a president. The House has not taken a vote, the Dems are not engaging in due process procedures, and are, as a result, excluding any participation by the Republicans in issuing subpoenas for witnesses. (Is she that obsessed with becoming V.P. if they were ever successful in actually removing Trump from office; which won't happen?) This is pure revenge on display, folks!

The following comments from another blogger I came across today are a good example of why there is still hope in this madness our nation is going through.

The Dems are bringing up all the crap they can think of on President Trump. The Dems need to be put out. Do not vote for any Dem in your state and show them that they can't get voters to vote them in because all the Dems do is lie, lie, lie. They have not passed one bill since 2016, they haven't done anything for the American people. All they can do is talk about Trump. They can't get over the fact that Hillary DID NOT WIN THE ELECTION!! Let the Dems go running to Soros for sympathy.
I was a Dem. from the time I was able to register to vote. I actually did cross over a couple times to vote Republican. However, the Democratic party is not like it used to be. They have treated our President Trump terrible and some of the Dems have been very disrespectful to Our President of the USA. So about a month ago, I changed my political Party to Republican. Rest assured it was not because my husbands family are Republicans. It was because President Donald Trump is the best President we have had in many years. He has done so much to help everyone in just the two plus years he has been in office. I have watched him for years because I used to sell Real Estate and he was such a successful man in the Real Estate business that I kept following him. When I heard him announce that he was going to run for President, I knew immediatly that I was going to Vote for him. Since before he even was sworn in as President, the Dems. have been very disrespectful to him and his family. So I did not want to be associated with a Party that would smear anyones name so bad because they lost the Election. It was my choice and mine alone that I changed from a Dem. to a Republican. If I get the chance to vote for President Donald Trump again, I will be voting for him for sure! My name is Carol Lee Billups.
Born in Ohio in 1929, I grew up there thinking I was democrat. Graduated HS 1947, and worked in coal mine as Electrician Wire- Hangar, for 2 years, till mine closed. Know the shenigans of Unions, and worked next two years in A&P store, as clerk. Had to belong to unions in both, and neither did anything for me. Civil Service Employees will vote Democrat, but the rural areas of Ohio will vote Republican. Still have relatives and friends in Ohio, and know them well. Gov. Kasich was going to change Ohio politicial, but found the Civil Service employees (Federal Union now), with all the other unions, for police, firement, teachers, government employees, over welmed him, and he got whiffs of Potomac vapers, and dreams of being in Washington.
-------I see Fracking, oil and gas production continuing, and know my home county gained 80 plus millionaires, the day they signed with the Energy Companies, to allow drilling and production. This is National Security issue, and the more energy we ship to the world, the fewer wars we have to send our young men and women to fight. And we are back leading the World, with Donald Trump and his policies. I served 26 years 18 days (1950 to 1976) and know what we did in those years. I have no regrets since my whole life changed, educational, politicial, family, and especially from the education i received, by working with wonderful people from all countries, who had joined our military during WWII. With Donald and others like him, following in years to come, USA will stay REPUBLIC, and not allow socialism, fascism, communism, or any other form of government take over USA.

What others have commented here are very encouraging! My better half & I have been saying the same things to each other as we've watched over the last three years what has happened and been revealed. What the colluding w/ the Dems. media has revealed is that they realize their grand scheme to "clinch" their effort to establish the corrupt world network of 'soft socialism' in electing Hillary was stopped. Now, they're desperate to do whatever it takes - lie, fabricate, beat the propaganda drum to those who want the easy way to survive - to cover up all the corrupt machinations committed during the Obama administration that's now being exposed. 

This is exactly why it's critical that we, each of us individually, relentlessly take every opportunity to share the positive things Pres. Trump's done to improve our nation's economy, jobs, trade relations, military, national pride, etc. with those who appear receptive. In doing so, keep in mind that - as Dan Bongino has said - don't think discussing the facts with liberals is going to change their minds, it won't. But, if the discussion is around anyone else who's listening in on that discussion, they very well could be someone who's open to those facts which very well could win them over. And, for those willing, I ask that you pray for Trump's protection as frequently as you can remember to do so. So far, we've been fortunate and need to continue putting him under an umbrella of protection!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

What's the Real Issue of the Joker Movie?

The media's been buzzing this past week with the movie "Joker", starring Joaquin Phoenix, which seems to have turned into the latest focal point to restrict a movie the left doesn't like?

So, what's the fuss?

Since most of my readers won't bother going to see a movie like this, it's understandable that the tendency is to brush, or blow, it off. That would be a mistake, for there are some very pertinent issues this movie brings up which our "woke" society needs to confront.

To understand why I would make such a statement about this, I strongly recommend reading John Daniel Davidson's article in The Federalist.

It will be enlightening as to why the left doesn't want this movie widely viewed.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Why John Brennan is Responsible for the Coup

With so much information and claims flying around from various sources, it's easy to be uncertain or confused about the role John Brennan, former Director of the C.I.A. during the Obama administration. (II've always found it rather telling that Obama would appoint someone to be director of the C.I.A. who is a known supporter of communism.)

Dick Morris, in his regular "Lunch Alerts", recently spoke to this point in context to the "Whistleblower". Watching it here provides Brennan's role in the machinations of the Obama administration's efforts to discredit candidate, and once elected, president-elect Trump. 

No doubt there are a few good books which speak more specifically to this - Peter Schweizer comes to mind as one of the more authoritative authors - which will contain much more solid evidence of this fact.

BTW... more recent developments have revealed that Brennan is demonstrating signs of nervous concern that he will be put in a "rock and a hard place" with the scheduled questioning by Investigator John Durham.

Friday, October 4, 2019

... and Then What?

First, let me point out something critical to understand... what is happening now is NOT an impeachment hearing, it IS an impeachment inquiry! The reason the Democrats are conducting an inquiry is because it appeals to the radical left base to rally them to vote for whoever the Democrat nominee ends up being. (Once the general debates begin, this should be VERY entertaining!)

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By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)
I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I've been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!
1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the
Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.
2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.
3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and question ANYONE THEY WANT.. That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazile, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing cover up activities.  A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison.  All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.
4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information.
They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros. After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.  

So let's move on to impeachment.

"In God We Trust"

The Question of Who's Complicit in This Crime

One of the articles I came across today was ShiftWA's posting of the following article:

The left-wing Washington State Budget and Policy Center states in a new report that a capital gains tax is necessary due to “deep history of racism and oppression that continues to harm residents of color across the state.”  It is the latest attempt by liberals to cloak their tax proposals as either cures to racism or climate change when in reality they are measures to make government larger and more powerful.  (Schmudget Blog)

Here are the first two paragraphs regarding this issue from Schmudget Blog:

Like most U.S. institutions, Washington’s state and local tax code is embedded in a deep history of racism and oppression that continues to harm residents of color across the state. Despite this problematic history, Washington’s tax code can be a potent tool for helping to eliminate some of the barriers to opportunity that persist for communities of color.

Our new policy brief, “Washington’s Tax Code is an Untapped Resource to Advance Racial Justice,” describes how these barriers to economic opportunity are the result of racist policies, in and outside of our tax code, enacted and perpetuated over many generations. From discriminatory taxes on Chinese laborers in the 19th century to attempts to impede on Native American fishing rights to the employment discrimination that persists today, Washington has a lengthy history of implementing policies that benefit white residents at the expense of communities of color.

So, my question, as my post title alludes to is, are liberals in WA state - who in the past were part of constructing and passing into law this tax code which is supposedly racist and oppresive, which harm residents of color, exonerated now that they're proposing a capital gains tax be implemented?

Every time this kind of crap comes up, I wonder if they've ever been taught history which provided them any realization that social norms of the day then, don't mean that current generations of citizens should now pay for their forefather's sins! As the ShiftWA blurb points out, it is a thinly veiled attempt to make our current generation feel guilty so as to get them to agree with their premise.

After all, they are steeped in feeling good about themselves via "virtue signaling", aren't they.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Virtue Is Being Turned Upside Down

This information which follows is a blatant illustration of how our nation's liberally dominated media has subtly shifted over the years what would have shamed a family back into normalcy through discipline by the parents. Yet today, the media makes it appear "cool" and acceptable at best, while painting those who've never done anything even remotely inappropriate to appear as nerds, greedy monster capitalists,  and suspect of everything they do. 

I've long believed that this problem of miscreants is a result of a parenting philosophy which says, "I want to be a friend to my kid(s), and give them  everything they demand because I want them to be happy." In other words, spoiled rotten! Raise a child with no resistance in their experiences, which consequently teaches them indirectly no values or principles by which to ground themselves by, and you will produce kids who are like ships without rudders on the sea.

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Can you imagine what the press would say if this was about Trump’s children.

In 2017, Joe Biden’s niece, Caroline Biden, stole $100,000 through a credit card scam, aka, GRAND LARCENY, was able to cut a deal with DEMOCRAT NY prosecutors and got off scott free without jail time or probation. This was her second arrest. She was able to deal her way out of that one too.  She has also been to rehab numerous times.

Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was kicked out of the Navy for failing a cocaine drug test.  More: HOW DID HE EVER GET A Naval Officers direct COMMISSION?  Daddy fixed it!
Then he divorced his wife, mother of his three daughters, after a year long affair, to marry his brother’s widow. WHO DOES THAT?
Over the course of the divorce, Hunter drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple's assets by "spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills. It actually was worse than that, all outlined here:
And this is all on top of the BILLIONS his father dubiously arranged for him from communist China and Ukraine.
Biden ’s daughter with Jill, Ashley Biden Krein, has been arrested several times for drug charges. While he was Veep, she was videoed snorting cocaine but the news media decided to not to publish the video. She hid out in the Veep Delaware home for a week or so until things calmed down.
Okay…..all God’s children got problems…but damn, what if these things had happened to the Trump children????  The Trump kids are truly beyond reproach. Biden has a passel of miscreants. But the Republicans are not interested in subpoenaing all of the Biden children's bank and credit card accounts, are they? Why haven't we heard any of this from the networks, or read it in the "great" national newspapers?