Friday, November 1, 2019

Today's Latest New Picks for 11/01

Want to be ahead of the crowd on what's the latest with the Congressional Circus and other issue affecting the country today? Check it out here:

Nov. 1st News Picks:
Source: Dan Bongino Show

Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Are We Playing the Ostrich?

A "dirty little secret" that many know about, but don't bother taking any action on, is the public pension liability.

This issue, which many retirees are now depending on, is gradually dragging many cities, counties, states, and potentially the nation, into the financial abyss.

To understand this issue more clearly, watching this latest PragerU video will easily spell out the history and impact.

Should the "day of reckoning" ever catch up on a statewide, or national, scale, the potential for a "super-mondo" depression is very real and many baby-boomers still living will have nothing to live on.

Saying that Social Security will be their fallback in such a crisis is laughable. Those who've had their monthly income cut in half - assuming they don't have any assets in personal retirement accounts - will end up deciding between eating and taking their daily medication.

Even then, who knows what the ripple-effect fallout will end up being regarding the impact of public pension liabilities collapsing and personal retirement accounts, the stock market, and the national economy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Urine or You're Out!

I had a job.?

I worked, they paid me.

I paid my taxes & the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, in my case,
I am required to pass a random urine test (with which I have no problem).

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

So, here is my question:
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet, as long as they make an effort to get training and seek a job.
I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT----doing drugs while I work..

Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

I guess we could call the program

Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.?
Hope you all will pass it along, though.
Something has to change in this country -

Just a thought, all politicians should have to pass a urine test too!....
They should also have to pass an intelligence test, a common sense test and an understanding the purpose for the constitution test, as well!!!
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Oh, one more thing... If, in collecting the benefit of my S.S. funds I put away while working, but now have to pay taxes on that income supposedly because it accumulated "tax free" over the years, yet, the S.S. "kitty" is shrinking, what did Congress do with the accrued funds? Oh, that's right, I forgot... they've given those funds to those coming into our country who've never paid a nickle into the "kitty"!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Interview with Andrew McCarthy

With so much happening, so fast, on the attempt by the left to impose a "soft coup" on our duly elected president, I've deliberately held off on commenting about it and let the situation "shake down".

Now that I.G. Durham has had his investigation declared a criminal one by A.G. Barr, the situation has definitely uped the situation. Despite the predictable counter claims by the left regarding it, I believe the nation will now begin to pay more attention to this issue; setting the stage a year from now to create a landslide re-election and a major "face plant" and major disgrace for the left.

I read & listened to an interesting article by the Daily Caller of an interview with Andrew McCarthy, former U.S. prosecutor, which has some very interesting points made by Andy while promoting his latest book, Ball of Collusion. I strongly recommend listening to the podcast, or reading the transcript, as I've always felt that this guy has a good insight from his experiences on what to make of all of what's happened over the past three years.

I believe most of us agree, our patience has finally paid off in that we hopefully will see justice done to those who conspired to erase the will of the sovereign in the 2016 election; we the people.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Keeping A Clear Perspective

Today's post cites three sources which tend to compliment each other and maintains a proper perspective on what's really going on in our current political arena; the presidential campaign and how the American body politic is being mislead by the sympathizing Media (D) with the Dems.

First, a piece from Newt Gingrich who points out how the Democrat Party is morphing.

Second, is today's "Lunch Alert" from Dick Morris about the most recent debate's fact-checking reveals how the Democrat candidates are completely misleading their base.

Finally, the third source comes from G.Edward Griffin's "Need to Know" site, with an article about how the Dems. platforms are nothing more than a rehash of Communist policies from over 170 years ago. Many are already in play in America today. No surprise there!

Such circumstances serve to confirm the theory that all nations, over time go through cycles, and end up destroying themselves; especially if the citizens of that society become ignorant and amoral. Then too, if the nation turns and repents to God, there is a possibility things might turn out differently.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why Tax Payers Should Be Furious

With the shenanigans going on in our nation's capitol, tax payers should be furious!

Why? Try this on for size. 

First, to those who've been following this whole "Trump's a Crook" obsession in the Democrat controlled House of Representatives, you know that it's purely for political reasons, as well as the fact that he's an outsider and is not owned by any special interests as well as the fact that he's making them look bad with the improved economy, unemployment, etc., and, so far several of their attempts at framing him have proved to be nothing more than a hoax; no evidence proving a crime was committed.

Second, Rep. Adam "Shifty" Schiff (D), CA, is conducting inquiry hearings as chair of the Intel. Committee WITHOUT the House of Representatives having taken the constitutionally required vote of all representatives in the House on the House floor. Not only are they holding secret hearings and excluding any of the conservative representatives, such as Rep. Matt Gates (R), FL, who's on the Judiciary Committee from sitting in to hear testimony by those subpoenaed, which makes all their proceedings ILLEGAL, and nothing more than a political stunt to satisfy their obsession with pulling off a "palace coup", the chairman of the committee is making false claims as to what actually transpired and deliberately steering witnesses into a corner; attempting to get them to say what's not true.

To be clear, IF Speaker Pelosi allowed a vote on the House floor on holding legal inquiry hearings, two things would happen which would totally embarrass her and the Democrats. The first situation would be that there would not be enough votes to pass the measure; thus endangering those Democrats who won in Trump districts in 2018. The second would be that, if there were sufficient votes for impeachment, they actually could prove that Trump committed a crime that qualifies as impeachable, then once it got to the Senate it would either be killed before any proceedings took place, or, there wouldn't be the 67 votes - that's right, it takes more than a simple majority to convict a sitting president for removal from office.

So, what is their responsibility generally supposed to be? We elected them to represent us to propose bills which will help deal with the various issues facing our country. I'm not even going to go there with stating that their bills will improve things in our country; like infrastructure, immigration, justice, etc. because we know that's nothing more than a pipe dream these days. After all, just consider the fact that none of the current Democrat candidates running for nomination are not even taking about the kinds of policies Bill Clinton, or Barrack Obama campaigned on only a few decades ago.

And to think our tax dollars are paying their salaries to conduct this political circus! Yes, the American taxpayer has every right to be furious and indignant about what is going on.