Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How We Can Help Our Children With Climate Change

There's nothing like helping your child walk the talk about an issue they feel is critical and they're committed to, right? I provide here a missive which is currently making the rounds on the Internet by someone who put their head to the issue of teaching our youth how they can actually walk their talk about saving our planet from the ravages of climate change.

After all, according to the girl from Europe who chastised us all at the United Nations recently, and A.O.C. - our smartest and most forward thinking congresswoman - said our planet has ONLY 12 years before we're extinct from climate change. Yea, it's sort of long, but once you get started, you'll appreciate the innovative approach to this plan.

Most of us have children – this is how you can help them address the “Carbon Footprint” problem.

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After our daughter of fifteen years of age was moved to tears by the speech of Greta Thunberg at the UN the other day, she became angry with our generation “who had been doing nothing for thirty years”.

So, we decided to help her prevent what the girl on TV announced of “massive eradication and the disappearance of entire ecosystems”.
We are now committed to give our daughter a future again, by doing our part to help cool the planet four degrees.
From now on she will go to school on a bicycle, because driving her by car costs fuel, and fuel puts emissions into the atmosphere. Of course it will be winter soon and then she will want to go by bus, but only as long as it is a diesel bus.
Somehow, that does not seem to be conducive to ‘helping the Climate’.
Of course, she is now asking for an electric bicycle, but we have shown her the devastation caused to the areas of the planet as a result of mining for the extraction of Lithium and other minerals used to make batteries for electric bicycles, so she will be pedaling, or walking. Which will not harm her, or the planet. We used to cycle and walk to school too.
Since the girl on TV demanded “we need to get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels” and our daughter agreed with her, we have disconnected the heat vent in her room. The temperature is now dropping to twelve degrees in the evening, and will drop below freezing in the winter, we have promised to buy her an extra sweater, hat, tights, gloves and a blanket.
For the same reason we have decided that from now on she only takes a cold shower. She will wash her clothes by hand, with a wooden washboard, because the washing machine is simply a power consumer and since the dryer uses natural gas, she will hang her clothes on the clothes line to dry.
Speaking of clothes, the ones that she currently has are all synthetic, so made from petroleum. Therefore on Monday, we will bring all her designer clothing to the secondhand shop.
We have found an eco store where the only clothing they sell is made from undyed and unbleached linen, wool and jute.
It shouldn’t matter that it looks good on her, or that she is going to be laughed at, dressing in colorless, bland clothes and without a wireless bra, but that is the price she has to pay for the benefit of The Climate.
Cotton is out of the question, as it comes from distant lands and pesticides are used for it. Very bad for the environment.
We just saw on her Instagram that she’s pretty angry with us. This was not our intention.
From now on, at 7 p.m. We will turn off the WiFi and we will only switch it on again the next day after dinner for two hours. In this way we will save on electricity, so she is not bothered by electro-stress and will be totally isolated from the outside world. This way, she can concentrate solely on her homework. At eleven o’clock in the evening we will pull the breaker to shut the power off to her room, so she knows that dark is really dark. That will save a lot of CO2.
She will no longer be participating in winter sports to ski lodges and resorts, nor will she be going on anymore vacations with us, because our vacation destinations are practically inaccessible by bicycle.
Since our daughter fully agrees with the girl on TV that the CO2 emissions and footprints of her great-grandparents are to blame for ‘killing our planet’, what all this simply means, is that she also has to live like her great-grandparents and they never had a holiday, a car or even a bicycle.
We haven’t talked about the carbon footprint of food yet.
Zero CO2 footprint means no meat, no fish and no poultry, but also no meat substitutes that are based on soy (after all, that grows in farmers fields, that use machinery to harvest the beans, trucks to transport to the processing plants, where more energy is used, then trucked to the packaging/canning plants, and trucked once again to the stores) and also no imported food, because that has a negative ecological effect. And absolutely no chocolate from Africa, no coffee from South America and no tea from Asia.
Only homegrown potatoes, vegetables and fruit that have been grown in local cold soil, because greenhouses run on boilers, piped in CO2 and artificial light. Apparently, these things are also bad for The Climate. We will teach her how to grow her own food.
Bread is still possible, but butter, milk, cheese and yogurt, cottage cheese and cream come from cows and they emit CO2. No more margarine and no oils will be used for the frying pan, because that fat is palm oil from plantations in Borneo where rain forests first grew.
No ice cream in the summer. No soft drinks and no energy drinks, as the bubbles are CO2. She wanted to lose some pounds, well, this will help her achieve that goal too.
We will also ban all plastic, because it comes from chemical factories. Everything made of steel and aluminum must also be removed. Have you ever seen the amount of energy a blast furnace consumes or an aluminum smelter? Uber bad for the climate!
We will replace her 9600 coil, memory foam pillow top mattress, with a jute bag filled with straw,with a horse hair pillow.
And finally, she will no longer be using makeup, soap, shampoo, cream, lotion, conditioner, toothpaste and medication. Her sanitary napkins will be replaced with pads made of linen, that she can wash by hand, with her wooden washboard, just like her female ancestors did before climate change made her angry at us for destroying her future.
In this way we will help her to do her part to prevent mass extinction, water levels rising and the disappearance of entire ecosystems.
If she truly believes she wants to walk the talk of the girl on TV, she will gladly accept and happily embrace her new way of life.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Who Really Determines Foreign Policy?

As Dick Morris's comments in this "Lunch Alert" reveal, it isn't the President, as it is supposed to be. What's even more disturbing is how long things have been this way in our federal government. If there's anything this circumstance reveals, it's that the truth about how our government has been infiltrated and taken over by liberals who are hell bent on morphing our federal republic into a socialist one for far too long now. It's obvious to me this is why they're in a panic with the outcome of the 2016 election.

Exposing Their True Tyrannical Attitude

Here's an example of just how nepotistic the media is!

An article by Media Research Center today points out how a New York Times columnist attacked Fox News for giving favorable coverage to Pres. Trump during this impeachment circus.

Pining for the "good old days" of the three major networks during the Nixon impeachment hearings, he titles an article in the Sunday Review, "Is Fox 'News', or Trump's Bodyguard?".

Let's stop and critically evaluate such a question. If ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and PBS are all spouting lies about what's transpired because they are all the communication arm of the DNC to take a person out of the White House - and thereby negate the people's will for who leads the country - is that acting to defend the truth, or is it to defend him personally?

As the article goes onto to point out, Nicholas Kristof, a columnist for the N.Y. Times, longs for the days when the public was force fed news that was biased in their favor about the Nixon impeachment proceedings and information. So, even if his wish could come true and take out Fox News, then that would mean the entire Internet, as an alternative news source, would also need to be either eliminated, or taken control of by the left's political machine.

It is this kind of attitude which reveals the liberals' true tyrannical and fascist mind-set of control over what the citizens should know. And they claim conservatives are supporting a president who's a modern day Hitler!

To any independent thinker, it's apparent the news media today no longer has any credibility!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Congressional Circus Is Only Going to get Better!

Well, the first day of televised testimony before the House Intelligence Committee led by none other than the Democrat's official "Liar-in-Chief" - Cong. Adam "Shifty" Schiff - got underway with a big YAWN! If Bill Taylor was their "key witness" and they were hoping for jaw-dropping revelations from him, it failed big time! Can you say, "FACE PLANT'?

Oh, but wait, there's more yet to come! I'm really looking forward to when the House is done with their parade of clowns and balloons to finish and this impeachment fiasco is handed over to the Senate to conduct its trial.

Why would I say that? Well, let's take a look at a great article which appeared today in the Federalist. David Marcus has written a very revealing piece which makes a conservative want to lick his chops, especially with the way the liberals have been promoting how they had irrefutable evidence - as Cong. Adam "Shifty" Schiff has claimed multiple times - which he claims meets the level of "high crimes & misdemeanors". So, tell us what those are, please!

Of course, those of use who've been carefully, patiently, methodically, and meticulously following every development knows, this is actually nothing more than the liberal's setup of, first the candidate, and then the president-elect, with made up assertions to frame Donald Trump and remove him from office. And, with the Media (D) assisting them by beating the drum daily for the last three years as though they've got the goods on Donald, the general public who voted for him see right through the whole farce.

So, please... bring it on!!!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Local Insanity Reaches A New High

Since the late '90s, the people have repeatedly voted to pass several separate state initiatives - a process spelled out in the state's constitution for any contentious issue - but, in this case to keep vehicle tab renewal fees to $30.00 in order to counter local government's insatiable appetite for more and more "revenue" - to tax payers, that's known as money out of our wallets & purses - to fund its pet projects such as Sound Transit's light rail system which is poorly designed and will not serve many of those being force to cough up their hard earned income. Several times after the assorted initiatives passed, law makers figured out ways to work around the initiative in order to increase those vehicle fees.

Over the past few months before this election, a court case which took place in the state's Supreme Court regarding the discovery by the legislature that Sound Transit had falsely mislead - that's polite parlance for "lied" - both the legislature and the voting public as to the method by which it would valuate vehicles for assessing license tab fees. 

When they were exposed through evidence presented to the court that the claim was true, the lawyers for Sound Transit then were asked if they would be able to correct this improper method. Their response was typical, "It would cost us too much!" When asked what it would cost Sound Transit to fix the over rated valuation system they'd put into place through the state's Dept. of Licensing, it was $100,000! Yet, Sound Transit will collect over a 30 year period $54 billion to extend light rail into Snohomish and Pierce Counties, but only up to Everett and down to Tacoma. Yet a larger area of drivers were being overvaluated tab fees to support the project which has already experienced cost overruns in it two previous projects; ST1 & ST2. So, some of the funds from ST3 are going to be used to bail the other two project out of their red ink.

This past election on Nov. 5th saw, for the umpteenth time the passing of the initiative by the voters in order to send a message to those liberals who just can't get it through their heads that they work for us, the people, and not we for them. With a few days, the mayor & A.G. of Seattle - the main driving force behind the Sound Transit mess which has generated this scenario, announces it will fight against the will of the people; so much for their claim they stand for democracy!

As with may bits of news, the comments underneath the article are more interesting that the text of the subject being discussed in the article, because one gets a real sense of the various perspectives which are shared in them. Thus, you'll want to check these comments out in response to the Seattle Mayor/A.G.'s announcement of filing a lawsuit against the outcome of the initiative passing to keep $30.00 vehicle tabs. I'd like to hear Mayor Durkin's explanation of how voters passing this initiative to maintain $30.00 vehicle tabs is "unconstitutional".

At least the state has a few men of common sense and integrity to call the state's A.G. Bob Ferguson - who's legally going after Tim Eyman responsible for acting on behalf the part of the state outside the "blue dot" I call Seattle now - on the carpet for his conflict of interest in this letter Senator Steve O'Ban wrote to the A.G. only days after the election. It will definitely be interesting to learn how Ferguson reacts.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

I'm Still Waiting For the Perp Walk!

... but I ain't holdin' my breath about it.

Folks, even if only HALF of this is true, we have traitors who are getting off "scott-free" from their crimes years ago!
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So here's the REAL story:   Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept. had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.
Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military.   On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them.   Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile.   The helicopter didn't explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.        
Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles.   This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.
It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft.   So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”
Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!       
THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete  the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack  was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.
Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.
Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals.   Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.
So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec. of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi.   Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in  Benghazi:  Because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles; that, if  used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then  to the State Dept.’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya
Forward this until everyone reads the true story of Benghazi.   
More than half of US citizens DO NOT Know!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Evil Is Undermining America from Outside!

Don't believe the subject line? Read this article for yourself and you'll agree... provided you stand behind our U.S. Constitution which protects its citizens from the government.

Don't miss the Twitter posts just below the all caps portion of text where the question is asked, "Are the people of Virginia aware of what they have just done?"

IMHO, I wish there was something Pres. Trump could do to deal with this treasonous traitor. Is using one's money to undermine the country not a threat to national security?

Please share this article with everyone you know online!