Saturday, November 30, 2019

Continue Praying for the Protection of Pres. Trump!

I may be premature on posting this piece, but I have been able to partially verify some aspects of it. If even half of it is accurate, then upon reading this long missive, you'll understand why I've titled this the way I have.
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An incredible read from Howell Woltz at The International Centre for Justice, in Warsaw, Poland.
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Donald J. Trump is not a RINO or DC insider.  He’s a tough-guy billionaire from Queens, New York and a street-fighter. 

When the Democrats realised last week that Trump was actually heading up his own investigation rather than leaving it to their Deep State apparatchiks—and doing so directly with the leaders of Ukraine, Australia, and Italy (and perhaps the U.K.)—they did the political equivalent of starting a fire in a theatre. 

House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, announced impeachment proceedings against the president just three hours after stating in a speech that she would not. Speaker Pelosi had zero evidence, cause, stated reason and lacked the required vote of the House of Representatives to do so, but announced it anyway.

Strangely enough…and what caught my attention… Mitt Romney jumped on the “Impeach Trump” train that same day. 

How did Nancy go from “There will be no impeachment proceedings,” that morning in New York to announcing impeachment proceedings that afternoon when she got back to Washington, DC? Meet the Grand Master of the Deep State in America. Admitted Communist, John Brennan, who has some serious explaining to do now that his attempted coup of U.S. President Donald Trump has been exposed…and continues! 

So why did Romney want to shut down any investigation of Ukraine’s role as well?
That’s the question that got this investigation started and it’s shocking.

Romney’s National Security Advisor, Joseph Cofer Black, sits on the Board of the same Burisma Holdings that was being investigated for corruption back in 2014, and the Vice President and Obama Administration demanded be shut down. Why? Because Burisma was/is their vehicle for corrupt practices in Eastern Europe. And CIA Director, John Brennan’s 9/11 Deep State partner, Cofer Black, is still the link to all that goes on there

In fact, I can state unequivocally that Burisma is the centre of Ukraine corruption and the Democrats’ shadow organisation for corrupt activities.

I live in Eastern Europe (Poland) and my sources are first-hand. And I know this matters greatly to Mitt Romney as he is not yet done with politics. If Black is busted, it will reflect on Romney, and it only makes sense that Cofer Black is the Deep State ‘plant’ in case Romney ever rises above polishing knobs in the U.S. Senate.

Romney wants to run for President again in 2024 and if he wins, Cofer Black will be back with his fingers on the strings either as DNI or CIA Chief of Corruption. Burisma Holdings is the hub of U.S. Democrat activities to corrupt both Ukraine and American politics and there is proof. Ukraine President Zelenskyy’s win surprised both Brennan and Black’s Deep State ops as much as Trump’s did in 2016 in America.

So who is this Cofer Black guy? Joseph Cofer Black, joined the CIA in 1974 and rose to be Director of The National Counterterrorism Center, before joining Mitt Romney.
If it were not for researching this article, I admit, he was unknown to me as well.

Oh well. And nothing was done about Cofer Black for this, indicating this is what the Deep State wanted. But it goes deeper. John Brennan and this guy, Cofer Black, are how 19 terrorists got into the U.S.A. to attack the U.S. on 9/11.

Editor Harry will jump on me or make Nurse Ratchet give me a dose of Castor Oil if I say something I can’t prove, so I’m just going to quote the CIA whistleblower at the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia CIA staff hearing, who is the source: “According to Freedom Outpost, Brennan was the CIA station chief in Jeddah,Saudi Arabia, when the 9/11 hijackers were given visas to travel to the UnitedStates.

In September 2014, a whistleblower named Greg Ford, a former military intelligence officer, told Ground Zero Radio’s Clyde Lewis that the CIA had objections to the approval of those visas, but Brennan actually overrode them.”

The second in command of the CIA station was directly quoted by the whistleblower as saying, ‘No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.’
But CIA Saudi station chief, John Brennan, overrode the officer in charge and ordered the visas to be stamped and issued.
They came, they learned to ‘take off’ an airplane but said they were not interested in ‘how to land.’ Cofer Black ignored the reports about this strange behaviour, though it was made,
I know as a fact, from the people who made it. I was also a Florida-based pilot in 2001.

You know the rest of the story. America lost over 3,000 citizens that day, and I sat for an hour trying to get past the terrorist pilots’ apartment in Coral Springs, Florida. Freedom Outpost concluded, “If it weren’t for John Brennan, 9/11 may never have happened.” I’d add to that, if Cofer Black weren’t the head of Counterterrorism, Brennan could not have gotten his men in to do the job. It took (these) two to tango.

That’s an opinion, not news, but I’ll bet money I don’t have, that I’m right as it’s a no risk bet. These are partners in crime.

“Joseph Cofer Black – the former Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center (1999-2002) and Ambassador at Large for counter-terrorism (2002-2004).” “Mr. Black is an internationally recognized authority on counterterrorism, cyber security, national security, and foreign affairs.” (these are quotes from Burisma’s website)

Brennan definitely had help in this. These terrorists had to have someone at the highest level in U.S. Counterintelligence to let their mission come to pass and succeed by ignoring all the warnings.

They even took their flight training near my home, and I remember being locked down in Coral Springs, FL after 9/11 where they lived for three days while the FBI went through their apartment just a few blocks away. And this is where Romney’s man, Joseph Cofer Black, comes in. 

He was the partner in crime of John Brennan, (the Deep State Master), as well as being Mitt Romney’s National Security Advisor. Bad news for Mittens. And Cofer Black is the reason Romney is desperate to have President Trump’s real investigation shut down.

As Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan was also in charge of the dirty tricks campaign against then-candidate, Donald Trump. 

All of that has now been uncovered by investigative reporters Gregg Jarrett (The Russia Hoax) and Peter Schweizer (Secret Empires) with enough references to satisfy Editor Harry and Nurse Ratchet. Amazingly, the plot was actually laid by the Deep State in 2014 before they even knew Trump would be Hillary’s foil in 2016. 

I found that part pretty amazing. The Ukraine/Russia story was created for whomever was the candidate to run against Hillary Clinton.

For John Brennan, it really didn’t matter to him who ran on the Republican side.
He just cared that whomever it was, lost to the Deep State’s choice – Hillary Clinton. Brennan, Black, James Clapper, James Comey and a host of others were prepared to make sure of it.
It was exposed just last week that Brennan flew under a fake passport to avoid detection on his trip to set this up in Eastern Europe as early as 2015. There is no explanation for a CIA Director to do this unless what he was doing was illegal.

Now let’s go back to Joseph Cofer Black. He is Romney’s Ukraine man, and Brennan’s long-time associate who is still covering here in Eastern Europe (from where I am reporting) for the Deep State in America.

Brennan came back Stateside from the Saudi Arabian CIA office the year after arranging for the 9/11 attackers to get into America. 

So what did he do? He took over CIA Counterintelligence from his partner, Cofer Black.  Convenient, eh? The Counterintelligence guy who ‘missed’ the 16 warnings on 9/11, and the guy who granted the attackers visas to get into the U.S. to take pilot training and do it, swap jobs, perhaps to prevent detection? Well it worked…until now. And history repeats. The tag team is back at it. Barack Obama chose (or was told) to make John Brennan his CIA Director.

Brennan then sets up the Russian hoax through the Ukraine government and intel operatives covertly in 2015 to target any candidate who might face Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Once Trump became the Republican candidate, President Obama authorized illegal spying on Trump’s campaign, we now know, because it was labeled a ‘counterintelligence operation’ which can only be authorised by a President.

The script for the Ukraine/Russia hoax was actually written back in 2007 to
use against Republican candidate, John McCain. It was temporarily deployed but then shut down and recycled when it was clear RINO McCain would get his ass handed to him by Obama in 2008 without CIA involvement.

So, Brennan decided to use the script in 2016. The Republican’s candidate would be targeted using the same plan, according to one of Obama’s own secret service agents, now author, Dan Bongino, in his new book, Exonerated (just out last week).

The original script was written by Fusion GPS owner, Glenn Simpson. That’s the same man and company who would be paid $12 million by the Clinton Campaign, The Democrat National Committee and the FBI in 2016 for “the Steele dossier” that caused the Russia Hoax against Trump—though actually written years earlier. Glenn Simpson simply changed the names.

Unfortunately, there was a problem. Socialist Bernie Sanders was leading the Democrats side over the Chosen, Hillary, and had to be eliminated. To achieve this, the Clintons literally did a forced takeover of The Democrat National Committee and its funds.

They immediately cut off Hillary’s rival, Bernie Sander’s campaign (as admitted by former DNC Director, Donna Brazille, on television) eliminating Bernie from the race.

John Brennan then began leaking the ‘dossier’ to Congressional Democrats, including then-House Speaker, Harry Reid and their media co-conspirators to begin the take down of the Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump. Ironically, Brennan also leaked the fake dossier to Sen. John McCain, it’s original target, and McCain leaked it back to its original source—the FBI—to apply for warrants to spy on Trump using their own laundered information. The FBI literally paid for the fabricated information, leaked it to the media and politicians who hated Trump, then used their reports and that dossier when fed back to them, to get warrants to spy on Trump.

But then the kimchee hits the fan for real. Trump gets elected! So, who jumps over to Ukraine to protect the conspiracy from being found out? Brennan’s 9/11 partner, Joseph Cofer Black…

Within days of Trump’s inauguration was immediately put in place in Ukraine to prevent anyone from talking. 

The Board of Burisma Holdings—the same centre of Ukraine corruption used by Joe Biden in 2014 to enrich his kid— was the base from which to shield the Democrat origins of the Russia Hoax and its intel roots from any real investigation.

By February of 2017, Cofer Black was a voting member of the Board of Burisma. 

You’ll hear the screams around the world this week as the democrats realise that Trump has taken this investigation on personally rather than leaving it to the deep state vermin. It’s all starting to fit together now, isn’t it? So, here’s what to expect.

Yes. There will be wailing a-plenty and gnashing of teeth over coming days, and this is the point where the president’s security needs to be at an all-time high, cause The Deep State is spinning out of control and desperate. 

If the new leaders of the nations that aided Brennan, Black and the Dems—all of whom are admirers of POTUS—have investigated the crimes of their predecessors as Trump asked, he likely has the evidence on his desk rather than having it hidden by the Deep State criminals.

This past Friday, it became known that President Trump had not only launched his own investigation with foreign leaders into the 2016 Election tampering, but that it was almost complete. As soon as that happened, the freak-out began. 

At 65 years of age, I’ve not seen one quite like it. The Deep State was and is in paroxysms of unmitigated fear and psychosis. They ramped up an immediate media assault using the usual outlets—CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and Washington Post—and the same exact leak specialists who put America through The Russia Hoax.

The media spectacle on Friday past was immediately followed with a sua sponte announcement by Speaker Pelosi that she was impeaching the President—a power she does not possess no matter how many cocktails she’s had.

A completely false narrative was spun of what was said in President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, knowing Trump would never allow them to have a copy of the classified transcript to disprove their lies.

But guess what?  Within 24 hours, in another act of unprecedented transparency The Donald did just that. He released the full, unredacted transcript of the call, publicly proving them all to be Pinocchios. 

And I just watched his Attorney, Rudy Giuliani, announce that he is drafting a lawsuit to file against those who lied about his client, Donald Trump—another unprecedented event to my knowledge.

So the price of lying about the President is about to get expensive, and while Rudy’s suit will be in civil court, if proven that these public officials violated Trump’s civil rights ‘under colour of law’,  it might become a criminal referral under 18 USC §§ 241, 242 (Deprivation of rights under colour of law and a conspiracy to do so). 

I personally believe this is why the President and his lawyers are doing it. Through the civil suit, they’ll have the right of discovery to get records they could never access in any other way. 

By then, Trump’s team will have enough evidence in the civil suit to refer the defendants for criminal prosecution by the Dept. of Justice.

In the Deep State’s current state of mania, an assassination attempt is not
only likely but perhaps inevitable. 

I predict they will have one of their insiders still in the White House do it, or a foreign team (CIA trained) do the hit on his helicopter. Not a single CIA, DOJ, NSA, DNI or Secret Service leftover from Barack Hussein Obama should be allowed near him and then all 17 illegal spy agencies that have so disgraced my nation should be shaken up or even better, shut down.

No other leader in my nation’s history would have the audacity to take on these evil forces—or have a chance of winning other than Donald Trump—and they will do everything possible to take him out before he gets them. [God forbid!]

In my opinion, we’ll either have a presidential funeral followed by a descent into the darkness of Socialism, or a brighter and better day with dozens of Deep Staters eating institutional food and wearing orange for life. 

I’m praying
for Door #2

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Black Friday Phenomenon

Every year American witness the Black Friday news coverage of a massive crowd of shoppers waiting at the doors of a major shopping outlet to get the best "deal" on their Christmas purchases. Who can blame them for wanting to avoid the constantly rising prices of products these days?

The second the doors are opened, the inevitable crowd crush happens and some who fall, or are pushed down, get injured, or worse yet, crushed to death.

Once inside, we often see footage of shoppers in the store pushing and shoving to get to the discount bin with some actually grabbing a box of the item out of another shopper's hands.

Why? In my mind, somehow this doesn't reflect the spirit of the holiday season. Has our modern shopping culture been so conditioned that they see the event as an annual post-Thanksgiving ritual? Why would any sane person want to subject themselves to such a situation? 

Our modern suburban shopper has become so fixed on getting the latest gizmo or gift for the lowest price that many of us have completely lost the whole point of the season. It would be interesting to conduct a survey to learn just what percentage of gift givers actually make something to give for the recipient.

While cyber shopping for those deals certainly helps to alleviate one from participating in much of those scenarios, it has definitely enhance the consumer mind-set of materialism over keeping the focus of the season on the original purpose of the holiday. What, in the old days, was originally known as holy days. On top of it all, there's the misguided notion, or more likely assumption, by the cyber shopper that their action is helping to "save the planet".

After all, they're not driving to the shopping mall and increasing their "carbon footprint"; the newest label assigned to every individual of our modern culture. But, that package which comes to their doorstep is transported by a huge fleet of delivery vans. They pollute just as much as any other vehicle on the road.

What's even more disturbing to me is that, because of our incredibly diversified mobility today, many will simply purchase an item online, have it shipped to the individual in some other city or town, and it will show up on their porch to retrieve; if some porch thief doesn't spot it while they're at the office or business working first.

Today's modern Christmas holiday is focused on getting, not giving, which originated as a Christian act of generosity, emulating the three wise men from the east to present their gifts to the baby Jesus. If we are to turn around our modern culture of getting, it will only be from those individuals returning to their churches and reminding themselves of the actual reason for the season.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving - 2019

Ingratitude seems to be the prevalent thing these days.

The younger generations are getting all kinds of attention about their outrages views and demands. I needn't repeat the litany of grievances here. It is a totally foreign world from my perspective and life experience. They'd most likely claim that I was privileged, or something like that.

Why so much hatred? Where did this come from? One might assert that it is because of the actions, responses and views held by our previous president. Another might say that such things have been going on forever and that he's only the latest to have sown division across the nation.

Personally, I believe a major reason for the lack of gratitude in our nation is a few major things.

One would be the attitude promoted by today's media in general. The 24/7 news cycle now is constantly harping on murders, fires, lawlessness, corruption, cataclysmic events, etc.

Another reason would be that over the past thirty to forty years, our nation's gone through a rapidly developing culture of affluence. The advent of technological development has fostered an attitude of growing dissatisfaction as to the general feeling in the public about their lives.

Over that same period, our nation has gone through a shift away from religion and the consequential loss of the moral standards which guided us. Part of that shift away from religion has been the demands from various factions in society that demanded the old be made "modern" because the concepts in the Bible were too antiquated and didn't apply to a modern culture; as though modern men/women were somehow different than then.

Our national focus through our news outlets rarely, if only on this day of the year, ever expose us to reasons for which we have a reason to be grateful. 

We can only hope that our future will not progress into a greater darkness of tyranny and oppression, the likes which mankind has not seen in centuries.

I am grateful that I've had a full and prosperous life I would wish on everyone else, but only they can make decisions and choices which will determine their future.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Who's Been True to Their Word?

Since when did we as a nation, founded on the principles of freedom, liberty, and taxation with representation, abandon these principles?

How is it that we the people, under an economic system which allows anyone who exerts the effort to prosper in America, have said, "Sure, go ahead and take as much of my hard earned income as you see fit, government."?

Some claim it's the gradual "progressivism" of the left, or the proverbial "frog in the pot" scenario.

After Tim Eyman announced that he would be running for Governor of Washington, David Horsey, the well known Seattle-Times cartoonist, wrote an op-ed about Eyman's declaration. "Eyman has been a perpetual nuisance to the political establishment for decades, running anti-tax, anti-government ballot measures that appeal to angry, alienated and often misled voters."

Nuisance to the political establishment? I think what Horsey means is, he's the one person in this state who's had the courage to stand up against the pollitical establishment - a Democrat dominated legislature - who for decades has consistently increased taxes on the people who either live here, or come here from other places, to try and make a living while enjoying the state's unsurpassed beauty. And they don't like being lied to about their car tabs to support a transportation boondoggle.

And why has Eyman been so successful? Because he understood well the attitude of those same hard working people and their frustration of how their political representatives were not listening to their input. That's why Horsey claims that he appeals to angry, alienated, and often mislead voters. If there's any mislead voters, it's because their representatives say "sweet honeyed words" in town halls, then go to Olympia and do the opposite.

Despite accusation of impropriety with funds in the past and the state's A.G. suing him to try and ban him from any future political activity completely, Eyman states:
The establishment is freaking out because they'[v]e hit me with everything they had and I'm not only still here, but stronger than ever. They now know there are millions of voters who've shown themselves to be independent, discerning, and unwilling to succumb to their threats, lies, and scare tactics.

They're scared and they're lashing out because they're starting to realize they can't control millions of voters who want their voices heard.
I don't know about you, but compared to this state's current Governor who promised no new taxes during his election campaign eight years ago, I would rather have someone who's fought against increased taxes for twenty years, than one who's not even kept his campaign promise.

If Horsey's prediction for liberals comes true...
So, if you are a Democrat, just imagine waking up the morning after Election Day in 2020 and realizing that, not only has Trump been reelected, but Tim Eyman is your new governor. I believe that’s what is called a nightmare scenario.
... it will be because the rest of the state outside the one high density spot called Seattle will finally have come together behind a man who means what he says and says what he means. That's the kind of candidate this nation wanted in 2016 for president, and I believe will re-elect and send Jay Inslee packing in 2020!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Senate's Decision

For the first time in U.S. history our nation has been subjected to the most absurd and farcical political "kabuki theater"  in the form of the Liberals' "impeachment hearings" these past two weeks.

For those who've been following them and know the details behind the facade and what's not being divulged by the Media (D), this whole process is a joke and a sham.

If you boil it down to the essence of what's really happening, it is the Democrats who are accusing the Republicans of the very things the Democrats have been doing during the Obama Administration.

At this point, most everyone is assuming the Democrats are going to vote before Christmas on four articles of impeachment and send them to the Senate.

The real issue, in my opinion, is whether an impeachment trial in the Senate should, or will, happen.

When it comes to the point of "should", I say absolutely! Why?

First, because Pres. Trump's already declared he wants it.

Second, because it will put what will actually be a trial into the hands of a Republican lead Senate where not only will cross examination be allowed - "Shifty" Schiff didn't in his secret proceedings in the basement of Congress - but, witnesses who will provide a perspective which has not been provided by the Democrats.

A lot more information, such as that provided by top notch investigative journalist John Solomon, will come out to a public who's got little to no idea just how corrupt and deep the network of conniving devotees to protecting Pres. Obama are.

When it comes to "will", is a matter for the Senate to decide under the Leadership of Sen. Mitch McConnel (R) NC. They can either vote to hold the trial, or not. If they decide to honor the president's wish to expose the level of corruption of many of their "colleagues", as they prefer to address their opposition members, then it will an interesting winter and spring.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joe Vs. Jose'


You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have two parents, two children, and live inCalifornia ..

Joe Legal
 works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Jose Illegal
 also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".

Ready? Now pay attention....

Joe Legal:
 $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose Illegal:
 $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal
 pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.

Jose Illegal
 has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal
 makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose Illegal
 has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal
 pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has 9,631 ..00.

Jose Illegal
 receives a $500.00 per month Federal Rent Subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Joe Legal
 pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. Joe Legalnow has $7,231.00.

Jose Illegal
 says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal
 has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc..

Jose Illegal
 has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month..

Joe Legal
 now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal
 has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal's
 and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same elementary school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches, while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program.Joe Legal's children go home.

Now, when they reach college age, Joe Legal's kids may not get into a State School and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Joe has been paying for State Schools through his taxes, while Jose Illegal's kids "go to the head of the class" because they are a minority.

Joe Legal
 and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

Do you get it, now?

If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens... You are part of the problem!

We need to keep this going--we need to make changes ASAP!

It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A.G. Bill Barr's Views on Constitutional Separation of Powers Today

Those who share the concerns about where our nation's political process is heading in light of the current Congressional actions and Judicial maneuvers should watch this recent speech given by Attorney General Bill Barr at this year's Federalist Society's annual convention.

It will provide the viewer with greater insight into just how much the left has used one branch to gradually strip Constitutional powers from the Executive Branch.

Such observations shared by the A.G. make this writer suspect that the left's current machinations to conduct a "kabuki theater" charade in order to find a crime with which to impeach the Executive, is their last best chance to not only neuter him completely, but to nullify the will of the people while making the Legislative Branch the sole executor of power and policy in their new socialist utopia.