The Democrats have been doing their best to convince their people to go with Quid-Pro-Joe, or Fauxcahontas Warren, but Sanders currently is surging and they don't know what to do. They know that if Sanders does well, it will damage the Democratic Party for decades to come because of his policies for "free stuff" which won't wash with the moderates.
My personal feeling about it is that they're knee-jerking to the outcome of a state primary that's next to his home state of Vermont, and once primaries move south and west for Super Tuesday, the shift will occur and results will move away from Sanders to reveal a new leader.
We here in the Puget Sound Region of Western Washington have been dealing with another full-blown socialist of our own; Kshama Sawant on the Seattle City Council. So, we're familiar with how they usually operate. In fact, it seems the general sentiment is beginning to turn on her.
We're now seeing more clearly that they have their own way of deal with confrontation against their policies which are getting growing push-back. Before I reveal exactly what that way is, let me provide you with an example to see if the reader can detect it themselves, (Courtesy of
Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant admitted her office violated city ethics regulations and Seattle election laws when her office used government resources (i.e., taxpayer funds) to promote a ballot measure. Despite admitting guilt, Sawant spewed some serious ignorance in a prepared statement: “I’m disappointed to see this complaint filed against my office and our movement. It’s shameful that while big business has license to run amok trying to bully or buy politicians … working people have to follow the most onerous of restrictions.” It is interesting to see the wealthy Sawant categorize herself as a “working” person, all while pretending that her desire to impose a vengeful tax on Seattle employers is not a perfect example of “bullying.” Additionally, the “restrictions” she ignored are not “onerous” at all – how hard is it to understand that you can’t spend taxpayer funds on your personal political projects? (Seattle Times)Did you catch it? No show of remorse, display of repentance for violation of law.
Instead, go on the offensive and brow beat the opposition and blame it as though she and her movement is in the right, and they are bullies. It's not her fault for the fact that her kind have promoted and enacted regulations which make workers deal with the "most onerous of restrictions." Oh no! It's not the socialist's fault, it's those horrible capitalists! Yet, as the last half of the statement points out, the hypocrisy of her own remarks validate the old adage, "Actions speak louder than words." and that the socialist believes that they ARE above the law.