Monday, January 27, 2020

Senate Impeachment Trial - Day 7

After watching today's presentation by President Trump's defense team on the second day of arguments for the impeachment trial - if you can actually call it one based on what they've been pointing out (which I'll explain here) - it is obvious to me that there are two points which need to be made.

In the process of listening to some talking heads - even on Fox News - speak about the so-called "bombshell" news - gee, where have we heard that euphemism before - I'm infuriated to hear them speak of the John Bolton manuscript as though it's undisputed fact, thus planting an unverified claim in the minds of the public as though it is true. How can I, and why do I, say this? Rush Limbaugh, during his introductory half-hour this morning, he spoke to this very issue by explaining that there are two brothers, both who work for the National Security Council, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindmin - who testified before the House hearings - and then there's also a Lt. Col. Yevgenny Vindmin, who is currently conducting a manuscript vetting on, wait for it, wait for it... John Bolton's manuscript for his book coming out soon.
If you write a book like this and you’re part of the Security Council, National Security Council apparatus, you have to submit this to the National Security Council for vetting before it can be send to the publisher. They have to clear it to make sure no national security secrets or violations are being written about and published. Alexander Vindman’s brother, Yevgeny Vindman, is the guy vetting Bolton’s book!
Limbaugh went on to point out that this story follows the pattern by the Democrats throughout the past three years in trying to take down our duly elected president through bogus articles which hold no water. (The link in this sentence is of the whole transcript from Rush's show today.) Here's a key point from that transcript:
Isn’t it just magical that on the very day after the Trump defense team decimates the House managers’ case, the very next day here comes this leak from the New York Times about what Trump told Bolton supposedly that he didn’t want to do? What remains amazing is the leak supposedly is that Trump told Bolton that he didn’t want to release any aid to Ukraine until Ukraine turned over him material related to investigations. That’s from the Maggie Haberman tweet. “New York Times scoop:
So, when the talking heads on news channels speak about it, they are being incredibly irresponsible about discussing it as though it is true, when it is merely a leak story to the New York Times, a paper with zero credibility after how it's covered the last three years against the president. 

As Dan Bongino maintains as his rule "Wait 24 - 72 hours before commenting on the latest media leak because it is debunked totally within that time frame." He has accurately pointed out on his podcasts, "There is no crime, if there is no victim! Ukraine has repeatedly said they were not subjected to any pressure campaign."

The second issue is that Speaker of the House Pelosi obviously blew it "big time" by allowing the investigative committees in the House for five or so weeks PRIOR to having the whole House vote on providing those committees the Constitutional power to authorize demanding subpoenas for testimony. The defense team accurately explained today that, because of this delay of the whole House's vote, then all testimony records in those hearing prior to the whole House vote to give them the authority to subpoena them makes it all null and void.

Therefore, much of the material the House's articles of impeachment - other than the fact much of the articles are based solely on hate, malicious opinion and urgency to staunch the political bleeding for the Democrat Party's defense of their hopeful candidate; Quid-Pro-Joe Biden - have no place in these Senate hearings. Boom! The House Manager's points have been obliterated! If anything in this whole impeachment process is unprecedented, it is that "Shifty" Schiff's team and any points they've made are completely bogus and unfounded.

I suspect that most of the public is not going to pay attention to these points the Trump Defense Team has made, but instead will rely on talking heads' remarks which are baseless, but are mentioned because it continues to promote the Democrat's narrative in a desperate attempt to maintain a false basis for control and dominance in national politics.

Such tactics reveal that the Democrats are nothing more than liars and power hungry swamp rats who use the long practice of intimidation and threat of destroying anyone who attempts to stand up against those lies!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Senate Impeachment Trial, Day 6 - Slam Dunk!

Two hours! Folks, the Democrat Candidates owe the President's Defense Team in this trial a big "Thank You!" for giving them the rest of the weekend to go and campaign again.

Two hours! After the House Managers spent 24 hours to drone on an on filled with incorrect statements, half-truths, omissions of critical information in that presentation of their case to support the two articles of impeachment, the President's Defense Team tore apart everything in just two hours. Hey Burbank, are you embarrassed yet?

I post this link to C-SPAN2's video presentation of this morning's presentation of those points the team presented to the Senate because it's worth providing to anyone who might not have watched at 8 a.m. PST. 

As someone who's followed this "Witch Hunt" over the past three years, I know just how much information the team finally exposed to the nation who may have NEVER heard any of the facts it pointed out have been deliberately withheld, both from members of the House Managers Team and the Media (D); ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and PBS, also now understood as the Democrat Party's propaganda arm.

Now, you may assert that my statement in the above paragraph is biased, opinionated, or based on my conservative ideology. I understand why you might claim that. Unlike some of my liberal friends, I don't base those remarks on opinion, but provable facts which my friends ignore. I don't!

 However, ask yourself this question... Of all of the investigations and claims against Pres. Trump; Spygate (Russian Collusion), Ukraingate (Quid-Pro-Quo), and now the House's two articles of impeachment to the Senate, has resulted in ANY sound, legal evidence which indicates Pres. Trump committed a crime which rises to the level which justifies removal from office? 

If you watch the video of the presentation from this morning, you'll realize there is none! This is what I've known all along. Every time a new attack was launched, facts kept trickling out over time which revealed that the assertions weren't true. In fact, they revealed that it was all an orchestrated collaboration of the same key players in what's become widely known as "The Deep State" who are holdovers from the Obama administration.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Campaign Ad Like NEVER Before!

If you've not yet seen this new campaign ad for reelecting the president, you've got to watch it!

A fair trial starts now!

However... Media Research Center's Brent Bozel has a slightly different message which we should heed... I think he's got a very good point. 

So, I'm not going to buy the excuse that contacting our state representatives - House & Senate - will do no good, even if I have to harass them DAILY to tell them how I feel about their attempt to take away our vote for the one president in decades who's actually made a positive difference in our country's future.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Height of Hypocrisy

It has begun!

Opening argument for setting the rules of the impeachment trial are now being presented. As I watched and listened to the points from each side, I couldn't help but wonder, are these two lead managers of the trial from different planets?

One side says that the president will be proved to have not risen to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the House's articles don't even rise to that level because he has committed no crimes the two articles assert has occurred.

The other side says that he has committed two crimes - abuse of power (withholding funds to Ukraine), and obstructing Congress's investigations by refusing certain witness requests (exercising executive privilege by directing those close advisors not to testify before the House Judiciary committee).

What confuses the general viewing public about these totally different perspectives on this paramount issue before the nation is the details which are an integral part of what's gone on over the last few years. I've posted many an article which touches on those details to point out just how much hypocrisy has been exercised in these many months. I'll assume that readers will have a basic understanding of those points from having followed what's gone in in the past. 

Yet, just for the sake of perspective, I must suggest to my readers that they use this link to go to the 11:43 mark for the video composite of media remarks about the impeachment of Pres. Bill Clinton in 1999. If watching the whole hour long video of today's post by Dan Bongino one will learn the total hypocrisy of the Democrats when comparing it to their remarks about impeaching Pres. Trump. As a taste of what I'm referring to, when it comes to the left's hate against the president, read this statement by one Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D) N.Y. who is on the prosecuting team of the trial:
Why were so many people who worship at the altar of white supremacy drawn to Donald Trump’s campaign? What was it about this individual that so many folks dripping in hatred flocked to his candidacy?
That’s not to say that every American who voted for Donald Trump is a racist. We do know that every racist in America voted for Donald Trump. That’s a problem. But this president has a responsibility to address the rise in hate crimes that have taken place on his watch, whether or not his election is directly connected to it.

I must, however, point out here the hypocrisy which lead manager Rep. Adam "Shifty" Schiff (a.k.a. Stimpy) has displayed in his opening statements about demanding to have the Senate allowing a continuation of the House's investigations by allowing witnesses during the trial portion of the Senate's proceedings; something which the House failed to complete, along with holding secret hearings in the basement of the Capitol building and is STILL withholding secret witness testimony from the pubic that's damaging to their arguments. This is the height of hypocrisy!

It is these details which, I'm confident, the defense team of managers in this Senate trial will present, explain, and convince the sitting body that the president is not guilty of any crimes, but that those managers from the House are, as the president himself has stated many a time, engaging in a "Witch Hunt" motivated by hatred and malice.

Moreover, it is fascinating to observe how the Media (D) - ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS - are couching their choice of words applied to every comment so as to present a highly opinionated perspective to the consuming public, thus exposing them to unwitting bias while pushing polls which are skewed to favor those biased views toward the president they hate.

First Day Trial First Impressions
After watching most, but not all, of the opening remarks of both sides of the impeachment teams to set the rules for proceedings of the trial, I am beginning to wonder why Speaker Nancy Pelosi allowed both Chair Jerry Naddler (a.k.a. Rhen) of the House Judiciary Committee, and Chair Adam "Shifty" Schiff (a.k.a. Stimpy) of the House Intelligence Committee, to be #2 and leader managers - respectively - for this trial.

I think I've figured it out! Pelosi wants to get rid of the two clowns who, having no principles, are doing the most damage of humiliating the Democrat Party's image... they're so inept and incompetent. Remember, back in March of last year, Pelosi was saying there wouldn't be an impeachment hearing in the House because certain criteria of hers wasn't being met. Then, over time, I'm convinced, the more radical left element in her caucus persuaded her to change her mind.

Based on what they've claimed are the reasons for the two articles of impeachment, it's clear that they're making up 99% of their reasons from a pure hatred of the man, for he has exposed what the Democrats were up to during the 2016 presidential campaign and are desperately attempting at every turn to distract the public from learning what they themselves are guilty of doing; attempting to completely rig - with the help of Ukrainian operatives - the 2016 election against Trump and for Hillary!

This is not a criminal trial! It's strictly a political exercise! Don't believe me? Just do some searching for both of these clowns above and what they are on record of saying about Pres. Clinton's impeachment! Prove it to yourself. However, if you're not interested in taking time to do the research, go here to read this article by Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner.

Yet, what most people haven't heard is that we taxpayers paid to have nominee for the GOP, Trump, spied on through the Office of Net Assessment; a tax funded federal agency. Again, don't believe me? Check this article from about U.S. Attorney John Durham now investigating this fact. (For comments by Dan Bongino on this matter, I recommend watching further on in his video;especially at the 30:00 mark.)

Folks, I'm very hopeful that those out there who've not been paying attention much previously to all of this and who don't really understand all of what's actually gone on because they've only learned from hearsay and tidbits of news over the last six months or so, and are still at a neutral position on this will hear some of the trial presentations from Trump's team of lawyers and learn what's really gone down that will cause them to realize just how horrible the liberals have been in conducting this whole charade. Then, after Trump's been acquitted, come November, will pull the lever for him for reelection. However, if nothing's done about potential voter manipulation, our republic is truly in trouble. (See video below.)

It will be interesting to follow these proceedings as the days go on. More to come!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Rise of Homelessness in America

I found this interesting article from the Daily Caller - Tents, Homelessness and Misery - 9 Things I Saw in San Francisco - in my email box and took the time to read it for a couple of reasons. And, although it was fairly long and well written, I could totally relate to what the woman author shared.

In my early years as a student in high school I attended only 70 miles north of San Francisco, I had many an opportunity to visit S.F. because of a female of interest who I dated occasionally, which never turned out to be any more than that. Back then, it was only the Tenderloin district of the city that one avoided because of the drug use and prostitution which prevailed there. The rest of the city was free of any pan handlers because the city police enforced the vagrancy laws of the city. The tourist industry flourished during the late '60s and early '70s; with the only other exception being the Haight/Ashbury district that became a pilgrimage for the "Hypie culture" of that same period.

During the mid-'70s, I ran the Bay To Breakers race across the city twice. At that time the appearance of Gay Community members within the crowds and the race was just gaining momentum, but the city was basically decent to visit.

Fast forward 50 years...

After retiring 10 years ago from the classroom in the Pacific NW, I decided to spend several years doing guard work at the two sports arenas in south Seattle; what's known as the SODO district near the Amtrak Station. CenturyLink Field is the northern of the two, with what was then Safeco Field. The Seattle Seahawks, along with the Seattle Sounders Soccer team, play in CenturyLink, while the Mariners baseball team play in what is now called T-Mobile Park due to new sponsorship.

In the fall of 2009, when I first began working at CenturyLink Field, homelessness was mostly non-existent. Yes, there were a few hanging around on the streets, but of no real significance. They didn't live in tent communities or pan handle because the city police enforce the existing ordinances and kept the streets free for the tourists; a big industry which is now suffering from the homeless influx of the past few years.

As the years went by and I picked up doing guard work also at Safeco Field in 2015, the scene in the SODO district began to change exponentially. More and more tent communities - such as the infamous "Jungle" underneath the raise freeway of Interstate 5 along the eastern edge of that area which made news after it was discovered that drug dealing and use, along with prostitution, were rampant, and at least one person was killed by someone with a gun inside the area - pan handlers and street sleepers became much more noticeable to the fans and stadium workers coming to games or work.

Sadly, this has resulted in several deaths of individuals in Seattle by homeless persons over the last several years of the past decade. The first and most tragic of that time was Prof. Troy Wolf who was walking through Pioneer Square north of CenturyLink stadium from a Sounders game and was knifed to death by a delusional homeless man.

Changing policy and the involvement of the federal DOJ during the Obama administration's A.G. Eric Holder, created a climate among city police which caused most police officers to "choose their battles" very carefully. A series of different incidences - a Sounders fan walking home through the Pioneer Square area from a game was murdered by a homeless individual, a homeless man was shot dead by police when he refused to drop a knife he was wielding, and other similar situations - brought about an imposed set of federal requirements that snuffed any real enforcement of low level crimes as a result.

Then too, the writer of the Daily Caller article cited above didn't mention the Kate Steinle incident of 2015 and the perpetrator's consequent overturned conviction for murdering her, or the influx of illegal immigrants who've been allowed to remain at large due to the city's "Sanctuary" policy of refusing to notify ICE of their presence when getting out of jail for a felony conviction.

Now S.F. has voted in a new kind of District Attorney, Chase Boudin, who has announced that low level crimes will not be prosecuted out of supposed compassion for the homeless. His campaign was known to be funded by George Soros; a former Hedge Fund manager who, from his European residence, is working to turn law and order on its head, as this article points out

So, both S.F. and Seattle have plenty in common when it comes to the homeless issue. Yes, folks, the liberals/leftists/socialists are doing their best to "progressively" move this nation into their utopia of concocted rights for everyone with no rational basis backing them. Personally, I believe it's virtue signaling which is part of their modern religion.

My question is... If we continue to allow this trend to move forward, at what point will we have to get to for a "tipping point" to occur in triggering a reversal and return to civility and decency?

Friday, January 17, 2020

Could This Be Why Hillary Erased 30K Emails?

Do you know what the Skolkavo Project in Russia was about? Are you aware what the Army Intelligence has pointed out about it?

Are you aware of the network of connected people involved as contributors to the Clinton Foundation and what was going on at the same time Billy collected $500K for that speech in Moscow?

Folks, the documented information and facts which Dan Bongino in today's show about these points asked above is revealed from the 31:31 mark to the 53:00 mark of the video edition of his presentation. Careful... Dan moves through this fast, so you may need to click back on the time bar and replay certain portions, but it's well worth the time to be clear what he's pointing out.

I cannot urge you enough to take the time to watch this fascinating piece which, if one uses a simple application of deductive reasoning, will come to the obvious conclusion that Hillary was well aware of the legal jeopardy she was in to the point of treasonous actions if convicted.

But, of course, Comey was a good team player for the "supposed president elect" and announced that - even though he had no authority to do so - she was exonerated of any wrong doing so that she could go on to lose and wander in the woods to contemplate why she lost.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How the Cabal Operates and Protects Their Own

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Much of what we are witnessing going on today in "the Swamp" with the House impeaching the president is only one small part of the vast cabal of east coast elitists who have networked for generations in circles of power and influence to retain that position, even though much of what they've done is criminal and reason for prosecution and conviction of a crime. This is why "the Swamp" stinks so badly.

My first insight into this fact was when I got and read Sydney Powell's book, "Licensed to Lie" which is her experience in defending one of the accused Enron employees in the Arthur Andersen, Merril Lynch and Enron scandal of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is an account of the massive prosecutorial misconduct by the lawyers who were assigned to prosecute for the government the Enron case. One of those employees of Enron was the client Powell represented who ended up going to prison for the simple fact that those lawyers representing the government withheld exculpatory evidence known as "Brady material". It was only after a year serving time that he was finally released after an appeal resulted in a unanimous vote in the U.S. Supreme Court which overturned his conviction. Thus, an innocent man served a year or so in prison!

From Powell's book, which came out in 2014, I'm going to quote from one of the final chapters about one particular individual which I shall connect to in the following paragraphs through a very revealing article.
The games and tactics of Fredrich, Ruemmler, Weissmann, Caldwell, and others on the Enron Task Force should never have been tolerated by the Houston federal judiciary or by the Fifth Circuit - much less reinvigorated by Friedrich and Glavin as heads of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice to pervert the trial of a United States Senator [Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska] There is no telling how many others have been or will be wrongly convicted as this cabal of corrupt cronies ambitiously climbs and weaves through the highest ranks of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the White House - in between their powerful partnerships in some of our country's most prestigious and influential law firms. (pg. 402)

Now, you're probably wondering which particular individual I'm focusing in on from that paragraph. For those who've been paying attention to the now infamous Mueller Investigation team, one name might have stood out as Mueller's right-hand man who was actually doing most of the work for him; Andrew Weissmann, also known as "The Pitbull" for his aggressive actions as a lawyer.

It's been speculated by many pundits who followed and wrote about the two and a half year long investigation that it was Weissmann who actually wrote the report when it became apparent that Mueller, during his testimony before Congressional Hearings, revealed he knew little about the contents and who the key players were in much of the case.

With Weissmann as part of the Enron Task Force team which withheld evidence from the court case which sent an innocent man to prison, and the fact that we now have Manafort, Cohen, and Stone in prison for reasons unrelated to any actual Russian collusion by the Trump Campaign, I ask the reader to read this article by Sara Carter, who you may recognize as one of the few remaining actual investigative journalists today who is frequently on Sean Hannity's show with legal consultant Gregg Jarrett. Reading this article will connect the dots on why I began this post the way I did.

Oh, and by the way, you may not realize that Sydney Powell, who is a Fifth Circuit U.S. Attorney, is now Lt. Gn. Michael Flynn's attorney who just filed in his court case to rescind his guilty plea for supposedly lying to two FBI agents. But, that's a whole other post I've already covered.