Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Are American Indians Making A Killing With Casinos?

As a Washington State resident, I was of the impression that Native Americans now had it pretty good. After all, over the past couple of decades, I've seen casinos run by them grow like mushrooms around the state. Seeing how well attended they are and considering how much revenue they were generating from the retired sector gambling there, I figured they had pretty well fixed their issue of poverty. Then, I learned about a new book coming out.

In 1988 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that because reservations were considered a sovereign nation by the federal government they had the right to have bingo halls and gambling casinos on their land independent of any state control.

However, not all reservations are near populated areas where people can easily patronize a casino. So, there are still many tribes who have not been able to take advantage of this 1988 ruling; even today. Now, a new book is coming out by Naomi Shaefer-Riley titled "The New Wounded Knee" reveals information about the progress Native Americans have made under the reservation system set in place in the late 1800s.

Here is a five minute video which briefly points out some of these facts her research has uncovered. It reveals how the vast majority of these people are not so concerned about sports teams' names.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Just How Bizzare Is It Getting?

Will this case lead to censorship of free speech on the Internet? 

Here's just how bad the "left's" eminent leader in the House has gotten.

As I tend to say a lot lately... un-frikin-believable!

All Democrat Candidates MUST Support Abortion?

Last Friday, the new DNC's Chair - Tom Perez - announced that all Democrat candidates must support abortion to be supported with funds from the DNC in their races for local, state, or national positions. Sen. Ben Sasse (R) Nebraska, asked a simple question of Perez in response on Twitter.

So, the DNC is now taking an even firmer stand on their abortion position. But I've got a simple question which I've not seen anyone ask. Maybe it's because it appears so impossible these days of "getting hooked up" for the night at a party, bar, or wherever, on any night of the week. Here it is... If women are so insistent on having control over their own body and not having anyone tell them what they should do with it, why don't they just refrain from having sex, instead of jumping in the sack with whoever looks "hot"? Is that too difficult to exercise self-control?

That is just as much an exercise of control of their bodies as anything else! Why do they have to wait to find out they're pregnant, then decide to exercise control over the innocent by killing it because they didn't take measure to prevent the conception in the first place? I thought that the liberals named their organization PLANNED Parenthood!!!

With illegals flooding the country and multiplying like rabbits, what are these liberals trying to do... help keep the Caucasian population down, so the other races can eventually dominate the country? (That's what demographic projections are saying will happen.) Or, is that the liberal's way of eliminating "White Supremacy" in our nation? How ironic that Margaret Sanger established Planned Parenthood to promote eugenics and eliminate the African-American race.

This is just plain crazy and stupid, folks! But, I guess that's what our culture reaps when the liberals in Hollyweird push promiscuous sex for generations.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The "Soft Totalitarianism" Is Already Here!

 After eight years of a president who subtly, if not outright, encouraged the country's minority youth to become bolder at creating "in-your-face" politics via protest, we have seen several recent instances of violent terrorism - the "homegrown" kind - at various campuses around the country.

Heather McDonald, author of "The War on Cops", has been the most recent instance. This article, written by her, gives an account of what went on at Claremont College and warns us what could happen in the future if something isn't done about it now. However, IMHO, I believe it's too late. With the mainstream media giving these hooligans all the attention they're getting, they are now more embolden to ratchet up their activities to an even more "brown shirt" style with Ann Coulter's scheduled speech at UC Berkely at the end of this month.

Update: The civil war between liberals and conservatives grows as Antifa seeks combat training and arms for the next confrontation.

When interviewed on the Tucker Carlson Show earlier this week about how the faculty had rescheduled her appearance for May 2nd - when most students who would want to hear her speak  would be in the midst of their finals - she responded that she intends to show up at the campus on the originally scheduled date of April 28th. She said that it will be interesting to see whether she's arrested by the police who would prefer to just stand by and watch the Antifas destroy private businesses' property in the vicinity of their protests like last time.

Update: Bernie Sanders & Bill Maher have both come to Coulter's support on the issue of free speech and how the students are "intellectual lightweights". At these two liberals have their heads screwed on right.

Personally, I believe that the main reason most of this lawlessness is being tolerated is because the local authorities - mayor, police chief, etc. - are "sanctuary city" types who tend to support such actions. In fact, recent disclosures have revealed that Berkeley's mayor is part of Antifa's Facebook group! Why am I NOT surprised?

It will be interesting to see what becomes of the notification letters from the Trump administration about federal grant funds being withheld for harboring illegals against federal laws.

On A More Local Note...

You just can't make this stuff up, folks!

Our on-going alerts, DEMS! (Distinctly Embarrassing Moments for Seattle!), highlight the many ways one-party Democrat rule in Seattle has hurt the reputation of the city and our state.  Read on!
With $millions down the drain, and stained by an ethics violation, the city’s failed bike share program died a predictable death the night before April Fool’s.

The program, known as “Pronto,” was launched in October 2014, costing $4.4 million (including $1.75 million in state and federal taxpayers’ money).  From the start, there was fanfare and hype, with promises of widespread use of the bike sharing program -- despite our hills and rainy weather.

When Pronto ridership proved to be far below projections, Transportation Director Scott Kubly urged the city to take over the program.  So the city council voted to buy Pronto, wasting another $1.4 million of the people’s money.  For a year, under city ownership, the program continued to fail.

Later it was revealed that Kubly, prior to being named Transportation Director, was president of the company that operated Pronto.  (Really?!  No one read his resume?!)  Kubly was found guilty of an ethics violation, and fined $10,000.  Of course, that’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the millions in taxpayer dollars wasted.  And Kubly still has his job.

Now, the Seattle DOT will spend the next two weeks dismantling the 54 bike sharing stations.  The program’s 500 bicycles?  They might be sold at a loss to another city, but so far, no takers.

How wasteful of taxpayer money!  How corrupt!  How typical of Democrat one-party rule in Seattle!  How embarrassing!

Washington State Republican Party

New Fairy Tale Book to be Published: "Communism for Kids"

That's right, boys & girls, a publisher feels that it's acceptable to publish a book which will extol the virtues of an ideology which is responsible for more deaths than any other. The following is an excerpt from this article:

"The death toll from communist regimes in the 20th century is well-documented. One study found that more people were killed under communism than homicide and genocide combined, and only 9 million more people were killed in World War I and World War II combined than under governments of this ideology."

Gee... I wonder what their motive for printing such a book might be and who's financing it. As the article also points out, no publisher would ever even think about, let alone consider, printing a book extolling the virtues of "Fascism for Kids".

Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Dire Warning About the Socialist Movement Crushing Venezuela

Here's an interesting insight into what's really going on in a country that is rapidly devolving into total dictatorship and the oppression of its people still living there.

Further reporting reveals just how bad things have become in Venezuela recently.

Yet, the mainstream media is trying to ignore this and, if they do say anything about it, claims that this is what will become of nationalism and populism that's swept the nation with the election of Trump. Yea, right!