Thursday, April 26, 2018

Further Clarification on the Disintegration of America

Much of the public is too busy earning an income and raising their family - or, if they don't have one, having fun with their friends, or cavorting around the globe - and don't really pay much attention to what's coming down the road, or, in this case... the tracks.

Thanks to the Obama administration's eight years, he was correct when B. Hussain O. said to a large cheering crowd on October 31, 2007, "We are five days away from fundament-ally transforming the United States of America!"

America has changed, but not for the better. It is rapidly turning into a modified form of McCarthyism.

A person can be alleged to have been a spy for a foreign power, based on intelligence - which requires no verification because it's secret information - and thus there's no evidence  to support such an allegation, and have his character and life ruined in the media because it serves the leftist's agenda of hopefully correcting what the leftists thought was going to happen in the 2016 election, but didn't; Hillary Clinton getting elected to the presidency. 

So, now they've pursued their style of McCarthyism against Trump and his vague and of no significance during his campaign and early presidency to try getting him impeached.

Victor Davis Hansen has written an article much more eloquently than I could, and claims there is a legal and constitutional "train wreck", or day of reckoning, come soon. 

To add to this insanity, four Republican Congressmen have voted for a bill which will protect Robert Mueller from being fired by the President! Another example of how the President's powers are being stripped from him. Did they try anything like this on B. Hussein O. when he was President?

I urge you to read it to better understand why I assert that Obama's administration during his two terms was successful in disintegrating, or deteriorating, the basis upon which this country was made great.

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