Monday, April 9, 2018

Get Ready... Your Cutlery Is Next!

The insanity of blaming inanimate objects for social/cultural dysfunction and conflict today has just reached a whole new level. Now, with the mayor of London just announcing that anyone caught on the streets by police with a knife on their person will be prosecuted for carrying a weapon. This is due to the out of control stabbing problem which has occurred there in the last few months. 

So, I recommend that you start practicing having a "talking to" with your Swiss Army knife you keep in that little pocket above the big pocket on your right side of your denim jeans for cutting box string, or using that little pair of scissors that you trim that hang nail with, because that - in London at least for now - is considered a murder weapon! (Haven't we been arguing this point before? Oh well, who's listening anyway?)

What's next? That baseball bat you're carrying to the game at school you've organized for a game? How about those fists you can make when you curl your fingers tight? The words you use to insult, or cause emotional harm to someone with? I mean... where does this stop? Over time, it never will.

Don't ask me if the reason why the stabbings in London is not because of the knives, but the people who wield them and their personal ideologies which may motivate them to do that, because that might offend those knife wielding individuals... and we wouldn't want to do that, now would we? But, of course, it makes perfect sense to impose a new restriction that only the law abiding Brit would obey, while the criminal - a.k.a. unlawful person - is going to laugh and think to themselves, "Why, thank you mayor, you've just made my plans to knife another person so much less dangerous for me now that I know most people on the street will be defenseless even more so now." 

As before the knife restriction, they'll hit, then quickly slip away into the crowd while everyone else grabs their cell phone, turns on their video camera and entertains dreams of being the next viral star on YouTube or some other less restrictive social network provider, or sells their gruesome footage of the blood and gore to the local news outlet and makes their fortune.

Here's Brittany Hughes on MRCTV with her version of this news.

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