Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sexual Harassment - the Liberal's Cudgel

There are those men who view women as objects, or trophies, to pursue and control. Clearly, these types should be prosecuted for their effort to utilize their power over women. 

And then there are men who think nothing of the sort. 

Instead, this second type of men were brought up to be gentlemen who are courteous and considerate of women and to treat them with respect for the key role they play in the social fabric of a civil society. 

The only problem for this second category of men in today's liberal feminist world of obsession with doing everything it can to eliminate any vestige of former social norms of how "gentlemen" should act is that they are now being harassed, threatened, and persecuted.

I know... I've encountered this cudgel a few times in my life. My most recent got me terminated because I'd given a female associate a "peck" on the cheek in the joy of the moment of celebrating her 65th birthday... not exactly my idea of an act worthy of pursuing her for sex!

What makes things even worse for "gentlemen" today is that the law specifically states that it is the perception of the receiver of the action or comment, and not the intent of the giver in the exchange between two genders today which constitutes whether "sexual harassment" has occurred.

Now, any male who says to a woman, "My, you look lovely today!" is in jeopardy of being accused of sexual harassment. Where has the civility and decency gone?

It's clearly become a very one sided workplace over-reaction for women. Most large companies are completely paranoid of the legal implications which might arise from one of their female employees filing a lawsuit against them for not act swiftly and firmly. Thanks for nothing, lawyers!

When I heard in my employee training over the more recent years that this was now the case, I realized this was a perversion of the norm and a "perfect weapon" of the left to suppress free expression.

What, I thought, has liberalism become today that claims its ideology is against suppression while doing that very thing through the implementation of sexual harassment laws.

A more recent case of how this cudgel is used is Rep. Manweller's. He's currently dealing with the left's efforts via the #MeToo movement to sully him in the public's eye and oust him from his key role in the state legislature.

It's clear to me that this instance of alleged sexual harassment is nothing more than an attempt to insidiously get him removed in order to install one of their more ideologically aligned professors in his place.

Any thinking individual understands that there are legitimate cases where true sexual harassment occurs, such as the Weinstein case in Hollywood - along with many others who've taken advantage of their position of power and prestige which should be prosecuted, but in my mind, 90% of the claims are clearly frivolous, yet are treated as though it was on a par with actual rape.

And therein lies the real cudgel the feminists seek to exploit in order to feel they're winning.

In my view, it's only eroding the social courtesy that used to be a positive part of a civil society further.

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