Sunday, August 26, 2018

WA State Supreme Court Ignores Own State Law

With every passing year Washington State elections are becoming more complex and perverted.

Years ago when Senator Dino Rossi ran for Governor against Christine Gregoire, a multiple re-count ultimately resulted in her winning because boxes of ballots were reportedly discovered in the trunk of a car; magically.

Now, with this coming mid-term election - often referred to by many in the media as the most critical one in our nation's history - initiative 1639 has once again become the legal battle.

Ironically, Washington State's Constitution has language which is stronger than our 2nd amendment in our U.S. Constitution. (See Section 24 - Right to Bear Arms.)

Over the spring, when 1639 began collecting signatures, 2nd amendment advocates vocally objected to it failing to follow the state's requirements for text content on the reverse side of the ballot; too small print, no underlining, no strike through of language for the law which would be modified.

A lawsuit was filed and a Thurston County judge declared a freeze be placed on the ballot.

Within weeks, if not days, the State Supreme Court last Friday ruled that the initiative would be on the ballot despite the fact that it did not adhere to the laws for initiatives' print requirements for signers to read and know what they were supporting.

The Second Amendment Foundation's Alan Gottlieb made the decision to file a lawsuit against the state's Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, to which the State Supreme Court declared Gottlieb as having no standing in the initiative issue; only Wyman does.

So, it appears that, with the preponderance of liberal voters in the state, the initiative will pass, which will alter the laws regarding firearms possession, and make existing gun owners liable for crimes by thieves who've stolen a law abiding citizen's weapon from either their home, or vehicle.

Question: How will this change anything for those criminals who acquire black market weapons to commit armed robbery? After all, isn't that the left's end goal with implementing measures like I-1639?

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