Monday, August 13, 2018

What Was the Cold War?

Having grown up and lived the majority of my life during this period in international history, I can personally attest to the veracity and accuracy of this presenter's account of what the cold war was actually about; something most millennials know very little, to nothing about because our public education system doesn't teach it much anymore.

Some of my prior posts have shared how many of the tactics and strategies used by Stalin, Kruschev, and other communist leaders used to impose tyranny on their people, we are seeing today many similar tactics and strategies being disseminated through our colleges and universities today; promoting propaganda about the virtues of socialism (communism without a gun to one's head) and the degrading lies about how the United States was horrible throughout its history as a capitalist nation. (Just think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has recently become the new face of the Democrat Party.)

Prager U's latest video provides a brief overview of what occurred. I would recommend viewing this short piece at least two or three times so that one can really grasp the complexity of what's revealed here. It may provide a broader context about what's going on now in international foreign relations.

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