Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Funding For the Border Wall?

With the conviction of "El Chappo" in court recently, the question has arisen as to whether Sen. Cruz's bill he's introduced in the Senate of using the seized assets of the convicted drug kingpin's - $14 Billion - will gain momentum, or is even possible.

This concept seems like a logical and sensible solution to the meager amount announced through negotiations between Republican and Democrat representatives tasked to negotiate funds - $1.37 Billion - to avoid a second partial government shutdown this coming Friday.

I suspect that, while it may gain traction in the Senate, once it arrives in the newly dominated Democratically controlled House, it will meet a silent death.

However, if we who support such a concept put sufficient pressure on our representatives, it might cause enough political inertia to create at least some level of dialogue in committee at get media attention; well, at least on FOX News, but not so much on the alphabet channels like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and PBS.

And, for those who don't believe we have a drug smuggling problem coming from Mexico, I invite you to watch this video:

 Hey, at least I'm trying to be positive and hopeful!

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