Monday, February 4, 2019

What's the Positive Side of Things Today?

I must admit that, when I first saw Diamond & Silk burst onto the national scene, I was skeptical as to whether they were sincere and real; suspicious that they were just being opportunists. However, it's obvious to me, now that enough time and evidence has demonstrated that they're for real, [When the social media platforms censor them, you know they're being effective.] I am grateful to see what they're doing and have accomplished to promote conservative values for our nation.

I know I harp a lot on what's going on, in a negative light, so I thought I'd share this short video of Jesse Watters, of "Watter's World", interviewing Diamond & Silk and how their tour across the nation has gone over the last year. The sharing of positive things happens half-way through, so don't quit watching too soon. They provide us a positive perspective on what they've encountered as they meet, talk to people on the street, and share their findings with Jesse.

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