Monday, February 18, 2019

Impeach Trump? How About Impeaching Pelosi?

In my January 31st post titled, "Why So Radical, Speaker Pelosi?" I shared an article which reported how Pablo Escobar's brother is funneling money from his drug cartel in Columbia to get the president impeached. It's easy to understand how shutting the border down will cripple their flow of drugs into the U.S. considerably and thus dry up the money.

In that post, I also conjectured that it is plausible that some of that funding is going to Democrats, like Speaker Pelosi, in an "under the table" way, giving her and possibly others reason to take such an anti-protection position on closing the southern border. To understand more clearly why I'm convinced the Democrats are now more concerned about power and control in the game of national politics than the safety of its citizens, I urge you to watch the video below:

I don't know about you, but this is clearly Saul Alinsky style tactics being used here! For even more supporting information about this whole mess we now find ourselves in, I urge my readers to check out this piece in the Western Journal about what Rush Limbaugh said to Chris Wallace about it. Be sure to watch the video - linked to in the article under the title "Fox News Sunday" - it's VERY informative. I believe he's "spot on"! Most enlightening! Even more enlightening is the book, "Spygate" by Dan Bongino.

Then, there's this brief video clip from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) who explained why he voted against the bill presented to Congress and the president as a "compromise". Boy, I would LOVE to have a Senator, or two, like this one!

Now, there's a group which is promoting a petition to get Speaker Pelosi impeached. Here's what the Conservative Response Team is saying about it today:

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Nancy Pelosi and California have begun to take legal action against President Trump for declaring the border crisis a national emergency.

Pelosi and her minions plan to block the President from taking the necessary steps to protect our families and communities.

With Speaker Pelosi's lawlessness threatening the safety and security of ALL Americans, more Congressional leaders are abandoning her.

As you've seen, it took months for Nancy to narrowly secure her Speaker position with less than a handful of votes, and she knows it won’t take much for a small group of Congressmen to turn on her.

If enough jump ship, nothing would stop an impeachment vote, removing her as House Speaker -- it's time for her to pack her bags and go back to California.

This is why I’m asking you to please sign your petition to IMPEACH Nancy Pelosi for Crimes of Treason.

The Constitution defines treason as, "Treason against the US.. ..adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Illegal Alien Criminals are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorists, causing death and crime to the American people.

Nancy Pelosi adheres to these foreign enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary State Policies funded by US Citizen taxes.

Not only that but she refuses to protect the American people by refusing to fund our border wall leaving them open and unsafe.

This petition urges your Congressman and US Senators to remove Pelosi and additionally the White House and the Federal Govt. to begin an investigation to her ties to foreign illegal alien special interests.

The petition highlights how Nancy has committed reprehensible crimes against the American people, and is jeopardizing the security of Americans just to obstruct the President.

Her hatred for President Trump, border security, and the average citizen has drastic consequences on our country and it must be stopped.

Nasty Nancy even refused to meet with the victims of Illegal Alien Criminals.

So please, sign your petition to Impeach Nancy.

When you’re done signing, please consider chipping in any amount to help us send your petitions, faxes, and email blasts to Congress and the White House.

In Liberty,

Chris Ekstrom Signature
Christopher Ekstrom
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I don't know whether this will catch on, but if this nation doesn't take action NOW, it may well be too late! Looking at this from the perspective of today being President's Day and Christian, I appreciate what Jason Yates of says regarding our obligation to bring our faith into our nation's government.

Today, provides America more than just a three-day weekend, shopping sales or extra time with friends and family - it’s a time to celebrate our nation’s leaders.
However, considering recent abortion reports swarming the news and policy talks at an all-time high, I wanted to take this Presidents’ Day to bring us back to the heart of our nation’s foundation and our obligation as Christian citizens.
George Washington pioneered the way for the presidency in the United States. Instead of kings who rule for entire lifetimes, he envisioned an America where the people would rule. No one person would hold the power of our nation, instead Americans would remain in control.
And this power would be kept in check not only with a balanced system of government, but also by a moral compass. Our Founding Fathers all possessed a reverence for God and His word, and as a result, they formed a unique system entrusted into the hands of the American people.
In the year 1789, Washington, in his very first inaugural address, stated, “the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”
Washington’s words warn us never to depart from the road of biblical principles.

During this Presidents’ Day, I pray that you find an extra moment of rest, but also find time to reflect on what it looks like to influence this nation with biblical principles just as our leaders have done.
There are three simple, yet profound reasons as Christians we are called to bring our faith into the government realm. I encourage you to take a few minutes today to read My Faith Votes full article on why we should be engaged in the civic responsibility.

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