Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Are We Becoming "Moral Feckless Cowards"?

"As long the people fear the media's shaming ability so much, they will sell their own principles in order to be accepted by that regime. So, I think it's the humiliating power of the press..."

Was the person who said this speaking about some despotic regime like North Korea, the former Soviet Union, or Castro's Cuba? No, this person is talking about what is happening today in our own United States of America. 

This individual pointed out that "In his speech at Harvard, Solzhenitsyn said, Veritas - truth - we will spend our whole lives chasing it, because it eludes us. And he said, that the media has more power in western countries than the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. But to whom is it accountable?"

He is someone who knows first-hand just how oppressive and intimidating our current "soft tyranny" from the federal bureaucrats has become in recent decades, for he has spent his brief, but brave career exposing the truth about the sinister and diabolical plans by liberals and progressives that have been implemented to very gradually shift and morph the public's standards from one of moral absolutes, to today's "anything goes" cultural mindset that the mainstream media has been pushing and supporting for decades now.

I believe that most every other individual out there who has been around for at least four decades has, from week to week, month to month, and year to year, witnessed and wondered about some of the revelations of corruption and deceptions being exposed. Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and the DNC's paid for Trump Dossier' to influence the election's outcome, these are threatening our ability to exercise our freedom of speech, our religious beliefs and traditions, or our children's exposure to undesirable issues or topics inappropriate for their age. We can no longer just wonder why this is happening and not risk any consequence for standing up against it.

I urge you to watch this video and read the article at this link about what he says regarding this corrupting of our freedoms and liberties by an enemy within that we must fight back against with conviction if we are to win. For, in their winning, we will doom our future generations to servitude; much like the current horrors we hear about coming out of North Korea today; all because we were feckless moral cowards.

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