Sunday, February 11, 2018

Dooming The Future of Our Grandchildren?

A furthering of our future generations' potential prosperity being evaporated has just occurred with the passing by Congress of the budget for the next two years. Once the laws of economics finally catches up with the nation's out of control debt, our grandchildren will literally be forced into servitude to the state for paying off the nation's debtor; mostly China. And, we're doing them a favor in achieving their long term goal of dominating the globe economically for our own temporary gratification, rather than prioritizing our spending and cutting where necessary to reduce this grow economic threat!

While our nation's fiscal outlook for the immediate future is looking brighter under President Trump's diligent work at deregulating much of the federal bureaucracy's regulation quagmire, it is very disturbing to learn that this new budget has just added another $400 Billion to our already rapidly growing federal debt of $21 TRILLION and will soon grow exponentially beyond our ability to control it! Mark Levin, well known talk-show host and former Reagan era employee in the D.O.J., has spoken to this very matter and calls out those "conservatives" in Congress who voted for this bill.

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