Saturday, September 28, 2019

Seeing the Forest Despite the Trees

Liberals in this country have worked long and hard to arrive at this nation's dark day. (In this press conference you'll hear things the Media (D) isn't telling you.)

Colluding with the Media (D) to control and maintain a constant anti-life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness narrative for many decades, they have demonstrated that they will reveal their corruption through lies and frame anyone to achieve their end goal; socialism. (See this clip from Jessie Watters show discussing this with Dan Bongino.)

The effectiveness of the left's brainwashing is evident from the willingness of millions of voters to believe the Democrat candidates claiming that Universal Health Care will be more affordable. This concept is bolstered by the notion that everyone deserves the "human right" to health care; at the expense of everyone's financial well-being. Yet, they assume that, once such a health care system is enacted, the level of quality and convenience will remain as it is under the current private system. For a pro/con article about this topic, go here. (Note that the article does not mention the reality that such a program will be forced to have... panels which decide what procedures for elderly will be allowed to get. ie: "Death panels" which were discussed during the Obamacare debate.)

Another example of their effectiveness to convince the naive and ignorant masses is the expectation that if the Media's (D) drumbeat tells them that a president they don't like did something wrong, or illegal, it must be true. After all, the Media (D) is the authority on what's happening, and if they claim it, it must be true, right? Yet, when one of their own is exposed for illegal activities, they look the other way and act as though we're just white privileged biased bigots.

I've long believed that the reason why most don't bother following politics, or if they do it's too complex to comprehend, is because politicians aren't there to look out for the people they're supposed to represent, but to get rich and powerful over decades while lying to their constituency by promising them the moon when they're back home at town halls on recess. 

[The links between paragraphs below are a series of brief video clips from Glenn Beck's radio show of information not heard anywhere else.]

What they fail to realize is that they're deliberately being lied to by twisting and rephrasing of facts such as occurred in the hearing led by Cong. Adam Schiff, Chair of the House Investigating committee when he stated what the phone call transcript said. For those who've stayed on top of developments regarding this issue, it's obvious that the "parody" was not only blatantly false, but a sophomoric attempt to bolster the already seething attitudes of hate in those who resent that Trump beat Hillary in 2016.

Whistleblower Complaint Explained: Part 1 

Anyone who has half-a-brain from paying attention to the facts, and not the rumors and lies from the left, realizes that this latest "impeachable offense", among many which have already fizzled, is yet another phase in the orchestration of setting up the president they despise in order to get him forced out of office.

What the DNC is Hiding: Part 2

But what would be the result of a successful coup they've engaged in? V.P. Pence would take the helm, the people across the country who see through all of this political theater as a train of political sabatoge against a man who may not fit the accepted leftist mold of behavior, but more importantly that his accomplishments have made them look bad when compared to their former president, the economy, employment opportunity, building the wall on the southern border, deregulating businesses to thrive, etc., will simply elect Pence for president and the administration will continue.

Deep State Inside Ukraine: Part 3

At this point, liberals across the land can follow up on their promise to head south to Venezuela where they'll be happier.

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