Friday, September 20, 2019

Which Do You Prefer?

I ask this question in the context of our current social climate of the "social justice warrior" mentality the leftist/socialist/statists are now maneuvering their narrative.

So, to be more specific, do you prefer sniffing turds, or sniffing flowers for their more pleasant aroma?

Allow me to explain...

Much of what the social justice warriors are doing today involves complaining and blaming, but it's based on erroneous and biased information. This video from PragerU illustrates this point nicely. If we constantly focus on the sins of our past, the social justice warriors will continually maintain control of the social narrative.

Those of us who were educated during an earlier era - pre-'90s - have learned how our system of representative republic is structured and was intended to work; you know, stuff like why our founding fathers implemented the Electoral College so that there wasn't the scenario of two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner style democracy.

These social justice warrior types are also doing their best to undermine the key thread of a civil functioning society in America, and across the globe for that matter, by demanding that new language catering to a minority so insignificant that it will negatively impact everyone. What is it? Made up pronouns for those who don't identify with the two standard genders.

How can this be a threat to everyone?

Consider this... if we are constantly bombarded with new and varying ways to identify people in this minority, and are intimidated by using the wrong, or inappropriate term when one isn't aware of what is proper until one's committed the error, it will turn our culture into a virtual "Tower of Babel" where no one knows what others should be called, or addressed as.

Think about it! I prefer flowers over turds, thank you!

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