Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Lulled Into Complacency

Amidst the current frenzy of news which dominates the headlines from week to week, there are other issues, just as important, just as potentially threatening to us which the majority of the public is unaware of because it is either pushed back to lower news priority in the 24 hour news cycle, or, it is a topic which is not understood. Consequently, it goes on and on, ignored which is the way the bankers at the Federal Reserve want it to be.

One of the more critical issues that most people have little to no understanding about, or are just too busy with grinding away at bringing in that paycheck every two weeks, or month to month, is the stability of our nation's economy. This is not to say that I am in disagreement with how the president has currently revitalized the economy; employment, deregulation, less people on food stamps, etc. 

I get that he's working at turning lots of things around. With a robust economy, the people are once again lulled into a sense of complacency and believing that things will continue to stay that way.

What I am saying is the fact that our nation's national debt - now around $22 TRILLION and growing fast - and the mechanism by which our economic structure is currently arranged, much like a deck of cards, is the cause for an inevitable repeat of 2007/08 again, only on a scale multiplied at least 10 times worse! When such information is covered or discussed in whatever setting it may be, most people tune it out because their inclination is that those in the government will take care of it because that's their job; it's why we elect them. NOT!

To give the reader a quick glimpse into what I'm getting at here by saying this, I ask that you view this short video by a team of men who've spent most of their life carefully researching, following, and analyzing that economic structure and why it is potentially on the precipice of a major "bubble" about to burst.

If any of my readers are curious at learning the history behind how our country came about having the Federal Reserve Bank - which actually is neither part of the federal government, nor is it a "reserve bank" - I recommend reading, if you haven't already, G. Edward Griffin's book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island". Did you know that our Congress was convinced it would be better for them to give up their responsibility and power to control our nation's currency policy, and allow a group of bankers who'd colluded to take over that control in order to gain ultimate control of the nation's future by doing so? Reading this book will convince you.

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