Monday, January 13, 2020

More Proof of Subversiveness Against America

"They have instituted a regime that attacks American values systematically by design, providing a haven for insurrectionary ideas to thrive within academia."

I often wonder how many more examples of how our nation's freedoms and liberties must come under attack before a sufficient majority of our people will realize we must take action against it.

Of course, the real question from the pull-quote above is, just who are THEY?

As someone who's spent their career in public education, I can personally testify to the fact that my experience has revealed that there has long been a concerted effort into even the K-12 sector of our education system. Many of the recently implemented curriculum in the U.S. have come from those organizations who not only have received funds from foreign entities, but have dedicated themselves persistently to lobbying both national and state governments to promote their tyrannical and despotic concepts on the youth of our nation.

This article from the Wall Street Journal, however, only addresses the threat from without - rather than the threat from within through the NEA and its state affiliates - on college and university campuses across our country. Should we allow foreign entities to donate or contribute to programs in our institutes of "higher learning" which support the influx of patently insane and ridiculous concepts such as identity politics, entitlement, socialism and communism, and reparations to those who've never been enslaved, just to name a few?

 Yet, the more insidious and effective campaign by those who wish to foment further insurrection against our freedoms and liberties are those promoting the lie that we should be our child's friend, rather than the experienced and caring adult who understands the need to not allow them everything they want or desire. Growing up without experiencing any hardships or difficulties, and getting whatever one feels entitled to, will inevitably grow into a young adult who will be unprepared to handle the real world issues they will confront. Why do you think we're seeing this phenomenon of "snowflakes" today?

There are, no doubt, those who may not believe that we can possibly turn this "ship of state" around, but if we don't even try, then we'll never even see a change of course.

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