Saturday, September 9, 2017

This Vote Will Be Pivotal

The case from Colorado dating back to 2014 is going to the Supreme Court. It is the issue of whether a private business owner - in this case a baker - should be forced to conduct business which is against his/her religious convictions and be punished as a result for discriminating. After all, is not forcing someone to do work that is not consensual merely slavery?

Read this article on the details of the case and what it means to those who are of like mind and belief as a Christian when it comes to baking a cake for a gay/lesbian couple's wedding. As you know, there are other cases of similar circumstance which are going to be impacted by this court decision, whenever it comes before the Supreme Court.

We Christians can only pray that their decision will be upholding First Amendment rights and preserve freedom of conscience when it comes to conducting our business.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Losing Faith In Trump Over Immigration

The immigration issue, Trump's #1 issue of his campaign to get elected, is waning and Ann Coulter's latest article explains why she's not happy. Speculation by various key individuals in the national dialog wonders what impact this will have on the mid-terms of next year and Trump's re-election if he doesn't deliver.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Monstrous Elephant in the Room

For decades our public education system has pushed the mantra, "Every child ready for college". As a former educator I often wondered why this was the focus and just how well this would pan out down the road for our country.

Now, with the new conservative administration pushing a policy of providing jobs for the middle-class American who's unemployed, there seems to be a problem. There is currently a huge disconnect between unfilled jobs in the nation and unemployed as is pointed out in the recent interview on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd and Mike Rowe.

At about the 3:45 minute mark in the discussion, Chuck Todd asks:
“Why can’t we connect, because there are about I think 7 million unemployed – for the 6.2 million unfilled jobs?” Todd asked as Rowe laughed. “Is this an issue – I’ve had a theory that one of the problems we’ve had over the last generation is we’ve lacked domestic migration.”
 My immediate reaction, which I almost wanted to shout out at my computer screen was, "Because your president encouraged people to get onto to food stamps and SSI subsistence instead of re-educating, or retraining themselves, and leech off the government, you dumb ass!" DUH!!!

Watching this video will be edifying, to say the least, about the condition our nation is in when it comes to skilled labor. I've heard more than once, that, if our nation were put in a situation similar to the post Pearl Harbor today, our ability to gear up and shift the workforce into production of the needed materials to win a war, we would fail badly because the poor work ethic alone would not provide the necessary output.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Why Most People Favored Obamacare

For decades the public school system has not taught high school students basic finance or economics. As a result most millennials do not understand what, or how, insurance works other than the fact that they have to have it to drive a car. Beyond that, nothing more than it costs a lot to have a policy. In some cases, mom and dad pay, or paid, their policy while they were still living at home the last few years of high school or college.

Thus, when Obamacare came along many I encountered were convinced that this health insurance plan was the best things since sliced bread because it would allow those who couldn't afford a policy to get one; especially those unfortunate to have a pre-existing condition. When trying to explain why this wouldn't work the way it was set up, I was met with a combination of confusion, ignorance, disbelief and accusation that I was just mean, unfair, biased, prejudiced or uncaring about those who they felt deserved it because Obama meant well in "solving" the problem for millions. 

This type of attitude, based on feelings and ignorance, is a scary and ruinous way to operate policy which is precisely what happened. Remember, we were told by then Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, that we would have to pass the legislation before we could learn what was in the bill.

Now, Prager U has released its latest video which clearly and simply explains what I had attempted to explain years ago, now that we've learned just how poorly Obamacare has failed to produce what it promised and why.

Slowly... Truth Is Being Revealed!

Those of us who've kept our ear to the ground over the last presidential administration know that the level of corruption inside the beltway, or, as Trump as candidate made it popular, "the swamp", is very high. So high, in fact, that new revelations are coming out from Judicial Watch's work in requesting FOIAs on various campaign and federal agency activities during this period.

According to this article, with a video from the Tucker Carlson Tonight show about the latest information on the former F.B.I. Director, James Comey, the Obama administration committed multiple acts which were not appropriate under the law; exonerating Hillary Clinton for her email crimes is just one.

In my view, this validates claims I've been making for years regarding the nefarious actions and policies the former administration was engaged in and why Trump won the election over Clinton; the "fly-over country" knew exactly what was really going on and had grown so frustrated and sick of it all that they realized - even many liberals - they had to step up and "pull the lever" for someone they didn't necessarily agree with, but wanted to save their freedoms and liberties.

Insight Into the Southern Statues' History

As I've posted some remarks on this topic earlier on the blog, I recently came across this video from Dick Morris, who has a regular "Lunch Alert" subscription, in which he comments on the issues of the day and how he understands the situation he's speaking to. Morris was personal advisor to both Clintons from the time they were in the Governor's mansion in Arkansas and into the White House. So, he does have some knowledge and understanding that many do not. Apparently, he's also an historian of some type, as he provides some interesting insights into the background of many national topics.

My earlier post spoke to the fact that Robert E. Lee was first and foremost a state's rights oriented general when it came to the question of where his loyalties lay at the secession of the south and commanding the southern army in the Civil War. During that period of the country's mindset regarding the federal government and the states, most viewed the relationship between them from a perspective of state loyalty primarily, and federal government as playing a role of protector of all states from foreign threats secondarily.

His remarks explain the conditions which existed in the south during what we call Reconstruction and how all the southern general statues ended up being placed where they are today. In this video, Morris blames Lee's continuation of the war after Lincoln's re-election for the unnecessary death of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the battles which ensued beyond the outcome of the election in November of 1864.