Monday, September 4, 2017

Slowly... Truth Is Being Revealed!

Those of us who've kept our ear to the ground over the last presidential administration know that the level of corruption inside the beltway, or, as Trump as candidate made it popular, "the swamp", is very high. So high, in fact, that new revelations are coming out from Judicial Watch's work in requesting FOIAs on various campaign and federal agency activities during this period.

According to this article, with a video from the Tucker Carlson Tonight show about the latest information on the former F.B.I. Director, James Comey, the Obama administration committed multiple acts which were not appropriate under the law; exonerating Hillary Clinton for her email crimes is just one.

In my view, this validates claims I've been making for years regarding the nefarious actions and policies the former administration was engaged in and why Trump won the election over Clinton; the "fly-over country" knew exactly what was really going on and had grown so frustrated and sick of it all that they realized - even many liberals - they had to step up and "pull the lever" for someone they didn't necessarily agree with, but wanted to save their freedoms and liberties.

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