Friday, September 15, 2017

U.S.A. Chant Suppressed At Folsom H.S.?

One can't help but wonder why public schools like this one, or anywhere else in the country, would tell their students, "This shouldn't be chanted as it might offend someone." Isn't it funded by public taxes? Doesn't the right to speak freely - one of the first five rights in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights - apply to students in our own country?

No, the trending mindset, lead by the leftists dominant in the profession - the NEA on down to the local FEA (Folsom E. A.) - is more important than any right by that document written by those old slave owners in 1789 who wore wigs of white hair. Their illegals must be given a "safe space" and promote the notion of a country without borders! Why? Because doing so makes the leftist feel superior and compassionate.

There's got to be a point at which we stand up and decide we're willing to say, "Enough is enough!" and take whatever consequences come from resisting this soft tyranny! If any parents who see this action for what it really is, they'll understand the need to run for a position on the school district's board. It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance!" (Yep, one of those white wig wearers.)

I just pray we don't wake up one day in the future and discover we've let it die.

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