Monday, October 16, 2017

Is Kimmel's Attitude Helping, or Hurting Our National Dialog?

It seems it is now fashionable, if not "heroic" for comedians and television celebrities to take a political position on today's issues rather than do their job of attracting as many viewers as possible with neutral comedy and entertainment; like they used to do on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, or Johnny Carson.

Jimmy Kimmel's most recent interview reveals this to apparently be the case in the wake of a few other earlier comedians holding up the severed head of the President, spouting off a diatribe of disparaging remarks about the President laced with expletives, or an ESPN sportscaster making uncalled for remarks about him. Is this helping the nation's dialog about our differences? Is it being civil and decent about keeping a dialog open in order to understand one another's different views and agreeing to disagree like adults?

Today, Glenn Beck made some very valid points about this issue here. I urge you to watch it and determine for yourself whether this is healthy for our nation.

It's clear to me that today's mass communication capabilities has fueled divisiveness and a less civilized dialogue between differing factions, but it's also the reality that because the left, the media, and the angst generated by the previous administration has created such an intense animosity towards those who have differing viewpoints, our nation is rapidly becoming "unhinged" by the onslaught of absurd and ridiculous claims by both sides about anything. I believe it's safe to say that the past administration weaponized politics by acting unconstitutionally in several instances, and this is the seething underbelly of our current extremely societal tension we're now experiencing.

Are we going to dive headlong into a civil war between these factions, or are we going to come to our senses about where we're head with all of this and stop, recognize what's going on, and realize we have to act like mature, civil humans who have more in common - liberties, freedoms, and opportunities - than we have in differing views about why things are happening as they are today? I pray it's the latter!

Gun Rights Are Women's Rights

When was the last time you heard women's rights advocates support the concept of having women own a gun to defend themselves? I haven't, and usually they're for gun control. But does that take into consideration who ultimately pays the price of not being able to defend themselves from potential assault or rape? No!

If this peeks your interest in the issue of equalizing the field of self-defense for women, then this newest Prager U video should be something to watch and consider the points made in it.

NFL Players "Explain" Why They Are Protesting

If it's not about the flag, or the National Anthem, then why are they choosing to "protest" during the recognition of the symbol that those who fought, were disabled, or died defending our freedoms? And they still don't get why many fans are upset about this action!
 = = = = = = = = = = = =
NEW YORK (World News Bureau) - In a recent polling of 585 NFL players, nearly all of them were unsure of exactly what they are protesting.
Here's a sampling of responses to the question "What are you protesting by kneeling during the National Anthem?"

"Pretty sure it's against Nazis - especially the white ones."

"We're protesting America becoming capitalistic instead of equal"

"I'm protesting against Trump saying black lives don't matter."

"We're against global warming and the police."

"We're showing the world that we care about, ahh, things such as.. such as...ahhhhh, freedom from suppression?"

"Me and my fellow players are protesting the Constitution of Independence because of what it does to people of color."

"We are displaying our right to stand up by kneeling for our beliefs."

"We are protesting Trump, because he, you know, keeping the black man down and sh*t."

"Myself is kneeling to show that just because I'm American don't mean I got to act like one."

= = = = = = = = = = =
Footnote: I had a feeling this was started by "No team Cappy" because he knew it would eventually spread around the country and be taken up by others. Here's a prime example of it in action.
What's amazing to me is, as I covered in an earlier post, very little to no mention is being made about what the actual NFL Players rule book says about this issue: "All players must stand silently, with their helmet under their left arm, during the playing of the National Anthem at the start of each game."

Alright, let's be honest about this. Like most polls and reporting about the results, they've listed the more blatantly ignorant, or ridiculous comments here. However, it does shed some light on the level of brainwashing and lack of education about the very country which has progressed in terms of giving them equal, if not preferential treatment to be able to become a millionaire for playing a couple of years because of their physical talents, but not so much their intellectual ones.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Truth Is Coming Out; NFL's Handling of Players

Is the NFL siding with their players because of their "rights", or for the money?

Be sure to page all the way down.






NFL arrest record by team since 2000
Team # of Arrests Since 2000
Minnesota Vikings 42
Cincinnati Bengals 40
Denver Broncos 36
Tennessee Titans 33
Miami Dolphins 28
Kansas City Chiefs 28
Jacksonville Jaguars 27
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 27
Cleveland Browns 26
San Diego Chargers 25
Indianapolis Colts 24
Chicago Bears 23
Seattle Seahawks 20
New Orleans Saints 20
Washington Redskins 18
Oakland Raiders 18
Baltimore Ravens 18
Carolina Panthers 18
Green Bay Packers 17
Pittsburgh Steelers 17
Atlanta Falcons 16
San Francisco 49ers 16
Detroit Lions 15
New England Patriots 15
Buffalo Bills
Dallas Cowboys 13
New York Giants 13
Arizona Cardinals 12
New York Jets 11
Philadelphia Eagles
Houston Texans 9
St Louis Rams 8
Total 656

Instead of phony sheeple kneeling,  they should all clean up their own houses and communities.  We are a nation that believes in the rule of law.  If you follow the laws and are respectful to everyone around you, the problem would be solved.  CHOICES, CHOICES, CHOICES... make good ones.

A Look Back: He Sang Like a Canary!

He sang like a canary!

This takes about 2 minutes to read, it is worth every second. This is something every person in America must know!!!!!
The single most prominent characteristic of contemporary America is that common sense has been abandoned to political correctness and "feelings."
As President George W Bush's top speech writer, Marc Thiessen ( The Kelly File on FOX ) was provided unique access to the CIA program used in interrogating top Al Qaeda terrorists, including the mastermind of the 9/11 attack, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (KSM).
Now, his riveting new book, Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe (Regnery), has been published. Here is an excerpt from Courting Disaster:
"Just before dawn on March 1, 2003, two dozen heavily armed Pakistani tactical assault forces move in and surround a safe house in Rawalpindi. A few hours earlier they had received a text message from an informant inside the house. It read: "I am with KSM."
Bursting in, they find the disheveled mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in his bedroom. He is taken into custody. In the safe house, they find a treasure trove of computers, documents, cell phones and other valuable "pocket litter."
Once in custody, KSM is defiant. He refuses to answer questions, informing his captors that he will tell them everything when he gets to America and sees his lawyer. But KSM is not taken to America to see a lawyer Instead he is taken to a secret CIA "black site" in an undisclosed location.
Upon arrival, KSM finds himself in the complete control of Americans. He does not know where he is, how long he will be there, or what his fate will be. Despite his circumstances, KSM still refuses to talk. He spews contempt at his interrogators, telling them Americans are weak, lack resilience and are unable to do what is necessary to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goals. He has trained to resist interrogation. When he is asked for information about future attacks, he tells his questioners scornfully: "Soon, you will know."
It becomes clear he will not reveal the information using traditional interrogation techniques. So he undergoes a series of "enhanced interrogation techniques" approved for use only on the most high-value detainees. The techniques include water boarding. He begins telling his CIA de-briefers about active al Qaeda plots to launch attacks against the United States and other Western targets. He holds classes for CIA officials, using a chalkboard to draw a picture of al Qaeda's operating structure, financing, communications, and logistics. He identifies al Qaeda travel routes and safe havens and helps intelligence officers make sense of documents and computer records seized in terrorist raids. He identifies voices in intercepted telephone calls, and helps officials understand the meaning of coded terrorist communications. He provides information that helps our intelligence community capture other high-ranking terrorists.
KSM's questioning, and that of other captured terrorists, produces more than 6,000 intelligence reports, which are shared across the intelligence community, as well as with our allies across the world. In one of these reports, KSM describes in detail the revisions he made to his failed 1994-1995 plan known as the "Bojinka plot" to blow up a dozen airplanes carrying some 4,000 passengers over the Pacific Ocean. Years later, an observant CIA officer notices the activities of a cell being followed by British authorities appear to match KSM's description of his plans for a Bojinka-style attack. In an operation that involves unprecedented intelligence cooperation between our countries, British officials proceed to unravel the plot.
On the night of Aug. 9, 2006, they launch a series of raids in a northeast London suburb that lead to the arrest of two dozen al Qaeda terrorist suspects. They find a USB thumb-drive in the pocket of one of the men with security details for Heathrow airport, and information on seven Trans-Atlantic flights that were scheduled to take off within hours of each other:
* United Airlines Flight 931 to San Francisco departing at 2:15 PM
* Air Canada Flight 849 to Toronto departing at 3:00 PM
* Air Canada Flight 865 to Montreal departing at 3:15 PM
* United Airlines Flight 959 to Chicago departing at 3:40 PM
* United Airlines Flight 925 to Washington departing at 4:20 PM
* American Airlines Flight 131 to New York departing at 4:35 PM
* American Airlines Flight 91 to Chicago departing at 4:50 PM
They seize bomb-making equipment and hydrogen peroxide to make liquid explosives. And they find the chilling martyrdom videos the suicide bombers had prepared.
Today, if you asked an average person on the street what they know about the 2006 airlines plot, most would not be able to tell you much. Few Americans are aware of the fact al Qaeda had planned to mark the fifth anniversary of 9/11 with an attack of similar scope and magnitude. And still fewer realize the terrorists' true intentions in this plot were uncovered thanks to critical information obtained through the interrogation of the man who conceived it: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
This is only one of the many attacks stopped with the help of the CIA interrogation program established by the Bush Administration in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
In addition to helping break up these specific terrorist cells and plots, CIA questioning provided our intelligence community with an unparalleled body of information about al Qaeda.
Until the program was temporarily suspended in 2006, intelligence officials say, well over half of the information our government had about al Qaeda-how it operates, how it moves money, how it communicates, how it recruits operatives, how it picks targets, how it plans and carries out attacks-came from the interrogation of terrorists in CIA custody.
Former CIA Director George Tenet has declared: "I know this program has saved lives. I know we've disrupted plots. I know this program alone is worth more than what the FBI, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency put together have been able to tell us."
Former CIA Director Mike Hayden has said: "The facts of the case are that the use of these techniques against these terrorists made us safer. It really did work." Even Barack Obama's Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, has acknowledged: "High-value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al Qaeda organization that was attacking this country." Leon Panetta, Obama's CIA Director, has said: "Important information was gathered from these detainees. It provided information that was acted upon."
John Brennan, Obama's Homeland Security Advisor, when asked in an interview if enhanced-interrogation techniques were necessary to keep America safe, replied: "Would the U. S. be handicapped if the CIA was not, in fact, able to carry out these types of detention and debriefing activities, I would say yes."
On Jan. 22, 2009, President Obama issued Executive Order 13491, closing the CIA program and directing that, henceforth, all interrogations by U. S. personnel must follow the techniques contained in the Army Field Manual.
The morning of the announcement, Mike Hayden was still in his post as CIA Director. He called White House Counsel Greg Craig and told him bluntly: "You didn't ask, but this is the CIA officially non-concurring." The president went ahead anyway, overruling the objections of the agency.
A few months later, on April 16, 2009, President Obama ordered the release of four Justice Department memos that described in detail the techniques used to interrogate KSM and other high-value terrorists. This time, not just Hayden (who was now retired) but five CIA directors - including Obama's own director, Leon Panetta objected. George Tenet called to urge against the memos' release. So did Porter Goss. So did John Deutch. Hayden says: "You had CIA directors in a continuous unbroken stream to 1995 calling saying, 'Don't do this.'" In addition to objections from the men who led the agency for a collective 14 years, the President also heard objections from the agency's covert field operatives. A few weeks earlier, Panetta had arranged for the eight top officials of the Clandestine Service to meet with the President. It was highly unusual for these clandestine officers to visit the Oval Office, and they used the opportunity to warn the President that releasing the memos would put agency operatives at risk. The President reportedly listened respectfully, and then ignored their advice. With these actions, Barack Obama arguably did more damage to America 's national security in his first 100 days of office than any President in American history.
But how many people know this?.... only the few that read this email from beginning to end.

The Corruption Is Now Full-Blown!

When Pres. Obama was in office did Republicans or conservatives demand he be impeached? Perhaps a few fringe elements in society. But did we ever hear or read of reports that someone like the Koke brothers, Karl Rove, or Jay Sekulow putting up reward money and a full page ad in the Washington Post calling for Obama's impeachment? If anyone did, I sure didn't learn about it.

Well, the criminal/revolutionary left is now doing this very thing. Not only are they releasing criminals back into our neighborhoods, but they are attempting to pull off a coup. This is beyond Rep. Maxine Waters' rants, or Rep. Al Greene's actions in Congress. This action of putting up millions in reward money for "dirt" that will provide ammo for the left to try and impeach Pres. Trump is from none other than Larry Flint of Hustler magazine notoriety.

With the taking down of a Hollywood mogul - Harvey Weinstein - the perverts/criminals see their perverse empire of women abuse for their salacious gratification collapsing before their eyes. So, the perverts on the left are now going full-blown, all out attack on a sitting President who is threatening to wipe out their long standing dominance and control of what I've long held as the biggest influence on our general societal attitude. It has effectively stripped any moral foundation from the nation's mindset; always very subtly pushing the envelope of decency and respect for any moral standards.

Now, the corrupt element of the leftist/elitists who believed they were about to clinch their control by electing Hillary Clinton are now pulling out the big guns to attempt a bloodless coup.

Will the Republican establishment assist them in order to maintain their positions of power and influence? We shall see.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Protecting Human Rights?

For decades liberals/leftists/statists have been persistent at whittling away at our nation's moral underpinning. They've striven in every way possible to convince younger generations entering adulthood that we are a secular society and that government has no role at all in the morality of its citizenry. 

Pass an ordinance here to not allow a Nativity scene in the town square to be on display, or a law there to remove the 10 Commandments from a courthouse there; and we wonder why we've gotten to the point today where some are now boldly claiming that their "rights" are being oppressed when they kneel during the National Anthem is played at the start of NFL games and the fans are offended!

I wouldn't be surprised if a poll is released soon revealing that the majority do not believe Harvey Weinstein's scandal is a big deal and that he's being unnecessarily being harassed.

But, what most of those around our country are not aware of is what President John Adams, our 2nd after George Washington, wrote in a letter to the officers in the Massachusetts militia. To quote from Eric Metaxas's book - If You Can Keep It - about this he wrote on page 61, "That he wrote these words in his official capacity as U.S. President is itself remarkable to our modern sensibilities:"
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or galantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Metaxas follows this quote by saying: "Adams understood that the secret to self-government is that the people must themselves be self-governing, which is to say they must be motivated by something other than the law."

Well, here's the next "death by a thousand cuts" move by the liberals in the Washington, D.C. council; decriminalize prostitution on the basis that it "protects human rights". Forget whether such a move opens the door to related crimes associated with the prostitution trade today; drugs, disease, graft, sex trafficking, black mail, etc! Knowing the nature of the swamp inside the "beltway", I wouldn't be surprised at all if it passes and becomes law.

Clearly, those clamoring for secular laws under the false assertion that Jefferson promoted a "separation of church and state" to mean that we are a secular nation, have today  perverted our laws by claiming they're protecting human rights, but they've also promoted other criminal activities in the process. 

To me, it seems that's precisely the kind of view our former President took about various situations which developed during his terms in office regarding race relations; and it's now starring us in the face.