Saturday, October 14, 2017

Protecting Human Rights?

For decades liberals/leftists/statists have been persistent at whittling away at our nation's moral underpinning. They've striven in every way possible to convince younger generations entering adulthood that we are a secular society and that government has no role at all in the morality of its citizenry. 

Pass an ordinance here to not allow a Nativity scene in the town square to be on display, or a law there to remove the 10 Commandments from a courthouse there; and we wonder why we've gotten to the point today where some are now boldly claiming that their "rights" are being oppressed when they kneel during the National Anthem is played at the start of NFL games and the fans are offended!

I wouldn't be surprised if a poll is released soon revealing that the majority do not believe Harvey Weinstein's scandal is a big deal and that he's being unnecessarily being harassed.

But, what most of those around our country are not aware of is what President John Adams, our 2nd after George Washington, wrote in a letter to the officers in the Massachusetts militia. To quote from Eric Metaxas's book - If You Can Keep It - about this he wrote on page 61, "That he wrote these words in his official capacity as U.S. President is itself remarkable to our modern sensibilities:"
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or galantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Metaxas follows this quote by saying: "Adams understood that the secret to self-government is that the people must themselves be self-governing, which is to say they must be motivated by something other than the law."

Well, here's the next "death by a thousand cuts" move by the liberals in the Washington, D.C. council; decriminalize prostitution on the basis that it "protects human rights". Forget whether such a move opens the door to related crimes associated with the prostitution trade today; drugs, disease, graft, sex trafficking, black mail, etc! Knowing the nature of the swamp inside the "beltway", I wouldn't be surprised at all if it passes and becomes law.

Clearly, those clamoring for secular laws under the false assertion that Jefferson promoted a "separation of church and state" to mean that we are a secular nation, have today  perverted our laws by claiming they're protecting human rights, but they've also promoted other criminal activities in the process. 

To me, it seems that's precisely the kind of view our former President took about various situations which developed during his terms in office regarding race relations; and it's now starring us in the face.

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