Huma Abadin's husband, "Carlos Danger" as Rush likes to call Weiner who was sent to prison for his lewd images to minors.
Hillary Clinton has had several of her emails from your private server as S.O.S. revealed to have contained top secret content; stay tuned on this one. She may yet find herself in stripes doing the "perp walk".
The mainstream media has tried their best to pin a collusion with Russia on "The Don" to get him ousted from the White House, but not one credible shred of evidence has come to the surface.
The Democrats - in cahoots with some Republicans in the establishment - have managed to scream loud and long enough to get a special prosecutor appointed, Robert Muller, who's selected a bevy of lawyers who are almost all Democrat and/or Clinton campaign donors to be part of his team with a carte' blanch directive to fish for anything as far back as necessary to find something to pin on him and make him look bad.
Now, we're in the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandal of being a sexual predator on multiple "A" level movie star females over many years with the bigger issue of it all being the pervasive silence of everyone in the movie industry who knew it was all going on! To top it off, Hillary, in an interview by a BBC reporter, was called on the carpet about her own hypocrisy and she didn't even recognize it about having to do with her own husband and her being in charge of the "Bimbo Eruption" team during Bill's term in office!
Come late November, we'll learn some more government corruption within the F.B.I. about the meeting between D.O.J.'s Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on the tarmac of AZ's airport only two days before the F.B.I.'s announcement regarding Hillary's investigation on her emails.
It seems the liberals have had it good for so long that they don't know when to stop digging their own grave! Now, if A.G. Sessions will just move on it.
Note: This particular comment was right on the money!

”The FBI has “uncovered” documents related to
the June 2016 Arizona tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General
Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton”
Huh. Guess they just ”showed up” all of a sudden, just like all those thousands of stolen FBI files on political opponents of the Clintons during the mid 90’s just ”showed up” mysteriously in some room in the white house.
Huh. Guess they just ”showed up” all of a sudden, just like all those thousands of stolen FBI files on political opponents of the Clintons during the mid 90’s just ”showed up” mysteriously in some room in the white house.
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