Monday, October 30, 2017

More Proof of Insurrection From Within

With the mainstream media supporting the narrative of "white nationalism", KKK, fear, hate, and racism, as justification for groups and organizations such as BLM, antifa, and social justice warriors attacking those who assemble to exercise their first amendment rights, they ignore the more subtle tactics and actions taken against those who schedule events to communicate information and facts to those who attend.
"The travesty is that the anti-free speech leftists and Muslims conduct their operations against the First Amendment under this faux argument that they want to promote dialogue."
Case in point... Shahram Haidian*, are former Muslim from Iran who converted to Christianity and who's family immigrated to Canada and then the U.S. has been harassed and intimidated during his speaking tour through the mid-west this fall. Here's one interesting paragraph pulled from the article which accounts this experience:
"Kirby had to move his event at the last minute to the public library, where he was met by protesters from members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and an allied group called Indivisible, which has been financed by George Soros and has ties to former President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action."
I've commented on Soros and Organizing for Action in the past. What is made even more clear in this article from WND is that there is a coordinated effort by these leftist groups and organizations (Be sure to click on the "Indivisible" link in the pull quote above to read about and watch a training video on this national movement.) to implement the November 4th actions by them in an attempt to shut down Pres. Trump's agenda by using these Saul Alynski tactics used by the former president during his term, but in more subtle ways. Liberals are more effective at their efforts and actions because they are able to doggedly organize those who are unhindered by work. I personally believe this welfare state has been a long range plan of socialists and leftists to utilize the ranks of those who've become dependent on government handouts.

The irony is rich when one thinks back to the day when the Tea Party crowds assembled in Washington, D.C. over too big government and high taxes, and the media did their best to characterize them negatively as threatening and "AstroTurf". Yet, with more recent actions at town halls by liberals shouting down their representatives, the media is characterizing these actions as a resurgence of community activism because the new administration has awakened "grassroots anger". So, which is it?

If this type of social upheaval, intimidation, and threats - both at small speaking events and in various locations around the nation on Nov. 4th - is not dealt with for what it actually is, attempted insurrection and overthrow of our representative republic system of freedom under the law, then we're going to be in for some rough times. Could this particular event be a taste of what might ensue?

I pray they're not successful and our law enforcement is adequately prepared wherever these events occur and are dealt with effectively to prevent any harm or damage . Keep alert and safe! If we buckle to their disregard for our 1st amendment right to say our views on a topic or group that threatens our culture, then we need to take a stand and defend it at the local level like the man in the video within the article linked above.

It was Pres. Lincoln who aptly pointed out that the only way our nation would be destroyed was from within.

* Shahram was a resident of Everett where he was minister of his church and ran for Washington State Governor in 2012. He later moved to eastern Washington and has been very active in exposing the truth about Islam and their long range intentions for America.

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