Monday, October 30, 2017

What Is America To Me?

Tonight Laura Ingraham debuted her show, The Ingraham Angle. Her opening monologue was classic Laura, memorable enough for me to want to transcribe it here for posterity; even though it is on video here.
I want to start by posing a basic question. The one that Sinatra asked in that old song, 'What is America to me?' It's a question that gets lost in the constant infighting that consume us here in Washington. Ronald Reagan said that the American dream is not that every man must be level with every other man, the American dream is that every man must become what God intends he should become.
But over the past few decades, the government became an obstacle to realizing that dream. Look, politics is supposed to b a career devoted to public service; protecting our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But for too long it was dominated by special interests, big business, and, of course, the media elite. The politicians were supposed to be helping you! Instead, they helped themselves. They were elected to run the government, not to run you over with it.
Millions of Americans voted for Trump because they'd had enough. They were tired of being bullied by politicians, and the so called "experts" who gave us endless wars, saddled us with 20 trillion dollars and left us with a border more wide open than Harvey Weinstein's robe. They were tired of the ruling bi-partisan elites in Washington and a media establishment that didn't just cover them, but covered for them.
Day to day, what do most of you worry about? Paying the bills, sending your kids to a decent school, your health care, maybe saving something for your retirement? Most of us, I think, want three things; prosperity, safety, liberty. And that includes preserving our history. 
So far, despite the endless, negative reporting we the people are doing pretty good under Trump. The economy is soaring, unemployment is down, the trade deficit is down, Trump is renegotiating NAFTA and other unfair trade deals, he's reforming the VA, he's appointed incredible judges to the bench - more coming this week - and, of course, Justice Gorsich to the Supreme Court. He's enforcing the border, novel concept, and deporting violent criminals. Who doesn't want that?
So,what are Trump's opponents resisting again? I'll tell ya. What they're really resisting is losing power! The people took the power back on election day. And the establishment is mad as hell. Let's face it, they really don't like the American people; not very much, at least, or their forefathers.
There's a self loathing in the air... do you feel it? Forces hell bent on erasing our historical memory? American monuments, works of art, literature, the works of men and women who imperfectly made their mark on the American experiment are being ripped from the classrooms and the public square. The memories and works of Washington, Jefferson, General Lee, heck even Harper Lee, are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
What kind of country are we leaving our children? We owe future generations the opportunity to understand the glories, and yes, the sins, of the people who made these United States of America. Our children have a right to be fully informed, a right to a complete record of what went before, and yes, the chance to ask themselves, in time, what is America to me?
In George Washington's farewell address, written with Alexander Hamilton, he said, 'Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens...' What we believe, our love of God, family and country.
These aren't trite relics of the past, but are at the core of who we are as Americans. This show is going to be about all of this. And certainly the cultural, political and legal battles of the day. But something more... how all that affects your life and that of your family's. I take all of this very personally. I'm doing this because I care about what's happening to this country, to our children, and our children's children.
 Now, there'll be times when you disagree with me, and sometimes vehemently so. And I'm sure you're gonna let me know. But all I'll say is I'm gonna call it as I see it, as I've done for the past twenty years. And I'm going to get answers for you, and I'm gonna hold the powerful accountable - and that includes you, Mr. President - and every night with you, we'll continue to ask this question; what is America to me? To all of us.

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