Sunday, November 12, 2017

The State of Politics

For those of us who've been around long enough to have experienced our nation's political process it's obvious to those who've paid attention that our struggle for who's agenda gets a chance to move the nation forward hasn't changed much. Granted, in our younger years on the planet we were more naive' and less aware of the subtle goings on that our inexperience didn't register. 

Yet, there seems to me to have been one aspect of politics which has turned more ugly and sinister of late; the way candidates are taken down, or out of the running in order to gain the advantage whether it's the opposition, or the candidates' own party. This particular aspect is merely allegation against him or her who poses a threat to the established order.

The media, of course, is eager to disseminate allegations for they generate more interest. Then again, they're notorious in ignoring the 4 year investigation of sitting Senator Bob Menendez who's been convicted of cavorting with child prostitutes in another country. This simple fact, in my view, is a perfect example of why the media promotes rumor and innuendo - whether it violates the reason our laws ignore such salacious ideas until evidence proves otherwise - out of its own selfish interest to make money regardless of whether it destroys someone or not. That, in my book, is evil!

The Roy Moore for Senate race in Alabama is exactly why I'm posting this topic today. Over the past several days, Moore has vehemently denied the allegations that he supposedly touched inappropriately a 14 year old girl when he was a 32 year old attorney general in Alabama FORTY TWO years ago. When you think about this, one can't help but conclude that some opposition agent spent weeks, if not months, sniffing around and seeking out someone who had some kind of dirt on him. These are the type of people who have no decency or scruples, and operate on the concept that winning at any price is justified.

In the past, when someone was alleged to have done something like this, common decency in our society - and before the Democrats were taken over by the ultra-leftists - such claims would be investigated first for proof that could be used in a court of law to convict the individual. Now, if anything is found that could be used against them to sully their reputation at all, its shared with the media as headline news and the target has to spend energy defending their self, rather than focus on their policies as a candidate to win votes. This is known by Dems as targeting and marginalizing by Saul Alynski rules.

For an alternative, but highly informative, perspective on this issue, I recommend watching Stefan Molyneux's video at this link. He covers motive, character, timing and consistency of the accusers and those who back them in such a unique situation.

Now, what's even more telling is that the GOP - but more so in the Senate - has announced they're taking away any financial support from any candidate that's attacked in this manner. Yet, here's what Moore himself states in one of his outreach pieces regarding this investigation; decide for yourself:
As you know, I've been closely scrutinized in the press and the liberal media for forty years . . .
I've been investigated by politically-motivated Attorney Generals and judicial commissions on several occasions . . .
I've run five campaigns against opponents who did opposition research against me -- including statewide elections, county elections and two major battles over religious liberty and the Ten Commandments . . .
The truth is, I've probably been investigated as much as anyone in the entire country.
Yet the liberal media and GOP establishment expects voters to believe these false accusations made after forty years, just a few short weeks before this critical December 12 Special Election?

This only shows how much the elites believe that we the unwashed masses are stupid and gullible, that we're not intelligent enough to see through their game. Sadly, it seems they're counting on the fact that there are more today who fit this description. Only the local people of Alabama really know what type of character Judge Roy Moore really is and only they can vote for, or against him.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Orleans Saints Stranded On Runway

The New Orleans Saints made the mistake of once again disrespecting our veterans, our country and our flag. After an embarrassing opening to a game with the worst ratings in Saints’ history, the players and coaches learned that their actions have consequences.

Both the pilot and co-pilot of the Boeing 737 the Saints use to travel are combat-hardened American heroes. They flew sorties over Baghdad with Saddam’s best weapons firing back. They fought with their lives for your freedom and watched many of their friends die. Today they took a stand for those brave souls:
“We couldn’t be a party to the disrespect. We waited until we were cleared and last off the runway for the night , walked out of the cockpit, took a knee and deplaned. They’re not going anywhere until tomorrow.”
Looks like the group of thugs should have just considered themselves lucky they’re allowed to make millions for playing a game and stood with respect like they’re told to do in the league rulebook.

This week was the worst week in NFL history for ratings. Next week will be worse.
"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." ~ Benjamin Franklin ~

Friday, November 10, 2017

Trump's First Year

In her newest Final Thoughts commentary, Tomi Lahren reflects on the one-year anniversary of President Trump's election victory.\

It's time for Final Thoughts and I'm not angry today. No. In fact, I'm pretty darn happy.

Why? Because I am damn proud of what our president has accomplished in the year since we shocked the world and elected him our 45th president.

Don't let the leftist mainstream media fool you, Donald Trump is winning and with him, the American people.

Yeah, ISIS is probably not too happy since we've nearly eradicated their poison from the Middle East.

After 8 years of watching our enemies get stronger, we've finally got a president that actually wants to win.

We've got a military fighting force no longer shackled by Obama Administration kid gloves and we've got a president who enables them to be the fighting force they are trained to be, not the sitting ducks President Obama forced them to be.

North Korea's little rocket man has also been put on notice, this president doesn't waver.

Oh and Iran, he's watching you too.

And it's not just the U.S. Military that feels the support.

Our brave law enforcement officers finally have an advocate in the Oval Office and the Justice Department who respect the line they hold for us and communities every single day of the year.

And, despite the gloom and doom predictions of the so-called "expert economists," our stock market is booming.

In fact, on the one-year anniversary of Trump's win, the Dow has booked its best-ever first year under a new administra-tion since 1945.

How's that for proving 'em wrong?

We've also added 1.5 million jobs and chart and economic expansion of at least 3% for two quarters in a row.

Oh and Never Trumpers, despite your best efforts to elect Crooked Hillary, our President Donald Trump brought a true conservative of the Supreme Court. You're welcome.

That's not all: illegal border crossing is way down, wall prototypes are in the works, as well as historic tax cuts for the American people.

But I can hear the snowflakes now, "His approval ratings are low and his tweets are mean!" Boo-hoo-hoo.

Before you get too excited about your poll numbers and ratings, remember those same polls told us Hillary had a 98.1% chance of winning.

President Trump is putting America First and the world knows it. Meanwhile, what have the rest of our representatives done? I'll tell you - - nothing! What about the Democrats? They've protested, resisted and insisted half the country is racist.

And what about the "F@#k Donald Trump crowd?" Oh yea, they've rioted in the streets, burned flags, removed statues and sat for the national anthem. Wow... Productive!

What about the Hollywood elite? What have they contributed? Bad jokes, harassment scandals, and dismal ratings at their elitist award shows - hold the applause.

Keep your race bait, your vulgar signs, your publicity stunts, your dumb hats, your whining, your conspiracy theories and hot air.

Donald Trump is making America Great Again with or without your blessing.

Those are my final thoughts. From L.A., God Bless and take care.

See all of Tomi's Final Thoughts, exclusively on Fox News 
Insider, and follow her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

To NFL Players, Coaches and Owners

If I have brain cancer, I don’t ask my dentist what I should do. If my car has a problem, I don’t seek help from a plumber! Why do you think the public cares what a football player thinks about politics? If we want to know about football, then depending on the information we seek, we might consult with you, but even a quarterback doesn’t seek advice on playing his position from a defensive tackle!

You seem to have this over inflated view of yourselves, thinking because you enjoy working on such a large scale stage, that somehow your opinion about everything matters. The NFL realizes the importance of its “image” so it has rules that specify the clothes and insignia you can wear, the language you use, and your “antics” after a touchdown or other “great” play. But somehow you and your employer don’t seem to care that you disgrace the entire nation and its 320 million people in the eyes of the world by publicly disrespecting this country, its flag, and its anthem! The taxpaying citizens of this country subsidize your plush work environments, yet you choose to use those venues to openly offend those very citizens.

Do you even understand what the flag of this country means to so many of its citizens before you choose to “take a knee” in protest of this “country" during our national anthem?

You may think because you are paid so much that your job is tough, but you are clueless when it comes to tough.

You are spoiled babies who stand around and have staff squirt GatorAid in your mouths, sit in front of misting cooling fans when it’s warm, and sit on heated benches when it's cold. That’s not “tough” that's pampered.

You think that you deserve to be paid excessively high salaries, because you play a “dangerous" game where you can incur career ending injuries.

You think you that you deserve immediate medical attention and the best medical facilities and doctors when injured.

You think you have the right to disrespect the flag of the United States, the one our veterans fought for, risked limbs and mental stability to defend, in many cases died for.

All you have to do to understand why I say these things, is to visit a V.A. Hospital once in a while and witness those men and women who've had their arms and/or legs blown off, their psyche shattered from the unbelievable things they've had to go through, or attend a graveside funeral - either in your home town, or at Arlington National Cemetery - to watch the spouse and children of those who've lost their loved one being handed a folded flag.

Then, perhaps, it may dawn on you that kneeling during our national anthem is not such a smart, or respectful, action despite your perceived grievances about racial oppression as a player in the NFL making millions. (And I say, perhaps, because if your already taking a knee, you've demonstrated that you're not thinking too clearly and you're just going along to be part of the current trend.)

From a veteran of the Vietnam War, U.S. Air Force. 

More Powerful Than Our Government?

The recent news that a Google employee was fired over a thesis document about gender diversity has illustrated just how pervasive political correctness has gotten out of control in our modern culture.

To better understand what this issue is actually about, I invite you to view this five minute video from Prager U titled, "What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?". The reason for titling this post the way I did is revealed near the end. I guarantee it will get you to thinking about what's going on when it comes to where our culture is heading.

What's ironic about posting this topic, is that this blog is run by Google. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ...

Why Many Don't Trust Our Media

Yes, we lead busy lives and most of us count on our favorite channel we turn on when we want to hear, or watch, the news to be honest, unbiased, and trustworthy. At least this is what reporting used to be many decades ago. (Although, I sometimes can't help but wonder just how far back in time we'd need to go to actually find it since we've had "yellow journalism" as far back as the early 1900s.)

Today, we have the advantage of the Internet to access unfiltered, or differently viewed, news from other countries where the bias isn't influencing what is consumed here in the U.S. It's now commonly understood that this is true by simply going to some of the news sites in the U.K. for this difference in perspective of what's going on because those sites don't have a "dog in the fight".

This more recent Prager U video titled, "Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media", does a good job of illustrating the finer points of why this is more true today than has been in the past. Check it out.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

And Now, Liberals Attack Our Prayers

The following initial script is from the Laura Ingraham show and her intro titled, "The Ingraham Angle" in response to the tragic massacre in Texas last Sunday at the Baptist Church where so many lives were lost:

"... the power of prayer, that's apparently a threat to people. We're gonna have more on all those stories throughout the hour. But first, the latest on Sunday's horrific mass shooting in Southerland Springs, Texas. 

The more we learn about Devin Patrick Kelly, the more shocking it is that he was ever able to purchase a gun. Now, not only did this freak assault his wife, and fracture the skull of his step-son, but he also escaped from a mental hospital in that same time frame. 

Now, despite this, the Air Force never entered him into an FBI data-base, and that cleared the way for him to purchase the weapons he used during the shooting spree; absolutely incredible! [Conjecture is growing that this failure, during the Obama administration, was possibly due to the general tone of how the military was being changed in 2012. You know, the same manner in which Obama treated Bergdahl's family and the remarks made in the Rose Garden?]

Now back in Southerland Springs, we're hearing about the many acts of heroism at the First Baptist Church, from those who survived and from those who, of course, succumbed. By now, you've heard about Steven Williford, the plumber who stopped the shooting by engaging with the killer with a gun of his own. 

And tonight, we're learning more about another person, Joan Ward.  This mother of four died in a heroic attempt to shield her own children from the killer. [She lost two of the four, with one still in critical condition - her 5 year old son, Ryland - and one daughter, Rihanna, who survived.]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Watching the rest of this on video is available here which includes some powerful remarks in interviews with a close friend of Joan Ward, and the Texas Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick, who spoke with Williford, the plumber who engaged the killer as he came out of the church, in case you haven't already seen this segment from Ingraham's show.

And, Brittany Hughes, from MRCTV, has some great comments to make about this attack by liberals on this latest tragedy. You don't want to miss this!

Also, Sen. Ted Cruz makes some interesting remarks on Shannon Bream's show about how the Dems filibustered a bill in 2012 that would have kept this monster from being able to get his guns!