Thursday, November 9, 2017

Why Many Don't Trust Our Media

Yes, we lead busy lives and most of us count on our favorite channel we turn on when we want to hear, or watch, the news to be honest, unbiased, and trustworthy. At least this is what reporting used to be many decades ago. (Although, I sometimes can't help but wonder just how far back in time we'd need to go to actually find it since we've had "yellow journalism" as far back as the early 1900s.)

Today, we have the advantage of the Internet to access unfiltered, or differently viewed, news from other countries where the bias isn't influencing what is consumed here in the U.S. It's now commonly understood that this is true by simply going to some of the news sites in the U.K. for this difference in perspective of what's going on because those sites don't have a "dog in the fight".

This more recent Prager U video titled, "Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media", does a good job of illustrating the finer points of why this is more true today than has been in the past. Check it out.

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