Friday, November 17, 2017

She Said, He Said

Our nation's latest crisis is the news over sexual harassment. The shock began with the revelations about mogul Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood. The credibility of it from reputable and multiple stars set the liberals on their heels and shattered the "open secret" that has existed for far too long. Next came Kevin Spacey; another top actor. This opened the door to exposing the truth behind just how gross, perverted, and polluted the glitter and glamour of Tinseltown has become.

On the opposite side of the continent, the swamp creature known as "Turtleface" - I refuse to identify him by name - has reared his head by using 40 year old accusations which are yet to be substantiated with credible proof by highly questionable women to come out and claim sexual inappropriateness to attempt to destroy a candidate for Senate that "Turtleface" want eliminated from the ticket only 30 days from the vote in the special election of Alabama. 

I've wondered a few times how different things would have been had candidate Moore said when these accusations first came out something like... "Ladies and Gentlemen, When I was a young man before getting married and having a family I did some pretty stupid things. But I recognized my sins back then, was saved from continuing them by accepting Jesus Christ as my savior, and changed to a life committed to honesty, truth and purity to my wife and family. That was almost 35 years ago. I have since dedicated my life to the values of upholding the laws of God and country, and will continue to do so if you elect me to represent you in the Senate." Understanding what the social situation is in Alabama, I surmise that this would have completely taken any wind out of the sails of this extremely unfortunate situation.

While I admire this man's stand (to me it is an indication of his true character) against the highly questionable timing of these tactics by the left, it seems that we've now entered into a new period that has undertones of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1600s. It concerns me that we have only seen the beginning of this episode of "She said, He said." Might this turn into a type of McCarthyism from the early '50s because this type of behavior has been allowed to simmer due to silence by many for so long now?

Sides have begun to be taken by the talking heads of the media complex. Even while they try their best to be unbiased and not rush to judgement, others aren't allowing the opportunity to act sanctimonious; as though their side could never do any such thing. No, they portray their own as paragons of virtue. To me, this just reveals how secular our society has become. When there's been such a drastic shift away from the virtuous values and principles inherent in living a morally strong life, as the advice of the author of Proverbs has warned us, then this is what we reap as a society.

In the mid to late '60s, when I saw social change occurring drastically while going through high school, my gut told me that this time in history would be the turning point we as a nation would come to regret. I pray it will help our nation return to a more decent, respectful and loving culture in the years to come.

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