Monday, April 9, 2018

Get Ready... Your Cutlery Is Next!

The insanity of blaming inanimate objects for social/cultural dysfunction and conflict today has just reached a whole new level. Now, with the mayor of London just announcing that anyone caught on the streets by police with a knife on their person will be prosecuted for carrying a weapon. This is due to the out of control stabbing problem which has occurred there in the last few months. 

So, I recommend that you start practicing having a "talking to" with your Swiss Army knife you keep in that little pocket above the big pocket on your right side of your denim jeans for cutting box string, or using that little pair of scissors that you trim that hang nail with, because that - in London at least for now - is considered a murder weapon! (Haven't we been arguing this point before? Oh well, who's listening anyway?)

What's next? That baseball bat you're carrying to the game at school you've organized for a game? How about those fists you can make when you curl your fingers tight? The words you use to insult, or cause emotional harm to someone with? I mean... where does this stop? Over time, it never will.

Don't ask me if the reason why the stabbings in London is not because of the knives, but the people who wield them and their personal ideologies which may motivate them to do that, because that might offend those knife wielding individuals... and we wouldn't want to do that, now would we? But, of course, it makes perfect sense to impose a new restriction that only the law abiding Brit would obey, while the criminal - a.k.a. unlawful person - is going to laugh and think to themselves, "Why, thank you mayor, you've just made my plans to knife another person so much less dangerous for me now that I know most people on the street will be defenseless even more so now." 

As before the knife restriction, they'll hit, then quickly slip away into the crowd while everyone else grabs their cell phone, turns on their video camera and entertains dreams of being the next viral star on YouTube or some other less restrictive social network provider, or sells their gruesome footage of the blood and gore to the local news outlet and makes their fortune.

Here's Brittany Hughes on MRCTV with her version of this news.

As the Rich Are Getting Richer...

The rich are getting richer, and the poor are... also getting richer. What's driving this wealth creation process? In this video, Daniel Hannan explains why it is capitalism — and capitalism alone — that has led to the unprecedented enrichment that is the central fact of Western life.

This viewpoint is anathema to what public schools are teaching today in the K-16 system. Rather than considering the benefits of capitalism, they're targeting the resentment inherent in human nature to harp on the narrow minded negatives of capitalism.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Ignoring of National Security Crime

For almost a year now the Democrats have been ignoring what could prove to be one of the greatest national security breaches and crimes our nation has witnessed for decades. Instead, they're busily ranting and foaming at the mouth about Trump and his supposed "collusion, or obstruction of justice, with the Russian meddling in the election of 2016.

But, as time has gone by, news has fed the 24 hour news cycle with new accounts of convenient "distractions" allowing the House Democrats to easily ignore, and the public to forget, a very disturbing and dangerous act of espionage. What's that you say? What in the world am I referring to? I'm sure that you've already seen the image at the top of this post and am hoping the image of these two has sufficiently jogged your memory. 

If not, below is what I wrote to my 9th Congressional District representative, Adam Smith, to see what type of response he'd give. While I'm not holding my breath that he's going to respond with anything significant, I urge any readers who understand the importance of this issue, and who are his constituents, to also write him, and help put the heat on him for this matter. If we don't then he rests easy knowing we're not rattling his cage.
I contact you, Rep. Smith, to learn what your position is on a story that involves political corruption, alleged cyber security breaches, the potential sharing of private constituent info, possible large-scale fraud, cover-ups, and threats to our national security.

As your constituent, I believe I, along with the hundreds of thousands of other constituents in your congressional district, deserve to know precisely where you stand on this issue.

New reports have emerged that dozens of House Democrats waived the background checks on the Awan Brothers — the House I.T. aides handling their cyber security and with access to their email systems. Of course, with all the new news flooding the media this story has gone silent and, sadly, even our Justice Department and much of Congress — are all ignoring.

If you truly stand for rule of law, justice and representing your constituency, I ask why... Why is this being suppressed? Why is this being withheld? Is it because it has to do with 40 some odd members of Congress? Is it because it has to do with the theft of the Democratic Caucus server? Because it touches the current serving A.G. of California? Is it because Debbie Wasserman-Sshultz, who'd been a Democratic Leader up until the time your own party bounced her for steering the election in favor of Hillary Clinton and away from Bernie Sanders? All this ties together.

That Awan was allowed to remain on salary for months after it was known this hacking of your caucus server had occurred, his wife having fled the country already, and was wiring money overseas, is the biggest espionage act our nation has had in decades.

I eagerly await your clear, concise explanation of what your position is regarding this travesty of national security. And please, spare me the boiler plate response on this matter. Enough of that. For once, answer me directly and to the point.
 Should you be inclined to get the detailed facts regarding this topic, I urge you to use this link to watch the video presented by Judicial Watch who went to Capitol Hill to sound the alarm on this matter.

What Really Was M.L.K.'s Message? - 50 Years Later

The marches, protests and rallies held by today's youth and the media claim they're carrying on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. of the '50s and '60s when I was in school, but they are deceiving the public today who are no longer aware of the truth regarding his movement.

Alveta King was recently interviewed about her Uncle on this 50th anniversary of his assassination and clarifies what his cause was really focused on. I urge readers to use the link provided here below, read it, and share it with others who could benefit from knowing what that real purpose was, who might not today. It's apparent to me that public schools and colleges don't, and have good reason not to!

I believe Alveta's daddy was accurate when he corrected her as she wept in his arms over the news of her Uncle being murdered.

5 Questions For Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Niece, 50 Years After His Murder

Friday, April 6, 2018

Tax Payer Dollars Support Socialist Foreign Government?

Mr. Handsome himself... George Soros
Yes, this has now been revealed as a fact by Judicial Watch's FOIA request of State Department documents during the Obama administration.

Tucker Carlson covered this topic recently here.  


G. Edward Griffin's "Need to Know" site covered it here as well.

Question: How long will we have to wait for the DOJ to open an investigation into this? Don't hold your breath!

Monday, April 2, 2018

How Ignorance Is Usually Dangerous

The title in the image above may seem confusing to most readers because they disagree with the concept totally. What if there was more to this concept than, pardon the pun, meets the eye. Consider this point... Today we are witnessing many examples of how the younger generations are espousing ideas or concepts which claim to be correcting past injustices. But what if such things are based on a lack of knowledge about the perceived injustice?

Ignorance has been the common theme throughout history. However, if we rationally and honestly examine the various ideas of misguided ideas, notions, or concepts, it becomes apparent that they were, or are, misguided and deceptive.

Case in point, as this latest Prager U video points out, the concept of "An eye for an eye" was not some ancient law that actually meant we should injure anyone who committed an injustice to someone else, but that every person was of equal value rather than the older law established by kings of previous civilizations - like Babylon - that nobility's value was more important than commoners.

This changes one's understanding of the motive, or reasoning, behind such maxims of evolving civilization's concepts significantly. So, if today's youth are demanding a past perceived immorality justifies tearing down a statue of someone from a prior era because it doesn't deserve to stand, now that we are "enlightened" and won't tolerate any such public reminders of that past, then ignorance in many cases is most likely acting on misunderstood, or incorrect premises, and not on the real educated reason why something existed in the past. If this is difficult to follow, watching the video should make it more clear.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Is Mexico Our Border Enemy?

You be the judge of that. 

To those who think the United States should no longer have any sovereignty, or borders, and will suffer not consequences to it culture if we allow just anyone to come to our country because we're virtue signaling how wonderfully compassionate we are, then this article will not concern you. Move on, there's nothing to be concerned about here.

However, if you believe our nation is still a sovereign one, with a Constitution which protects those who were legally born here and thereby have rights such as voting legally, and that controlling our borders and protecting our rights is critically important to our culture of law and order, then you might want to read this article to understand why I've used such a question for the title of this post. Here's further information on this topic.

That this religious weekend is being used to bolster the compassion of those who consider themselves pious and compassionate by allowing foreigners into our country with disregard to our nation's immigration laws, is despicable and wholly illegal. Any nation who does so is inviting trouble - we're already clearly seeing this in such states as California - will impose chaos and lament on the land in years to come.

Personally, I'm convinced that there is an organized conspiracy by the leftist/socialists to use this issue of considering foreigners as deserving to be part of our communities without respect of the federal laws is a means to achieve their objective of regaining their position of power at the national level - increasing their voter rolls - to further their socialist agenda of shredding the Constitution and turning this blessed nation away from its traditional heritage of God, family and country as the last, best place on earth for freedom and liberty.