Sunday, April 1, 2018

Is Mexico Our Border Enemy?

You be the judge of that. 

To those who think the United States should no longer have any sovereignty, or borders, and will suffer not consequences to it culture if we allow just anyone to come to our country because we're virtue signaling how wonderfully compassionate we are, then this article will not concern you. Move on, there's nothing to be concerned about here.

However, if you believe our nation is still a sovereign one, with a Constitution which protects those who were legally born here and thereby have rights such as voting legally, and that controlling our borders and protecting our rights is critically important to our culture of law and order, then you might want to read this article to understand why I've used such a question for the title of this post. Here's further information on this topic.

That this religious weekend is being used to bolster the compassion of those who consider themselves pious and compassionate by allowing foreigners into our country with disregard to our nation's immigration laws, is despicable and wholly illegal. Any nation who does so is inviting trouble - we're already clearly seeing this in such states as California - will impose chaos and lament on the land in years to come.

Personally, I'm convinced that there is an organized conspiracy by the leftist/socialists to use this issue of considering foreigners as deserving to be part of our communities without respect of the federal laws is a means to achieve their objective of regaining their position of power at the national level - increasing their voter rolls - to further their socialist agenda of shredding the Constitution and turning this blessed nation away from its traditional heritage of God, family and country as the last, best place on earth for freedom and liberty.

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