Monday, April 16, 2018

Turning Law & Order On Its Head

In my previous post, I shared an article titled "Black Lives DO Matter". It uses statistics in a factual, but sarcastic way to illustrate how this group of social agitators are doing their best to convince the public that anything done by any police officer is out of malice and racist motives toward those of color.

Any individual who has a modicum of common sense, and has experienced years of social interaction, knows that this  premise is bogus. They understand that most police they meet or know are decent, fair people, and that most of such claims are actually the bias of those making the claim, or that it only serves to further their socialist/radical agenda to attempt to turn our societal norms which allow for civility and law and order into a shift in the power structure.

How can I say this? Simple. If one watches and considers what is presented in this latest Prager U video about police officers doing their job, it will become clear. Sure, nearly everyone who gets pulled over by a police cruiser for speeding, or some other traffic infraction tends to view the circumstance as though the police officer is just selecting us out to ruin our day and harass us.

However, when our frustration about it has passed after some time and we think rationally about it, most of us realize that it was ourself who was in the wrong, and we deserved the ticket or other action taken by that police officer. That's what they're there for, to see that the laws, however much we disagree with them, are enforced for the good of society and its safety. 

That's what civil society is about. Without it, chaos and lawlessness reigns.

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