Thursday, April 26, 2018

Guns In Schools - The Debate Rages On

 I've addressed this issue in a few of my previous posts here, but this debate seems to have taken on a life of its own.

Background: As a retired teacher in public schools for 30 years, I have what liberals would consider a very odd view on this issue. In my late 20s after only being in the profession a short time, I started out getting involved in the teacher's union since my state has a law which requires new entries into any public school to become a dues paying union member. (Please, be patient, I will get to the guns in a bit.)

This irritated me, so, I felt I should at least be involved at the local level so I could better understand what the union was doing for me in exchange for taking monthly dues from my income.

In the second year of my involvement I decided to attend the NEA's national convention in Minneapolis, MN as an alternate delegate from my state. I went with the expectation that I would be spending time learning how I could be a better instructor; improve my teaching skills. 

Yet, for one day's morning time on the floor of the convention with delegates from all states and territories, the discussion was on what should be in a letter to then Pres. Reagan chastising him for funding the Contras in Nicaragua. 

It was at this point that I knew what the purpose of the teacher's union was; exercise political clout.

My next revelation as to their political agenda was when the sign at the entrance to my elementary school's parking lot from the main road at the front was posted. It read, "Gun Free Zone".

Having recently lost my brother to a gang member with a gun, I understood all too well just how vulnerable this sign made me feel. 

I was a defenseless individual who had a concealed carry permit - that's right, I'm a law abiding, second amendment rights citizen exercising his ability unlike the individual who killed my brother - and knew how to use it, but I couldn't, or I risked being fired immediately for defending myself and my students.

So, after so many events of school mass shooting over the course of the rest of my career, I had to just pray that nothing ever happened in my school.

Now, after being retired for several years, the Parkland, FL incident has brought the issue to the front burner in the social media arena and we see articles popping up here and there almost every day. Here are only a couple of examples.

Our state governor has now gone as far as saying, "We are not going to have second graders packing on the hip at school." or something close to this, as if to make jest that such a proposal was being made. And the reason why is, the WEA and the NEA are going to fight this sensible measure to stop mass killings where everyone's like fish in a barrel, with every ounce of fight they've got in them!

Honestly, I doubt I'll see any serious legislation by Congress on this topic before I die. And that's why, sadly, more young students will die needlessly.

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