Friday, March 30, 2018

Back Door Gun Control

If the Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, and the City Council have their way those living within Seattle's city limits will be subjected to the mercy of the criminal element lurking their neighborhoods. After all, if they can get away with ignoring federal immigration laws to protect illegals, why should they  worry about the Constitution's 2nd amendment?

Here's what the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action has recently alerted 2nd amendment supporters about:
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmember M. Lorena González have announced their intention to introduce legislation to impose a one-size-fits-all method of storing firearms as well as punishing victims of theft by requiring reporting of lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours.
If they can't repeal the 2nd amendment, then they can try locking individual's firearms up so they essentially become useless for however much time it will take for the owner to access it, while hoping the intruder into their home doesn't already have the tactical advantage over them with the intruder's own weapon thrust in the face, or knife at their throat.

This move, I suspect, is a result of the pressure city council members and the Mayor are getting from their constituents who firmly believe that if you just talk nicely and smile, no one will have any malice, bad intentions, toward them. Knowing Khama Shawant and her extreme views on how to remedy issues, and for the radical socialist she is has proposed, I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to "one-up" the Mayor by initiating her own suggestion to pass a city ordinance requiring all guns within the city limits; believing that there would no longer be any "assault" weapons remaining with which to threaten anyone.

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