Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Liberal Interview Tactic

It's become apparent to me that the liberal tactic whenever one is invited onto a conservative news show like Tucker Carlson, or Laura Ingraham for instance, is to do whatever is necessary to get their talking points across in whichever way accomplishes that objective. I've seen this type of tactic implemented time after time on a variety of shows; mostly on Fox News shows though.

Yes, they understand that they must use any opportunity they get to bolster their narrative of activism using this strategy when asked to come on and explain themselves for the apparent hypocrisy they're exhibiting. And why is this happening? They know they're losing the propaganda campaign they've engaged in to discredit our President now that Trump is getting things done!

Case in point... Mayor Catherine Pugh, of Baltimore, MD was recently on the Laura Ingraham Show to explain why she was having the city of Baltimore provide buses for transportation to the March 20th march/rally to be held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Pay close attention to how this interview goes on for 10 minutes. What does she say is her goal, in answer to Laura's initial question of providing transportation? This is KEY! (This point is directly related to the coordinated agenda of the left. While watching this video on YouTube, should you see another video off to the side about "Indoctrination Factories" from Laura's show, I urge you to also watch it to understand why I say this is a coordinated effort by the left.) Note the apparent behavior of the Mayor in how gracious, courteous, and respectful she is. Also, notice how she deflects answers to questions Laura poses to her regarding the blatant hypocrisy of paying for transportation to a protest in contrast to the abysmal record the city has had in educational matters there in Baltimore. It's just so heart warming!
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Note: On an unrelated, but ideologically similar topic, this article about liberal's elitist attitude makes a great point. Here's one sentence from it:

One of the left’s favorite tactics is calling their opponents “uneducated.”

As a former educator myself, I know of this tactic all too well.

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